451 research outputs found

    We talk to giants!

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    Ateneo Médico Leones: splendor and dissappearance of a scientific institution with more than fifty years of history

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    The Ateneo Medico Leones was founded in 1934 filling a scientific gap in the city and province of Leon. Its activities were discontinued during the Spanish Civil War, starting again in the forties of the twentieth century. The Ateneo Medico Leones obtained its maximum splendor in its 50th Anniversary, in 1984. The institution started declining after 1988 and it disappeared by inactivity of its directive organs

    Is there a place for new scientific journals in Spanish?

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    In Memoriam Pilar Marco Garde (1944-2018)

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    Coating of Felt Fibers with Carbon Nanotubes and PEDOT with Different Counterions: Temperature and Electrical Field Effects.

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    The use of wearable devices has promoted new ways of integrating these devices, one of which is through the development of smart textiles. Smart textiles must possess the mechanical and electrical properties necessary for their functionality. This study explores the impact of polymer-felt microstructure variations on their morphology, electrical, and mechanical properties. The application of thermal treatment, along with an electric field, leads to a substantial structural reorganization of the molecular chains within pristine felt. This results in a system of nanofibrils coated with MWCNT-PEDOT, characterized by highly ordered counterions that facilitate the flow of charge carriers. Both temperature and an electric field induce reversible microstructural changes in pristine felt and irreversible changes in coated felt samples. Furthermore, electropolymerization of PEDOT significantly enhances electrical conductivity, with PEDOT:BTFMSI-coated fabric exhibiting the highest conductivity

    Publication trends in global biodiversity research on protected areas

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    One of the main strategies to reduce the global loss of biodiversity has been the establishment of protected areas (PAs). High quality biodiversity knowledge is essential to successfully design PAs and PA networks, and to assess their conservation effectiveness. However, biodiversity knowledge is taxonomically and geographically biased. Even though PAs are typically more intensively surveyed than surrounding landscapes, they cannot avoid biodiversity knowledge shortfalls and biases. To investigate this, we performed a systematic literature review to assess publication trends in global biodiversity research taking place in PAs. Our data indicate that animals are more studied than plants, with vertebrates overrepresented in relation to invertebrates. Biodiversity in PAs has been mainly measured taxonomically (species richness or species diversity), while functional and phylogenetic diversity have rarely been considered. Finally, as predicted, there was a geographic bias towards European and USA terrestrial protected areas. These observed trends mirror more general studies of biodiversity knowledge shortfalls and could have direct negative consequences for conservation policy and practice. Reducing these biases and shortfalls is essential for more effective use of limited conservation resourcesSLC was supported by a FPI predoctoral grant financed by the Autonoma ´ University of Madrid. RJL was supported via the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 854248. AMCS was supported by the Ramon ´ y Cajal program (RYC2020-029407-I), financed by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacio

    3D printable electroconductive gelatin‑hyaluronic acid materials containing polypyrrole nanoparticles for electroactive tissue engineering

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    Electrically conductive bio-scaffolds are explored in the field of tissue engineering (TE) as a solution to address the clinical need of electroactive tissues, finding applications in nervous, cardiac, and spinal cord injury repair. In this work, we synthesise polypyrrole nanoparticles (PPy NP) via the mini-emulsion method with further combination with a gelatin/hyaluronic acid (HA) hydrogel to create electroconductive Gel:HA:PPy-NP TE scaffolds. Electroconductive Gel:HA:PPy-NP scaffolds possess excellent mechanical properties at 1.08 ± 0.26 MPa, closely matching the reported mechanical performance of the spinal cord. Scaffolds were designed with controlled porosity of 526.2 ± 74.6â 403.9 ± 57.4 μm, and conductivities of 4.3 à 10 â 6 ± 1.1 à 10 â 6 S.cm â 1 were reached. Rheological studies show that prior to lyophilisation, the Gel:HA:PPy-NP hydrogels display a shear-thinning behaviour. These gels were subsequently 3D printed into predefined 2 layer lattice geometries and displayed excellent post-printing shape fidelity. In vitro studies show that the Gel:HA:PPy-NP scaffolds are cytocompatible with mesenchymal stem cells and neuronal stem cells and display encouraging cell attachment and proliferation profiles. Based on these results, the incorporation of PPy NPs into Gel:HA biomaterial scaffolds enhances the conductive capabilities of the material, while showcasing biocompatible behaviour with cell cultures. Hence, Gel:HA:PPy-NP scaffolds are a promising TE option for stimulating regeneration following nervous tissue injury.The authors would like to thank the funding provided by the Irish Research Council through the Irish Research Council Enterprise Partnership Scheme with Johnson and Johnson (EPSPG/2020/78), as well as the Irish Fulbright Commission

