126 research outputs found

    Bridges of longest cycles

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    AbstractThis paper is concerned with bridges of longest cycles in 3-connected non-hamiltonian graphs. Let G be such a graph and let d(u)+d(υ)⩾m for each pair of non-adjacent vertices u and υ. Let the length of its longest cycle C be r. Then the length of any bridge of G is at most r-m+2

    Vertex-Coloring 2-Edge-Weighting of Graphs

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    A kk-{\it edge-weighting} ww of a graph GG is an assignment of an integer weight, w(e)∈{1,…,k}w(e)\in \{1,\dots, k\}, to each edge ee. An edge weighting naturally induces a vertex coloring cc by defining c(u)=∑u∼ew(e)c(u)=\sum_{u\sim e} w(e) for every u∈V(G)u \in V(G). A kk-edge-weighting of a graph GG is \emph{vertex-coloring} if the induced coloring cc is proper, i.e., c(u)≠c(v)c(u) \neq c(v) for any edge uv∈E(G)uv \in E(G). Given a graph GG and a vertex coloring c0c_0, does there exist an edge-weighting such that the induced vertex coloring is c0c_0? We investigate this problem by considering edge-weightings defined on an abelian group. It was proved that every 3-colorable graph admits a vertex-coloring 33-edge-weighting \cite{KLT}. Does every 2-colorable graph (i.e., bipartite graphs) admit a vertex-coloring 2-edge-weighting? We obtain several simple sufficient conditions for graphs to be vertex-coloring 2-edge-weighting. In particular, we show that 3-connected bipartite graphs admit vertex-coloring 2-edge-weighting

    Nowhere-zero 4-flow in almost Petersen-minor free graphs

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    AbstractTutte [W.T. Tutte, On the algebraic theory of graph colorings, J. Combin. Theory 1 (1966) 15–20] conjectured that every bridgeless Petersen-minor free graph admits a nowhere-zero 4-flow. Let (P10)μ̄ be the graph obtained from the Petersen graph by contracting μ edges from a perfect matching. In this paper we prove that every bridgeless (P10)3̄-minor free graph admits a nowhere-zero 4-flow

    Determination of the star valency of a graph

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    AbstractThe star valency of a graph G is the minimum, over all star decompositions π, of the maximum number of elements in π incident with a vertex. The maximum average degree of G, denoted by dmax-ave(G), is the maximum average degree of all subgraphs of G. In this paper, we prove that the star valency of G is either ⌈dmax-ave(G)/2⌉ or ⌈dmax-ave(G)/2⌉+1, and provide a polynomial time algorithm for determining the star valency of a graph

    Signed circuit 66-covers of signed K4K_4-minor-free graphs

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    Bermond, Jackson and Jaeger [{\em J. Combin. Theory Ser. B} 35 (1983): 297-308] proved that every bridgeless ordinary graph GG has a circuit 44-cover and Fan [{\em J. Combin. Theory Ser. B} 54 (1992): 113-122] showed that GG has a circuit 66-cover which together implies that GG has a circuit kk-cover for every even integer k≥4k\ge 4. The only left case when k=2k = 2 is the well-know circuit double cover conjecture. For signed circuit kk-cover of signed graphs, it is known that for every integer k≤5k\leq 5, there are infinitely many coverable signed graphs without signed circuit kk-cover and there are signed eulerian graphs that admit nowhere-zero 22-flow but don't admit a signed circuit 11-cover. Fan conjectured that every coverable signed graph has a signed circuit 66-cover. This conjecture was verified only for signed eulerian graphs and for signed graphs whose bridgeless-blocks are eulerian. In this paper, we prove that this conjecture holds for signed K4K_4-minor-free graphs. The 66-cover is best possible for signed K4K_4-minor-free graphs
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