39 research outputs found

    Insertion of metal oxides into block copolymer nanopatterns as robust etch masks for nanolithography

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    Directed self-assembly (DSA) of block copolymers (BCPs) is a prime candidate to further extend dimensional scaling of silicon integrated circuit features for the nanoelectronic industry. Top-down optical techniques employed for photoresist patterning are predicted to reach an endpoint due to diffraction limits. Additionally, the prohibitive costs for “fabs” and high volume manufacturing tools are issues that have led the search for alternative complementary patterning processes. This thesis reports the fabrication of semiconductor features from nanoscale on-chip etch masks using “high χ” BCP materials. Fabrication of silicon and germanium nanofins via metal-oxide enhanced BCP on-chip etch masks that might be of importance for future Fin-field effect transistor (FinFETs) application are detailed

    Strategies for inorganic incorporation using neat block copolymer thin films for etch mask function and nanotechnological application

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    Block copolymers (BCPs) and their directed self-assembly (DSA) has emerged as a realizable complementary tool to aid optical patterning of device elements for future integrated circuit advancements. Methods to enhance BCP etch contrast for DSA application and further potential applications of inorganic nanomaterial features (e.g., semiconductor, dielectric, metal and metal oxide) are examined. Strategies to modify, infiltrate and controllably deposit inorganic materials by utilizing neat self-assembled BCP thin films open a rich design space to fabricate functional features in the nanoscale regime. An understanding and overview on innovative ways for the selective inclusion/infiltration or deposition of inorganic moieties in microphase separated BCP nanopatterns is provided. Early initial inclusion methods in the field and exciting contemporary reports to further augment etch contrast in BCPs for pattern transfer application are described. Specifically, the use of evaporation and sputtering methods, atomic layer deposition, sequential infiltration synthesis, metal-salt inclusion and aqueous metal reduction methodologies forming isolated nanofeatures are highlighted in di-BCP systems. Functionalities and newly reported uses for electronic and non-electronic technologies based on the inherent properties of incorporated inorganic nanostructures using di-BCP templates are highlighted. We outline the potential for extension of incorporation methods to triblock copolymer features for more diverse applications. Challenges and emerging areas of interest for inorganic infiltration of BCPs are also discussed

    Morphological evolution of lamellar forming polystyrene-block-poly(4-vinylpyridine) copolymer under solvent annealing

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    In this work, we are reporting a very simple and efficient method to form lamellar structures of symmetric polystyrene-block-poly(4-vinylpyridine) (PS-b-P4VP) copolymer thin films with vertically (to the surface plane) orientated lamellae using a solvent annealing approach. The methodology does not require any brush chemistry to engineer a neutral surface and it is the block neutral nature of the film-solvent vapour interface that defines the orientation of the lamellae. The microphase separated structure of two different molecular weight lamellar forming PS-block-P4VP copolymers formed under solvent vapour annealing was monitored using atomic force microscopy (AFM) so as to understand the morphological changes of the films upon different solvent exposure. In particular, the morphology changes from micellar structures to well-defined microphase separated arrangements. The choice of solvent/s (single and dual solvent exposure) and the solvent annealing conditions (temperature, time etc.) has important effects on structural transitions of the films and it was found that a block neutral solvent was required to realize vertically aligned P4VP lamellae. The results of the structural variation of the phase separated nanostructured films through the exposure to ethanol are also described

    Engineering block copolymer materials for patterning ultra-low dimensions

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    Recently engineered high χ-low N block copolymers for nanolithography are evaluated. Synthetic routes together with thin film processing strategies are highlighted that could enable the relentless scaling for logic technologies at sub-10 nanometres

    Formation of sub-7 nm feature size PS-b-P4VP block copolymer structures by solvent vapour process

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    The nanometer range structure produced by thin films of diblock copolymers makes them a great of interest as templates for the microelectronics industry. We investigated the effect of annealing solvents and/or mixture of the solvents in case of symmetric Poly (styrene-block-4vinylpyridine) (PS-b-P4VP) diblock copolymer to get the desired line patterns. In this paper, we used different molecular weights PS-b-P4VP to demonstrate the scalability of such high χ BCP system which requires precise fine-tuning of interfacial energies achieved by surface treatment and that improves the wetting property, ordering, and minimizes defect densities. Bare Silicon Substrates were also modified with polystyrene brush and ethylene glycol self-assembled monolayer in a simple quick reproducible way. Also, a novel and simple in situ hard mask technique was used to generate sub-7nm Iron oxide nanowires with a high aspect ratio on Silicon substrate, which can be used to develop silicon nanowires post pattern transfer

