532 research outputs found

    Introduction to the special section on dependable network computing

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    Dependable network computing is becoming a key part of our daily economic and social life. Every day, millions of users and businesses are utilizing the Internet infrastructure for real-time electronic commerce transactions, scheduling important events, and building relationships. While network traffic and the number of users are rapidly growing, the mean-time between failures (MTTF) is surprisingly short; according to recent studies, in the majority of Internet backbone paths, the MTTF is 28 days. This leads to a strong requirement for highly dependable networks, servers, and software systems. The challenge is to build interconnected systems, based on available technology, that are inexpensive, accessible, scalable, and dependable. This special section provides insights into a number of these exciting challenges

    Computing CMB Anisotropy in Compact Hyperbolic Spaces

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    The measurements of CMB anisotropy have opened up a window for probing the global topology of the universe on length scales comparable to and beyond the Hubble radius. For compact topologies, the two main effects on the CMB are: (1) the breaking of statistical isotropy in characteristic patterns determined by the photon geodesic structure of the manifold and (2) an infrared cutoff in the power spectrum of perturbations imposed by the finite spatial extent. We present a completely general scheme using the regularized method of images for calculating CMB anisotropy in models with nontrivial topology, and apply it to the computationally challenging compact hyperbolic topologies. This new technique eliminates the need for the difficult task of spatial eigenmode decomposition on these spaces. We estimate a Bayesian probability for a selection of models by confronting the theoretical pixel-pixel temperature correlation function with the COBE-DMR data. Our results demonstrate that strong constraints on compactness arise: if the universe is small compared to the `horizon' size, correlations appear in the maps that are irreconcilable with the observations. If the universe is of comparable size, the likelihood function is very dependent upon orientation of the manifold wrt the sky. While most orientations may be strongly ruled out, it sometimes happens that for a specific orientation the predicted correlation patterns are preferred over the conventional infinite models.Comment: 15 pages, LaTeX (IOP style included), 3 color figures (GIF) in separate files. Minor revision to match the version accepted in Class. Quantum Grav.: Proc. of Topology and Cosmology, Cleveland, 1997. The paper can be also downloaded from http://www.cita.utoronto.ca/~pogosyan/cwru_proc.ps.g

    Noncyclic covers of knot complements

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    Hempel has shown that the fundamental groups of knot complements are residually finite. This implies that every nontrivial knot must have a finite-sheeted, noncyclic cover. We give an explicit bound, Φ(c)\Phi (c), such that if KK is a nontrivial knot in the three-sphere with a diagram with cc crossings and a particularly simple JSJ decomposition then the complement of KK has a finite-sheeted, noncyclic cover with at most Φ(c)\Phi (c) sheets.Comment: 29 pages, 8 figures, from Ph.D. thesis at Columbia University; Acknowledgments added; Content correcte

    The pre-WDVV ring of physics and its topology

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    We show how a simplicial complex arising from the WDVV (Witten-Dijkgraaf-Verlinde-Verlinde) equations of string theory is the Whitehouse complex. Using discrete Morse theory, we give an elementary proof that the Whitehouse complex Δn\Delta_n is homotopy equivalent to a wedge of (n2)!(n-2)! spheres of dimension n4n-4. We also verify the Cohen-Macaulay property. Additionally, recurrences are given for the face enumeration of the complex and the Hilbert series of the associated pre-WDVV ring.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, 2 table

    Subset currents on free groups

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    We introduce and study the space of \emph{subset currents} on the free group FNF_N. A subset current on FNF_N is a positive FNF_N-invariant locally finite Borel measure on the space CN\mathfrak C_N of all closed subsets of FN\partial F_N consisting of at least two points. While ordinary geodesic currents generalize conjugacy classes of nontrivial group elements, a subset current is a measure-theoretic generalization of the conjugacy class of a nontrivial finitely generated subgroup in FNF_N, and, more generally, in a word-hyperbolic group. The concept of a subset current is related to the notion of an "invariant random subgroup" with respect to some conjugacy-invariant probability measure on the space of closed subgroups of a topological group. If we fix a free basis AA of FNF_N, a subset current may also be viewed as an FNF_N-invariant measure on a "branching" analog of the geodesic flow space for FNF_N, whose elements are infinite subtrees (rather than just geodesic lines) of the Cayley graph of FNF_N with respect to AA.Comment: updated version; to appear in Geometriae Dedicat

    Haplotype Structure of FSHB, the Beta-Subunit Gene for Fertility-Associated Follicle-Stimulating Hormone: Possible Influence of Balancing Selection

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    Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) is essential for human reproduction. The unique functions of this hormone are provided by the FSH receptor-binding beta-subunit encoded by the FSHB gene. Resequencing and genotyping of FSHB in three European, two Asian and one African population, as well as in the great apes (chimpanzee, gorilla, orangutan), revealed low diversity and significant excess of polymorphisms with intermediate frequency alleles. Statistical tests for FSHB showed deviations from neutrality in all populations suggesting a possible effect of balancing selection. Two core haplotypes were identified (carried by 76-96.6% of each population's sample), the sequences of which are clearly separated from each other. As fertility most directly affects an organism's fitness, the carriers of these haplotypes have apparently had more success in human history to contribute to the next generation. There is a preliminary observation suggesting that the second most frequent FSHB haplotype may be associated with rapid conception success in females. Interestingly, the same haplotype is related to an ancestral FSHB variant shared with the ancestor of the great apes. The determination of the functional consequence of the two core FSHB variants may have implications for understanding and regulating human fertility, as well as in assisting infertility treatments

