407 research outputs found

    Dysfunctional Dopaminergic Neurones in Mouse Models of Huntington's Disease: A Role for SK3 Channels

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    Background: Huntington's disease (HD) is a late-onset fatal neurodegenerative disorder caused by a CAG trinucleotide repeat expansion in the gene coding for the protein huntingtin and is characterised by progressive motor, psychiatric and cognitive decline. We previously demonstrated that normal synaptic function in HD could be restored by application of dopamine receptor agonists, suggesting that changes in the release or bioavailability of dopamine may be a contributing factor to the disease process. Objective: In the present study, we examined the properties of midbrain dopaminergic neurones and dopamine release in presymptomatic and symptomatic transgenic HD mice. Methods and Results:Using intracellular sharp recordings and immunohistochemistry, we found that neuronal excitability was increased due to a loss of slow afterhyperpolarisation and that these changes were related to an apparent functional loss and abnormal distribution of SK3 channels (KCa2.3 encoded by the KCNN3 gene), a class of small-conductance calcium-activated potassium channels. Electrochemical detection of dopamine showed that this observation was associated with an enhanced dopamine release in presymptomatic transgenic mice and a drastic reduction in symptomatic animals. These changes occurred in the context of a progressive expansion in the CAG repeat number and nuclear localisation of mutant protein within the substantia nigra pars compacta. Conclusions: Dopaminergic neuronal dysfunction is a key early event in HD disease progression. The initial increase in dopamine release appears to be related to a loss of SK3 channel function, a protein containing a polyglutamine tract. Implications for polyglutamine-mediated sequestration of SK3 channels, dopamine-associated DNA damage and CAG expansion are discussed in the context of HD.</br

    The modalities of Iranian soft power: from cultural diplomacy to soft war

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    Through exploring Iran's public diplomacy at the international level, this article demonstrates how the Islamic Republic's motives should not only be contextualised within the oft-sensationalised, material or ‘hard’ aspects of its foreign policy, but also within the desire to project its cultural reach through ‘softer’ means. Iran's utilisation of culturally defined foreign policy objectives and actions demonstrates its understanding of soft power's potentialities. This article explores the ways in which Iran's public diplomacy is used to promote its soft power and craft its, at times, shifting image on the world stage

    Modal scattering at an impedance transition in a lined flow duct

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    An explicit Wiener-Hopf solution is derived to describe the scattering of duct modes at a hard-soft wall impedance transition in a circular duct with uniform mean flow. Specifically, we have a circular duct r = 1,-8 &lt;x &lt;8 with mean flow Mach number M &gt; 0 and a hard wall along x &lt;0 and a wall of impedance Z along x &gt; 0. A minimum edge condition at x = 0 requires a continuous wall streamline r = 1 + h(x, t ), no more singular than h = O(x1/2) for x ¿ 0. A mode, incident from x &lt;0, scatters at x = 0 into a series of reflected modes and a series of transmitted modes. Of particular interest is the role of a possible instability along the lined wall in combination with the edge singularity. If one of the "upstream" running modes is to be interpreted as a downstream-running instability, we have an extra degree of freedom in the Wiener-Hopf analysis that can be resolved by application of some form of Kutta condition at x = 0, for example a more stringent edge condition where h = O(x3/2) at the downstream side. The question of the instability requires an investigation of the modes in the complex frequency plane and therefore depends on the chosen impedance model, since Z = Z(¿) is essentially frequency dependent. The usual causality condition by Briggs and Bers appears to be not applicable here because it requires a temporal growth rate bounded for all real axial wave numbers. The alternative Crighton-Leppington criterion, however, is applicable and confirms that the suspected mode is usually unstable. In general, the effect of this Kutta condition is significant, but it is particularly large for the plane wave at low frequencies and should therefore be easily measurable. For ¿ ¿ 0, the modulus tends to |R001| ¿ (1 + M)/(1 - M) without and to 1 with Kutta condition, while the end correction tends to8without and to a finite value with Kutta condition. This is exactly the same behaviour as found for reflection at a pipe exit with flow, irrespective if this is uniform or jet flow

    We All Know How, Don’t We? On the Role of Scrum in IT-Offshoring

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    Part 2: Creating Value through Software DevelopmentInternational audienceOffshoring in the IT-industry involves dual interactions between a mother company and an external supplier, often viewed with an implicit perspective from the mother company. This article review general off shoring and IT offshoring literature, focusing on the proliferation of a globally available set of routines; Scrum and Agile. Two cases are studied; a small company and short process and a large mother company with a long process. The interactions of the set ups shows that global concepts like Scrum and Agile are far from a common platform. The “well known” concepts are locally shaped and the enterprises have mixed experiences

    Prevalência e fatores associados à prática de esportes individuais e coletivos em adolescentes pertencentes a uma coorte de nascimentos