    Large area Al2O3–Au raspberry-like nanoclusters from iterative block-copolymer self-assembly

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    Large area Al2O3–Au raspberry-like nanoclusters and other complex structures have been created by iterative block-copolymer self-assembly, paving the way to a new generation of on-demand metallic architectures

    Solvent vapor annealing of block copolymers in confined topographies: commensurability considerations for nanolithography

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    The directed self-assembly of block copolymer (BCP) materials in topographically patterned substrates (i.e., graphoepitaxy) is a potential methodology for the continued scaling of nanoelectronic device technologies. In this Communication, an unusual feature size variation in BCP nanodomains under confi nement with graphoepitaxially aligned cylinder-forming poly(styrene)- block -poly(4-vinylpyridine) (PS- b -P4VP) BCP is reported. Graphoepitaxy of PS- b -P4VP BCP line patterns (C II ) is accomplished via topography in hydrogen silsequioxane (HSQ) modified substrates and solvent vapor annealing (SVA). Interestingly, reduced domain sizes in features close to the HSQ guiding features are observed. The feature size reduction is evident after inclusion of alumina into the P4VP domains followed by pattern transfer to the silicon substrate. It is suggested that this nanodomain size perturbation is due to solvent swelling effects during SVA. It is proposed that using a commensurability value close to the solvent vapor annealed periodicity will alleviate this issue leading to uniform nanofins

    Study of the kinetics and mechanism of rapid self-assembly in block copolymer thin films during solvo-microwave annealing

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    Microwave annealing is an emerging technique for achieving ordered patterns of block copolymer films on substrates. Little is understood about the mechanisms of microphase separation during the microwave annealing process and how it promotes the microphase separation of the blocks. Here, we use controlled power microwave irradiation in the presence of tetrahydrofuran (THF) solvent, to achieve lateral microphase separation in high- lamellar-forming poly(styrene-b-lactic acid) PS-b-PLA. A highly ordered line pattern was formed within seconds on silicon, germanium and silicon on insulator (SOI) substrates. In-situ temperature measurement of the silicon substrate coupled to condition changes during "solvo-microwave" annealing allowed understanding of the processes to be attained. Our results suggest that the substrate has little effect on the ordering process and is essentially microwave transparent but rather, it is direct heating of the polar THF molecules that causes microphase separation. It is postulated that the rapid interaction of THF with microwaves and the resultant temperature increase to 55 degrees C within seconds causes an increase of the vapor pressure of the solvent from 19.8 to 70 kPa. This enriched vapor environment increases the plasticity of both PS and PLA chains and leads to the fast self-assembly kinetics. Comparing the patterns formed on silicon, germanium and silicon on insulator (SOI) and also an in situ temperature measurement of silicon in the oven confirms the significance of the solvent over the role of substrate heating during "solvo-microwave" annealing. Besides the short annealing time which has technological importance, the coherence length is on a micron scale and dewetting is not observed after annealing. The etched pattern (PLA was removed by an Ar/O-2 reactive ion etch) was transferred to the underlying silicon substrate fabricating sub-20 nm silicon nanowires over large areas demonstrating that the morphology is consistent both across and through the film

    Large block copolymer self-assembly for fabrication of subwavelength nanostructures for applications in optics

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    Nanostructured surfaces are common in nature and exhibit properties such as antireflectivity (moth eyes), self-cleaning (lotus leaf), iridescent colors (butterfly wings), and water harvesting (desert beetles). We now understand such properties and can mimic some of these natural structures in the laboratory. However, these synthetic structures are limited since they are not easily mass produced over large areas due to the limited scalability of current technologies such as UV-lithography, the high cost of infrastructure, and the difficulty in nonplanar surfaces. Here, we report a solution process based on block copolymer (BCP) self-assembly to fabricate subwavelength structures on large areas of optical and curved surfaces with feature sizes and spacings designed to efficiently scatter visible light. Si nanopillars (SiNPs) with diameters of ∌115 ± 19 nm, periodicity of 180 ± 18 nm, and aspect ratio of 2–15 show a reduction in reflectivity by a factor of 100, <0.16% between 400 and 900 nm at an angle of incidence of 30°. Significantly, the reflectivity remains below 1.75% up to incident angles of 75°. Modeling the efficiency of a SiNP PV suggests a 24.6% increase in efficiency, representing a 3.52% (absolute) or 16.7% (relative) increase in electrical energy output from the PV system compared to AR-coated device