    Economic analysis of a transesophageal echocardiography-guided approach to cardioversion of patients with atrial fibrillation The ACUTE economic data at eight weeks

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    AbstractObjectivesThe aim of this study was to compare the relative cost of a transesophageal echocardiography (TEE)-guided strategy versus conventional strategy for patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) >2 days duration undergoing electrical cardioversion over an eight-week period.BackgroundThe Assessment of Cardioversion Using Transesophageal Echocardiography (ACUTE) trial found no difference in embolic rates between the two approaches. However, the TEE-guided strategy had a shorter time to cardioversion and a lower rate of composite bleeding. While similar clinical efficacy was concluded, the relative cost of these two strategies has not been explored.MethodsTwo economic approaches were employed in the ACUTE trial. The first approach was based on hospital charge data from complete hospital Universal Billing Code of 1992 forms, a detailed hospital charge questionnaire, or imputation. Regression analysis was used to investigate the added cost of adverse events. The second economic approach involved the development of an independent analytic model simulating treatment and actual ACUTE outcome costs as a validation of clinically derived data. Sensitivity analysis was performed on the analytic model to investigate the potential range in cost differences between the strategies.ResultsA total of 833 of the 1,222 patients were enrolled from 53 U.S. sites; TEE-guided (n = 420) and conventional (n = 413). At eight-week follow-up, total mean costs did not significantly differ between the two groups, respectively (6,508vs.6,508 vs. 6,239; difference of $269; p = 0.50). Cumulative costs were 24% higher in the conventional group, primarily due to increased incidence of bleeding and hospital costs associated with bleeding. A separate analytic model showed that treatment costs were higher for the TEE-guided strategy, but outcome costs were higher for the conventional strategy. Sensitivity analysis of the analytic model illustrated that varying the incidence and cost of major bleeding and the cost of TEE had the greatest impact on cost differences between the two groups.ConclusionsIn patients with AF >2 days duration undergoing electrical cardioversion, the TEE-guided group showed little difference in patient costs compared with the conventional group. The TEE strategy had higher initial treatment costs but lower outcome-associated costs. Cumulative costs were 24% higher in the conventional group, primarily due to bleeding. The TEE-guided strategy is an economically feasible approach compared with the conventional strategy

    Tourism and toponymy: Commodifying and Consuming Place Names

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    Academic geographers have a long history of studying both tourism and place names, but have rarely made linkages between the two. Within critical toponymic studies there is increasing debate about the commodification of place names, but to date the role of tourism in this process has been almost completely overlooked. In some circumstances, toponyms can become tourist sights based on their extraordinary properties, their broader associations within popular culture, or their role as metanyms for some other aspect of a place. Place names may be sights in their own right or ‘markers’ of a sight and, in some cases, the marker may be more significant than the sight to which it refers. The appropriation of place names through tourism also includes the production and consumption of a broad range of souvenirs based on reproductions or replicas of the material signage that denote place names. Place names as attractions are also associated with a range of performances by tourists, and in some cases visiting a place name can be a significant expression of fandom. In some circumstances, place names can be embraced and promoted by tourism marketing strategies and are, in turn, drawn into broader circuits of the production and consumption of tourist space

    The Tacit ‘Quantum’ of Meeting the Aesthetic Sign; Contextualize, Entangle, Superpose, Collapse or Decohere

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    The semantically ambiguous nature of the sign and aspects of non-classicality of elementary matter as described by quantum theory show remarkable coherent analogy. We focus on how the ambiguous nature of the image, text and art work bears functional resemblance to the dynamics of contextuality, entanglement, superposition, collapse and decoherence as these phenomena are known in quantum theory. These quantumlike properties in linguistic signs have previously been identified in formal descritions of e.g. concept combinations and mental lexicon representations and have been reported on in the literature. In this approach the informationalized, communicated, mediatized conceptual configuration—of e.g. the art work—in the personal reflected mind behaves like a quantum state function in a higher dimensional complex space, in which it is time and again contextually collapsed and further cognitively entangled (Aerts et al. in Found Sci 4:115–132, 1999; in Lect Notes Comput Sci 7620:36–47, 2012). The observer–consumer of signs becomes the empowered ‘produmer’ (Floridi in The philosophy of information, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2011) creating the cognitive outcome of the interaction, while loosing most of any ‘classical givenness’ of the sign (Bal and Bryson in Art Bull 73:174–208, 1991). These quantum-like descriptions are now developed here in four example aesthetic signs; the installation Mist room by Ann Veronica Janssens (2010), the installation Sections of a happy moment by David Claerbout (2010), the photograph The Falling Man by Richard Drew (New York Times, p. 7, September 12, 2001) and the documentary Huicholes. The Last Peyote Guardians by Vilchez and Stefani (2014). Our present work develops further the use of a previously developed quantum model for concept representation in natural language. In our present approach of the aesthetic sign, we extend to individual—idiosyncratic—observer contexts instead of socially shared group contexts, and as such also include multiple idiosyncratic creation of meaning and experience. This irreducible superposition emerges as the core feature of the aesthetic sign and is most critically embedded in the ‘no-interpretation’ interpretation of the documentary signal