137 research outputs found
A sistematic literature review about the use of Kanban in software engineering
The thesis presents a systematic literature review covering the implementation of the Kanban approach within the field of software development. The first section provides background related to the research area by describing lean software development, the Kanban method and the guidelines for undertaking such a review. The second section covers the article The kanban approach, between agility and leanness: a systematic review which is a systematic literature review of research studies on the implementation of the Kanban approach in the process of software development, published between 1990 and 2012. The purpose of the article was to illuminate the guiding principles and elements of the Kanban approach in order to increase the likelihood of implementing it successfully by defining the prime elements of Kanban and outlining the advantages and benefits of using it within IT organisations. The results of the systematic literature review are presented in the third section. The analysis was conducted following the guidelines from the first section, covering scientific writings published after 2012. The final section presents the findings of the systematic literature review and their comparison to the findings from the above-mentioned article
A sistematic literature review about the use of Kanban in software engineering
The thesis presents a systematic literature review covering the implementation of the Kanban approach within the field of software development. The first section provides background related to the research area by describing lean software development, the Kanban method and the guidelines for undertaking such a review. The second section covers the article The kanban approach, between agility and leanness: a systematic review which is a systematic literature review of research studies on the implementation of the Kanban approach in the process of software development, published between 1990 and 2012. The purpose of the article was to illuminate the guiding principles and elements of the Kanban approach in order to increase the likelihood of implementing it successfully by defining the prime elements of Kanban and outlining the advantages and benefits of using it within IT organisations. The results of the systematic literature review are presented in the third section. The analysis was conducted following the guidelines from the first section, covering scientific writings published after 2012. The final section presents the findings of the systematic literature review and their comparison to the findings from the above-mentioned article
Screen Used at Trial that Prevents TestifyingChild Sex Abuse Victim from Viewing Accused Violates Accused\u27s Sixth Amendment Right to Face-to-Face Confrontation.
Abstract Forthcoming
[Spletna aplikacija kot nadgradnja funkcionalnosti medicinske naprave za zdravljenje tumorjev s pomočjo elektrokemoterapije]
Electrochemotherapy (ECT) is a novel method for efficient tumor treatment in clinical environment. It combines local drug delivery and application of shorthigh voltage pulses, which permeabilize the plasma membrane by electroporation. Drug can enter only the cells with permeabilzed membrane. Recently, medical device CliniporatorTM for controlled electroporation was developed. Here, we present a web-application that extends the functionality of this medical device. The aim of the application is to collect, store and toallow the analysis of every ECT application using this medical device. The application helps transferring data collected by devčce during the electroporation process to the central database, and enables filling of medical records through the web forms. The application is based on technologies ASP, HTML, Flash, JavaScript, XML and others. The application main advantages are easy and rapid data access, scalability and independence of client computer operating system as well as easy application debugging and upgrading
Razlaga pravnih pravil s pomočjo propozicijske logike - primer družinskih prejemkov
Pogost vir dvoumnosti ter nejasnosti v pravnih besedilih je navajanje pogojev, ki določajo, ali nekomu določena pravica pripada ali ne. Problematični so primeri, ko je navedenih več obligatornih in opcijskih pogojev, po možnosti deloma zapisanih v trdilni in deloma v nikalni obliki. Namen tega prispevka je na primeru 47. člena »Pravilnika o postopkih za uveljavljanje pravic do družinskih prejemkov« (Ur.l. RS, št. 31/2008) pokazati, da lahko za sistematično dokazovanje vsebinske (ne)smiselnosti določene strukture pogojev uporabimo propozicijsko logiko. V prispevku najprej zapišemo besedilo 47. člena s sintakso propozicijske logike, poiščemo vse možne interpretacije besedila, med njimi izberemo vse, ki predstavljajo logično pravilne, vendar logično različne izjave, ter za vsako od njih preverimo ali predstavlja semantično smiselno formulacijo. Na ta način dokažemo, da je sedanja formulacija besedila zapisana dvoumno ter vsebinsko nesmiselno. Na koncu prispevka podamo splošno priporočilo za navajanje pogojev, predlagamo nedvoumno obliko zapisa besedila ter pokažemo, kakšne so v praksi posledice zaradi napačne formulacije pogojev
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