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    O presente estudo investigou a prática de esportes individuais e coletivos e fatores associados em jovens com idade média de 11 anos, pertencentes a uma coorte de nascimentos. Informações dos jovens e de suas mães foram coletadas por meio de questionários. O desfecho foi dividido em prática de esportes individuais e coletivos. Uma análise por meio de regressão de Poisson foi conduzida para estabelecer os fatores associados à prática esportiva, obedecendo a um modelo conceitual de análise com as variáveis independentes hierarquizadas. Um total de 4350 jovens foi estudado. A prática de esportes coletivos foi menor nas meninas - 68,1% (IC95% 66,2 - 70,0) em comparação aos meninos - 82,1% (IC95% 80,5 - 83,7). Nos esportes individuais, a prevalência foi de 12,9% (IC95% 11,6 - 14,4) e 18,9% (IC95% 17,3 - 20,6) em meninas e meninos, respectivamente. Entre as meninas, a prática de esportes individuais relacionou-se diretamente com nível econômico e inversamente com assistir televisão. Nos meninos este desfecho associou-se com estudar em escolas privadas e ter mães fisicamente ativas. Em esportes coletivos, a prática foi menor naqueles que despendem maior tempo assistindo TV. Em ambos os sexos houve uma relação direta entre o uso regular do vídeo-game e a prática de esportes. Políticas públicas devem considerar os diferentes aspectos relacionados à prática esportiva e atender a disparidades socioeconômicas no acesso a diferentes modalidades esportivas. Além disso, o maior acesso a diferentes locais de práticas esportivas, bem como o incentivos de pais, amigos e ambiente escolar devem ser fortalecidos.The present study investigated individual and collective sports practice and associated factors among adolescents with a mean age of 11 years, belonging to a birth cohort study. Information on the adolescents and on their mothers were obtained through questionnaires. The outcome variable was divided into practice of individual and collective sports. Poisson regression models were used in order to determine the factors associated with sports practice, following a hierarchical framework. A total of 4350 adolescents were interviewed. Practice of collective sports was less frequent among girls - 68.1% (95%CI 66.2 - 70.0) in comparison to boys- 82.1% (95%CI 80.5 - 83.7). Regarding individual sports, the prevalence was 12.9% (95%CI 11.6 - 14.4) and 18.9% (95%CI 17.3 - 20.6) in girls and boys, respectively. Among girls, individual sports practice was directly associated with socioeconomic level and inversely with television viewing. Among boys, the outcome was associated with studying in private schools and having an active mother. In terms of collective sports, the practice was less frequent among those with high level of television viewing. In both sexes, a direct association was observed between videogame playing and sports practice. Public policies should consider the different aspects related to sports practice and consider socioeconomic inequalities in sports practice

    Breast cancer metastasis to gynaecological organs: a clinico-pathological and molecular profiling study

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    Breast cancer metastasis to gynaecological organs is an understudied pattern of tumour spread. We explored clinico-pathological and molecular features of these metastases to better understand whether this pattern of dissemination is organotropic or a consequence of wider metastatic dissemination. Primary and metastatic tumours from 54 breast cancer patients with gynaecological metastases were analysed using immunohistochemistry, DNA copy-number profiling, and targeted sequencing of 386 cancer-related genes. The median age of primary tumour diagnosis amongst patients with gynaecological metastases was significantly younger compared to a general breast cancer population (46.5 versus 60 years; p < 0.0001). Median age at metastatic diagnosis was 54.4, time to progression was 4.8 years (range 0-20 years), and survival following a diagnosis of metastasis was 1.95 years (range 0-18 years). Patients had an average of five involved sites (most frequently ovary, fallopian tube, omentum/peritoneum), with fewer instances of spread to the lungs, liver, or brain. Invasive lobular histology and luminal A-like phenotype were over-represented in this group (42.8 and 87.5%, respectively) and most patients had involved axillary lymph nodes (p < 0.001). Primary tumours frequently co-expressed oestrogen receptor cofactors (GATA3, FOXA1) and harboured amplifications at 8p12, 8q24, and 11q13. In terms of phenotype conversion, oestrogen receptor status was generally maintained in metastases, FOXA1 increased, and expression of progesterone receptor, androgen receptor, and GATA3 decreased. ESR1 and novel AR mutations were identified. Metastasis to gynaecological organs is a complication frequently affecting young women with invasive lobular carcinoma and luminal A-like breast cancer, and hence may be driven by sustained hormonal signalling. Molecular analyses reveal a spectrum of factors that could contribute to de novo or acquired resistance to therapy and disease progression.Jamie R Kutasovic, Amy E McCart Reed, Renique Males, Sarah Sim, Jodi M Saunus ... Liana Dedina ... et al

    Dengue diversity across spatial and temporal scales: Local structure and the effect of host population size

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    A fundamental mystery for dengue and other infectious pathogens is how observed patterns of cases relate to actual chains of individual transmission events. These pathways are intimately tied to the mechanisms by which strains interact and compete across spatial scales. Phylogeographic methods have been used to characterize pathogen dispersal at global and regional scales but have yielded few insights into the local spatiotemporal structure of endemic transmission. Using geolocated genotype (800 cases) and serotype (17,291 cases) data, we show that in Bangkok, Thailand, 60% of dengue cases living <200 meters apart come from the same transmission chain, as opposed to 3% of cases separated by 1 to 5 kilometers. At distances <200 meters from a case (encompassing an average of 1300 people in Bangkok), the effective number of chains is 1.7. This number rises by a factor of 7 for each 10-fold increase in the population of the "enclosed" region. This trend is observed regardless of whether population density or area increases, though increases in density over 7000 people per square kilometer do not lead to additional chains. Within Thailand these chains quickly mix, and by the next dengue season viral lineages are no longer highly spatially structured within the country. In contrast, viral flow to neighboring countries is limited. These findings are consistent with local, density-dependent transmission and implicate densely populated communities as key sources of viral diversity, with home location the focal point of transmission. These findings have important implications for targeted vector control and active surveillance