34 research outputs found

    Reliability and Validity of the Thematic Apperception Test Scored by the Discomfort-Relief Quotient

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate scorer reliability of the Discomfort-Relief Quotient (DRQ) method of scoring applied to the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT). A second aim was to investigate some of the interrelationships between Tension, as measured by DRQ, and (1) Grade Point Averages, (2) Number of Quarters spent at CWCE, (3) Practice Teaching Ratings, and (4) First-Year Teaching success

    The Coliseum Immersive Teleconferencing System

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    We describe Coliseum, a desktop system for immersive teleconferencing. Five cameras attached to a desktop LCD monitor are directed at a participant. View synthesis methods produce arbitrary-perspective renderings of the participant from these video streams, and transmit them to other participants. Combining these renderings in a shared synthetic environment gives the illusion of having remote participants interacting in a common space

    The Acute Retinal Necrosis Syndrome

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    The acute retinal necrosis syndrome is characterized by necrotizing retinitis, vitritis, and retinal vasculitis occurring in otherwise healthy patients. Experience with 11 cases and the review of 30 additional cases in the literature are presented. In this series, 50% of the affected eyes developed retinal detachments, and 64% had a final visual acuity of less than 20/200. The natural history, diagnosis, postulated etiology, and suggestions for management will be discussed

    Computation and Performance Issues in Coliseum, an Immersive Videoconferencing System

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    Coliseum is a multiuser immersive remote teleconferencing system designed to provide collaborative workers the experience of face-to-face meetings from their desktops. Five cameras are attached to each PC monitor and directed at the participant. From these video streams, view synthesis methods produce arbitrary-perspective renderings of the participant and transmit them to others at interactive rates, currently about 15 frames per second. Combining these renderings in a shared synthetic environment gives the appearance of having all participants interacting in a common space. In this way, Coliseum enables users to share a virtual world, with acquiredimage renderings of their appearance replacing the synthetic representations provided by more conventional avatar-populated virtual worlds. The system supports virtual mobility -- participants may move around the shared space -- and reciprocal gaze, and has been demonstrated in collaborative sessions of up to ten Coliseum workstations, and sessions spanning two continents. This paper summarizes the technology, and reports on issues related to its performance

    Understanding Performance in Coliseum, an

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    Coliseum is a multiuser immersive remote teleconferencing system designed to provide collaborative workers the experience of face-to-face meetings from their desktops. Five cameras are attached to each PC display and directed at the participant. From these video streams, view synthesis methods produce arbitrary-perspective renderings of the participant and transmit them to others at interactive rates, currently about 15 frames per second. Combining these renderings in a shared synthetic environment gives the appearance of having all participants interacting in a common space. In this way, Coliseum enables users to share a virtual world, with acquired-image renderings of their appearance replacing the synthetic representations provided by more conventional avatar-populated virtual worlds. The system supports virtual mobility—participants may move around the shared space—and reciprocal gaze, and has been demonstrated in collaborative sessions of up to ten Coliseum workstations, and sessions spanning two continents. Coliseum is a complex software system which pushes commodity computing resources to the limit. We set out to measure the different aspects of resource, network, CPU, memory, and disk usage to uncover the bottlenecks and guide enhancement and control of system performance. Latency is a key component of Quality of Experience for video conferencing. We present how each aspect of the system—cameras, image processing, networking, and display—contributes to total latency. Performance measurement is as complex as the system to which it is applied. We describe several techniques to estimate performance through direct light-weight instrumentation as well as use of realistic end-to-end measures that mimic actual user experience. We describe the various techniques and how they can be used to improve system performance for Coliseum and other network applications

    Deputy State Geologist.. Publications ManagerlEditor. Associate Editor......

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    Oregon Geology is designed to reach a wide spectrum of readers interested in the geology and mineral industry of Oregon. Manuscript contributions are invited on both technical and general-interest subjects relating to Oregon geology. Two copies of the manuscript should be submitted. If manuscript was prepared on common word-processing equipment, a file copy on diskette should be submitted in place of one paper copy (from Macintosh systems, high-density diskette only). Graphic illustrations should be camera ready; photographs should be black-and-white glossies. All figures should be clearly marked; figure captions should be together at the end of the text

    Management Options for Propionibacterium acnes Endophthalmitis

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    The authors reviewed the management of nine culture-proven cases of Propionibactenum acnes endophthalmitis which presented at an average of 4 months after extracapsular cataract extraction (ECCE) and posterior chamber intraocular lens (PC IOL) implantation. The initial signs included a white intracapsular plaque (9/9), vitritis (9/9), granulomatous uveitis (4/9), nongranulomatous uveitis (5/9), hypopyon (4/9), beaded fibrin strands in the anterior chamber (3/9), and diffuse intraretinal hemorrhages (2/9). A variety of management schemes were used in these patients, including the following: topical and intravenous antibiotics alone; intraocular and topical antibiotic administration; pars plana vitrectomy with capsulectomy and intraocular antibiotic administration; and removal of all capsular remnants with PC IOL removal or exchange. The final visual acuities ranged from 20/20 to 20/60 in six eyes and 20/200 to 20/400 in three eyes. This review suggests that a variety of management options for P. acnes endophthalmitis appear to be successful. Based on the authors' experience, an algorithm for future treatment is offered

    Herpesvirus Antibody Levels in the Etiologic Diagnosis of the Acute Retinal Necrosis Syndrome

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    Quantitative antibody levels to three herpesviruses in acute and chronic sera from six patients with clinical signs of the acute retinal necrosis syndrome were consistent with a specific etiologic diagnosis only in the two cases associated with cutaneous herpes zoster. Available data on acute and convalescent antibody titers to herpes group viruses from these six patients in addition to data from 27 acute retinal necrosis cases from the literature disclosed that only 13 of the 33 patients (39%) had a diagnostic increase or decrease in herpes group viral antibody levels on serial sampling. Three patients had nondiagnostic changes in viral antibody levels despite positive vitreous cultures for herpesviruses. In contrast, a review of 25 cases from the literature with paired antiviral serum and intraocular fluid antibody levels suggested a more promising approach to the etiologic diagnosis of the acute retinal necrosis syndrome. By calculating the ratio of antiviral antibodies in intraocular fluid and serum, an etiologic diagnosis could be made in 12 of 14 (86%) of subacute and convalescent samples. The sensitivity of this method decreased to 72% (13 of 18) when fluids were obtained earlier in the course of the disease