38 research outputs found

    Synchronization of spatiotemporal patterns and modeling disease spreading using excitable media

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    Studies of the photosensitive Belousov-Zhabotinsky (BZ) reaction are reviewed and the essential features of excitable media are described. The synchronization of two distributed Belousov-Zhabotinsky systems is experimentally and theoretically investigated. Symmetric local coupling of the systems is made possible with the use of a video camera-projector scheme. The spatial disorder of the coupled systems, with random initial configurations of spirals, gradually decreases until a final state is attained, which corresponds to a synchronized state with a single spiral in each system. The experimental observations are compared with numerical simulations of two identical Oregonator models with symmetric local coupling, and a systematic study reveals generalized synchronization of spiral waves. Modeling studies on disease spreading have been reviewed. The excitable medium of the photosensitive BZ reaction is used to model disease spreading, with static networks, dynamic networks, and a domain model. The spatiotemporal dynamics of disease spreading in these complex networks with diffusive and non-diffusive connections is characterized. The experimental and numerical studies reveal that disease spreading in these model systems is highly dependent on the non-diffusive connections

    Synchronization Of Spatiotemporal Patterns In Locally Coupled Excitable Media

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    The synchronization of two distributed Belousov-Zhabotinsky systems is experimentally and theoretically investigated. Symmetric local coupling of the systems is made possible with the use of a video camera-projector scheme. The spatial disorder of the coupled systems, with random initial configurations of spirals, gradually decreases until a final state is attained, which corresponds to a synchronized state with a single spiral in each system. The experimental observations are confirmed with numerical simulations of two identical Oregonator models with symmetric local coupling, and a systematic study reveals generalized synchronization of spiral waves. Several different types of synchronization attractors are distinguished

    Functional Phase Response Curves: A Method for Understanding Synchronization of Adapting Neurons

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    Phase response curves (PRCs) for a single neuron are often used to predict the synchrony of mutually coupled neurons. Previous theoretical work on pulse-coupled oscillators used single-pulse perturbations. We propose an alternate method in which functional PRCs (fPRCs) are generated using a train of pulses applied at a fixed delay after each spike, with the PRC measured when the phasic relationship between the stimulus and the subsequent spike in the neuron has converged. The essential information is the dependence of the recovery time from pulse onset until the next spike as a function of the delay between the previous spike and the onset of the applied pulse. Experimental fPRCs in Aplysia pacemaker neurons were different from single-pulse PRCs, principally due to adaptation. In the biological neuron, convergence to the fully adapted recovery interval was slower at some phases than that at others because the change in the effective intrinsic period due to adaptation changes the effective phase resetting in a way that opposes and slows the effects of adaptation. The fPRCs for two isolated adapting model neurons were used to predict the existence and stability of 1:1 phase-locked network activity when the two neurons were coupled. A stability criterion was derived by linearizing a coupled map based on the fPRC and the existence and stability criteria were successfully tested in two-simulated-neuron networks with reciprocal inhibition or excitation. The fPRC is the first PRC-based tool that can account for adaptation in analyzing networks of neural oscillators

    Dual-Functionalized Pesticide Nanocapsule Delivery System with Improved Spreading Behavior and Enhanced Bioactivity

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    The prevention and control of pests and diseases are becoming increasingly difficult owing to extensive pesticide resistance. The synergistic use of pesticides for disease control is an effective way of slowing pesticide resistance, reducing the number of pesticide applications, and protecting the environment. In this study, a dual-functionalized pesticide nanocapsule delivery system loaded with two active ingredients (AIs)—validamycin and thifluzamide—was developed to prevent and control rice sheath blight; the nanocapsule system was based on a water–oil–water double emulsion method combined with high-pressure homogenization technology. Our results showed that the dual-functionalized pesticide nanocapsules were monodisperse spheres with a mean particle size of ~260 nm and had good storage stability. Compared with commercial formulations, the dual-functionalized pesticide nanocapsules exhibited good foliar spread owing to their small size, which is beneficial for reducing the loss of pesticides on the leaves. The 50% median effect concentration and synergistic ratio against Rhizoctonia solani of the dual-functionalized pesticide nanocapsules and commercial formulation were 0.0082 and 0.0350 μg/mL, and 2.088 and 0.917, respectively. These findings indicate that the bioactivity of the dual-functionalized system was significantly better than that of the commercial formulations and that the dual-functionalized system demonstrated a clear synergistic effect between the two AIs. The system presented here is simple, fast, and capable of dual-pesticide loading with significant synergistic effects. Our findings could help to facilitate the improvement of pesticides efficiency and the slowing of pesticide resistance

