116 research outputs found

    Application de la méthode de rétrodiffusion des électrons à la mesure en continu des faibles épaisseurs de revêtements légers sur métaux ou alliages légers

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    Le problème envisagé concerne la mesure en continu des faibles épaisseurs de revêtements organiques sur métaux ou alliages légers. Nous étudions les caractéristiques d'une jauge à rétrodiffusion β opérant sous atmosphère d'hélium. Nous montrons que le fait de travailler sous hélium améliore les résultats de façon très importante. L'influence de l'énergie de la source radio-active et du numéro atomique du revêtement sont examinés. Les résultats obtenus concernent également la précision, le temps de mesure ainsi que la surface de l'échantillon sous investigation

    Estrogen Receptor Alpha Expression in Ovarian Cancer Predicts Longer Overall Survival

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    Estrogen as a potential factor of ovarian carcinogenesis, acts via two nuclear receptors, estrogen receptor alpha (ERα) and estrogen receptor beta (ERβ), but the cellular signal pathways involved are not completely clear so far. In this study we have described the expression of ERα, detected by immunocytochemistry in 11 ovarian carcinoma cell lines and by immunohistochemistry in 43 Federation Internationale des Gyneacologistes et Obstetristes stage III ovarian carcinoma specimens prepared before and after treatment with cisplatin-based schemes. For cisplatin resistance is a major obstacle in the treatment of ovarian carcinoma, analysis of cisplatin sensitivity in 11 ovarian carcinoma cell line was also performed. The strong nuclear ERα expression was only shown in the single A2780P cell line. Expression of ERα in tissue specimens did not reveal any correlations between histopathological parameters (histologic type and grading). We demonstrated a significant association with ERα expression in specimens from primary laparotomies (PL) and cause–specific survival. In the cases terminated by death of the patient, overall immunoreactivity score of ERα expression at PL was significantly lower than in surviving patients. In addition, Kaplan-Meier analysis revealed significantly shorter overall survival time and progression-free time in cases with lower immunoreactivity score of ERα expression at PL. Our findings support the hypothesis that aberrant hormone activity, by way of altered receptor expression, might be an important factor in the malignant transformation of ovarian cancer

    Twin births, sex of children and maternal risk of ovarian cancer: a cohort study in Norway

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    In a follow-up of 1 208 001 women aged 20–74 years, no significant association was found between twin births (112 cases) and risk, though those with twin girls had a non-significantly higher risk than those with singleton births; among the latter, those with girls only had a higher risk of endometrioid tumours (incidence rate ratio 1.35; 95% confidence interval 1.03–1.76, based on 475 cases) than women with boys only
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