46 research outputs found

    Finding shortest and nearly shortest path nodes in large substantially incomplete networks

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    Dynamic processes on networks, be it information transfer in the Internet, contagious spreading in a social network, or neural signaling, take place along shortest or nearly shortest paths. Unfortunately, our maps of most large networks are substantially incomplete due to either the highly dynamic nature of networks, or high cost of network measurements, or both, rendering traditional path finding methods inefficient. We find that shortest paths in large real networks, such as the network of protein-protein interactions (PPI) and the Internet at the autonomous system (AS) level, are not random but are organized according to latent-geometric rules. If nodes of these networks are mapped to points in latent hyperbolic spaces, shortest paths in them align along geodesic curves connecting endpoint nodes. We find that this alignment is sufficiently strong to allow for the identification of shortest path nodes even in the case of substantially incomplete networks. We demonstrate the utility of latent-geometric path-finding in problems of cellular pathway reconstruction and communication security

    Limnodrilus simplex sp nov (Oligochaeta: Naididae: Tubificinae) from Changjiang River, China

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    Limnodrilus simplex sp. nov. (Oligochaeta: Naididae: Tubificinae) is described based on a single specimen from the mainstream of the Changjiang River near Anqing City, Anhui Province, China. The new species is assigned to Limnodrilus by the presence of long vasa deferentia, spindle-shaped atria with long ejaculatory ducts, large prostate glands, and thick cylindrical penial sheaths. It differs from its congeners in having simple-pointed chaetae and cuticularized penial sheaths without hoods. Limnodrilus simplex is closer to L. paramblysetus and L. amblysetus in possessing penial sheaths with relatively low length/maximum width ratio

    DeteX: A highly accurate software for detecting SNV and InDel in single and paired NGS data in cancer research

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    Background: Genetic testing is becoming more and more accepted in the auxiliary diagnosis and treatment of tumors. Due to the different performance of the existing bioinformatics software and the different analysis results, the needs of clinical diagnosis and treatment cannot be met. To this end, we combined Bayesian classification model (BC) and fisher exact test (FET), and develop an efficient software DeteX to detect SNV and InDel mutations. It can detect the somatic mutations in tumor-normal paired samples as well as mutations in a single sample.Methods: Combination of Bayesian classification model (BC) and fisher exact test (FET).Results: We detected SNVs and InDels in 11 TCGA glioma samples, 28 clinically targeted capture samples and 2 NCCL-EQA standard samples with DeteX, VarDict, Mutect, VarScan and GatkSNV. The results show that, among the three groups of samples, DeteX has higher sensitivity and precision whether it detects SNVs or InDels than other callers and the F1 value of DeteX is the highest. Especially in the detection of substitution and complex mutations, only DeteX can accurately detect these two kinds of mutations. In terms of single-sample mutation detection, DeteX is much more sensitive than the HaplotypeCaller program in Gatk. In addition, although DeteX has higher mutation detection capabilities, its running time is only .609 of VarDict, which is .704 and .343 longer than VarScan and MuTect, respectively.Conclusion: In this study, we developed DeteX to detect SNV and InDel mutations in single and paired samples. DeteX has high sensitivity and precision especially in the detection of substitution and complex mutations. In summary, DeteX from NGS data is a good SNV and InDel caller

    A desinstitucionalização e as alternativas habitacionais ao dispor de indivíduos com perturbações mentais: Um novo modelo habitacional – A habitação apoiada

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    Desde o início do processo de desinstitucionalização desinstitucionalização que este se tem vindo a deparar com dificuldades. Passando pelos poucos recursos ao dispor dos serviços de saúde mental, à tendência para trabalhar com os elementos que apresentam maiores probabilidades de sucesso, à não articulação entre os serviços hospitalares e os centros comunitários de saúde mental, até à falta de investimentos em alternativas habitacionais de carácter permanente. Estas têm sido algumas das situações a que os consumidores de serviços de saúde mental se têm sujeitado. Actualmente, assistimos à emergência de um paradigma que assenta na crença de que se deverá prestar apoio a estes consumidores numa casa tipicamente normal, com uma vivência na comunidade, em que o apoio é disponibilizado consoante as necessidades de cada indivíduo sem que exista uma limitação temporal à sua prestação. Torna-se assim necessário criar novos papéis para os técnicos, no sentido de que estes ajudem os consumidores a escolher, a obter, e a manter uma habitação. É pois urgente o desenvolvimento de um conjunto diversificado de alternativas habitacionais que se baseiem nos recursos e capacidades das comunidades locais, no sentido de garantir que o processo de desinstitucionalização se conclua com sucesso. Palavras-chave: desinstitucionalização, habitação apoiada, satisfação dos consumidores, doença mental.ABSTRACT: Since its beginning the deinstitutiondeinstitutionalization process has faced some difficulties, such as the mental health services lack of resources, the trend to work with the individual who presents higher probability of success, the lack of articulation between hospital services and community mental health centers, and the lack of investments on accommodations for long periods of time. These are some of the situations that consumers of mental health services have endured. Nowadays we witness the emerging of a paradigm which lies on the idea that these consumers need to be supported at a ordinary house, living in community, where the support is provided according to each person’s needs, and without a time limit. This paradigm also creates a need for the professionals to find new roles so that they will be able to help the consumers to choose, get, and keep a home. To ensure the success of deinstitutionalization it is vital that the establishment of different alternatives of accommodation be based on communities’ resources and capabilities.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Enriching Human Interactome with Functional Mutations to Detect High-Impact Network Modules Underlying Complex Diseases

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    Rapid progress in high-throughput -omics technologies moves us one step closer to the datacalypse in life sciences. In spite of the already generated volumes of data, our knowledge of the molecular mechanisms underlying complex genetic diseases remains limited. Increasing evidence shows that biological networks are essential, albeit not sufficient, for the better understanding of these mechanisms. The identification of disease-specific functional modules in the human interactome can provide a more focused insight into the mechanistic nature of the disease. However, carving a disease network module from the whole interactome is a difficult task. In this paper, we propose a computational framework, Discovering most IMpacted SUbnetworks in interactoMe (DIMSUM), which enables the integration of genome-wide association studies (GWAS) and functional effects of mutations into the protein–protein interaction (PPI) network to improve disease module detection. Specifically, our approach incorporates and propagates the functional impact of non-synonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms (nsSNPs) on PPIs to implicate the genes that are most likely influenced by the disruptive mutations, and to identify the module with the greatest functional impact. Comparison against state-of-the-art seed-based module detection methods shows that our approach could yield modules that are biologically more relevant and have stronger association with the studied disease. We expect for our method to become a part of the common toolbox for the disease module analysis, facilitating the discovery of new disease markers

    Three new species of Potamothrix (Oligochaeta, Naididae, Tubificinae) from Fuxian Lake, the deepest lake of Yunnan Province, Southwest China

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    Three new species of Potamothrix Vejdovský & Mrázek, 1902 (Oligochaeta: Tubificinae), P. praeprostatus sp. n., P. paramoldaviensis sp. n. and P. parabedoti sp. n., are reported from Fuxian Lake of Yunnan Province, Southwest China. P. praeprostatus differs from its allies by its prostate glands joining atria in its proximal to middle portion, and spermathecal chaetae. P. paramoldaviensis is distinguishable from its allies bypenial chaeta but no penes, and differs from P. moldaviensis by its homogenous atrium. P. parabedoti is distinctive in the position of its reproductive organs, and differs from P. bedoti by its homogenous atrium. Hitherto, 34 freshwater oligochaete species have been recorded in Yunnan Province, including nine endemic species from the plateau lakes