    Fórmulas de inmunonutrición enteral en la cirugía del cáncer de cabeza y cuello: Una revisión sitemática

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    Introduction: Significant malnutrition exists in a high percentage of patients with head and neck cancer. Malnutrition is associated with defects in immune function that may impair the host response to malignancy. Malnutrition and immunosupression make patients highly susceptible to postoperative infections and complications. Objectives: Some studies of patients receiving immunonutrition in the perioperative period in head and neck cancer have shown beneficial effects on clinical outcome and inmune status. The authors carried out a systematic review of randomised control trials to determine whether perioperative immunonutrition has a role in the treatment of head and neck cancer. Methods: 14 trials of polymeric nutritional supplementation with immunonutrition were identified. Two studies compared two types of immunonutrition. Results: A reduction in the length of postoperative hospital stay was seen in some trials, but the reason for this reduction is not clear. Some studides showed statistical differences with less complications in arginineenhanced group and also showed a significant decrease of fistula complications in patients treated with a high arginine dose enhanced formula, if compared with a medium dose of arginine. Conclussion: Those planning future studies face challenges. A suitable powered clinical trial is required before firm recommendations can be made on the use of immunonutrition in head and neck cancer patients postoperativelyIntroducción: Un alto porcentaje de pacientes con cáncer de cabeza y cuello presentan un importante grado de malnutrición. Esta malnutrición está asociada defectos de la función inmune. Tanto la malnutrición como la inmunosupresión hacen a estos pacientes susceptibles de padecer complicaciones infecciosas en el postoperatorio. Objetivos: Algunos trabajos de pacientes que han recibido inmunonutrición en el postoperatorio de cirugía por cáncer de cabeza y cuello han mostrado un efecto beneficioso en la evolución clínica y el estado inmune. Los autores han llevado a cabo una revisión sistemática de los ensayos clínicos realizados hasta la fecha, para determinar el papel que tiene la inmunonutrición enteral postoperatoria en el tratamiento del cáncer de cabeza y cuello. Métodos: Se identificaron 14 trabajos en los que se habían utilizado fórmulas de inmunonutrición. Dos trabajos compararon dos tipos de inmunonutrición. Resultados: En algunos trabajos se observó una disminución en los días de estancia hospitalaria, aunque la razón para ello no está clara. Algunos estudios mostraron diferencias significativas con menos complicaciones en los grupos que recibieron nutriciones enriquecidas, presentando una disminución significativa en el número de fístulas en pacientes tratados con nutriciones con altas dosis de arginina, si se compara con una nutrición con una dosis media de arginina. Conclusión: Los futuros trabajos presentan retos. Es necesario un ensayo clínico extenso, para poder realizar recomendaciones firmes sobre el uso de la inmunonutrición en el postoperatorio de pacientes intervenidos de cáncer de cabeza y cuell

    Semantic memory on verbal fluency test in patients with anorexia nervosa

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    Introduction. The aim of this study was to analyse the performance and the semantic organization of patients with anorexia nervosa (AN) and of healthy controls by means of a “Human Body Parts” type of (Semantic Verbal Fluency) SVF task. Method. A total of 58 participants took part in this study (23 suffered from anorexia nervosa, with a mean age of 21.32 ± 2.53, and 35 healthy participants, with a mean age of 22.41 ± 1.67). The Verbal Fluency Test “Human Body Parts” (a word naming task) was applied. In this task, participants were asked to say as many “Human Body Parts” as possible in a period of 1 minute. Participants were given the instruction not to repeat body parts already said. Responses were recorded and transcribed in order to be analysed. Results. The mean number of words for the control group was 15.94 ± 7.79 and in case of anorectic patients it was 17.52 ± 5.23. With respect to intrusions and perseverance there were not any significant differences, having obtained 0.10 (control group) and 0.11 (anorectic patients), and 0.42 (control group) and 0,46 (anorectic patients) respectively. With respect to correspondence analysis, a two-dimensional representation yielded 90.01% of the total inertia, thus accepting two-dimensional map as valid. “Perceptible parts of human body” and “Internal parts” would be representative of one category and “Small parts” would be representative of the other. In the anorectic patients group some parts such as waist, ass, thighs and calf muscle were the most remembered words. In the control group, internal parts such as brain, heart and liver, along with tongue, are the most remembered words in the semantic memory organization. Discussion. Semantic maps obtained in both groups of participants appear to be very different. Specifically, the semantic category “body parts” seems to be very influenced by the presence of anorexia nervosa. It is possible to conclude that studies on AN have reported controversial results in this field of study