    Slow Noise in the Period of a Biological Oscillator Underlies Gradual Trends and Abrupt Transitions in Phasic Relationships in Hybrid Neural Networks

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    <div><p>In order to study the ability of coupled neural oscillators to synchronize in the presence of intrinsic as opposed to synaptic noise, we constructed hybrid circuits consisting of one biological and one computational model neuron with reciprocal synaptic inhibition using the dynamic clamp. Uncoupled, both neurons fired periodic trains of action potentials. Most coupled circuits exhibited qualitative changes between one-to-one phase-locking with fairly constant phasic relationships and phase slipping with a constant progression in the phasic relationships across cycles. The phase resetting curve (PRC) and intrinsic periods were measured for both neurons, and used to construct a map of the firing intervals for both the coupled and externally forced (PRC measurement) conditions. For the coupled network, a stable fixed point of the map predicted phase locking, and its absence produced phase slipping. Repetitive application of the map was used to calibrate different noise models to simultaneously fit the noise level in the measurement of the PRC and the dynamics of the hybrid circuit experiments. Only a noise model that added history-dependent variability to the intrinsic period could fit both data sets with the same parameter values, as well as capture bifurcations in the fixed points of the map that cause switching between slipping and locking. We conclude that the biological neurons in our study have slowly-fluctuating stochastic dynamics that confer history dependence on the period. Theoretical results to date on the behavior of ensembles of noisy biological oscillators may require re-evaluation to account for transitions induced by slow noise dynamics.</p></div

    Comparing the Effects of N and P Deficiency on Physiology and Growth for Fast- and Slow-Growing Provenances of <i>Fraxinus mandshurica</i>

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    With the continuous increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide emissions, nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) as mineral elements increasingly restrict plant growth. To explore the effect of deficiency of P and N on growth and physiology, Fraxinus mandshurica (hereafter “F. mandshurica”) Rupr. annual seedlings of Wuchang (WC) provenance with fast growth and Dailing (DL) provenance with slow growth were treated with complete nutrition or starvation of N (N-), P (P-) or both elements (NP-). Although P- and N- increased the use efficiency of P (PUE) and N (NUE), respectively, they reduced the leaf area, chlorophyll content and activities of N assimilation enzymes (NR, GS, GOGAT), which decreased the dry weight and P or N amount. The free amino acid content and activities of Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) and acid phosphatase enzymes were reduced by N-. The transcript levels of NRT2.1, NRT2.4, NRT2.5, NRT2.7, AVT1, AAP3, NIA2, PHT1-3, PHT1-4 and PHT2-1 in roots were increased, but those of NRT2.1, NRT2.4, NRT2.5, PHT1-3, PHT1-4, PHT2-1 and AAP3 in leaves were reduced by P-. WC was significantly greater than DL under P- in dry weight, C amount, N amount, leaf area, PUE, NUE, which related to greater chlorophyll content, PEPC enzyme activity, N assimilation enzyme activities, and transcript levels of N and P transporter genes in roots and foliage, indicating a greater ability of WC to absorb, transport and utilize N and P under P-. WC was also greater than DL under N- in terms of the above indicators except the transcript levels of N and P assimilation genes, but most of the indicators did not reach a significant level, indicating that WC might be more tolerant to N- than DL, which requires further verification. In summary, WC was identified as a P-efficient provenance, as the growth rate was greater for the genetic type with high than low tolerance to P-