198 research outputs found

    Exploring child-led research: case studies from Bangladesh, Lebanon and Jordan

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    The right to participate and express a view is an intrinsic right afforded to all human beings, regardless of age (Lundy, 2007). Explicitly, Articles 12, 13, 14 and 15 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) grant participatory rights to children and young people in decision-making. One of the forms of participation academics and practitioners have studied over the past decades, the engagement of children and young people in participatory processes, is moving away from the understanding of children as passive recipients of research to active participants. However, literature has paid scant attention to research led directly by children and young people (Thomas, 2015). Child-led research is understood, as starting definition from literature, as an approach in which children and young people are involved in all stages – from planning, fieldwork and analysis to dissemination. The aim of this research is to critically explore how the process and outcomes of children and young people’s participation in their own child-led research contributes, positively or negatively, to decision-making processes in the context of international development programmes. The research questions are: Question 1: What are children and young people’s motivations for, expectations of and experiences with engaging in their own child-led research as a way to influence decision-making? Question 2: What are the processes of child-led research that positively or negatively influence decision-making? Question 3: In what ways does child-led research influence decision-making? (And why and how do they do so?) This research project used a case study approach to examine two cases where children and young people claimed they conducted child-led research. The first, Bekaa and Irbid, investigated the research conducted by a group of children and young people on issues relevant to their situations as refugees in the host countries of Lebanon and Jordan. The second, Dhaka, reviewed child-led research focused on the lack of birth certificates issued for Bangladeshi children and the possible effects of not having this legal registration. A group of children and young people who are members of a Children’s Parliament in Dhaka led this project. The research participants for this project are defined as (1) the children and young people, aged 12 to 18 (when I interviewed them), who are associated with World Vision programmes and engaged in the child-led research projects within their constituencies in the Irbid and Bekaa and Dhaka case studies and (2) the adult professionals who acted as facilitators of child-led research projects and those who worked in the design of these projects or dissemination of their findings. These participants were those who were best suited to provide the information needed as they were fully involved in the child-led research projects and had in-depth knowledge to contribute answers to the research questions. This project adopted several methods for data collection, including focus groups, semi-structured interviews, observations and documentary review. The study followed ethical research guidelines to ensure the safety, rights, dignity and well-being of both the children and young people and adult participants (Morrow, 2009). The research took into account the special considerations required to gain informed consent, ensure confidentiality and anonymity, acknowledge the cultures of the research sites, and refrain from presenting information that may potentially harm participants (Marshall and Rossman, 2006). The findings of the study show that the child-led research approach is considered an adequate participatory approach that creates spaces for children and young people to engage in their own research and influence change based on their findings. Thus, this approach enabled participants to gather together and pursue collectively a research project in which they were able to explore issues about their lives using research methodologies that were appropriate to their experiences, abilities and expertise. This conversion, however, highlights a variety of tensions around the understanding and legitimacy of child-led research. Findings from this study supports the view that child-led research generates empirically grounded knowledge, which produced through data collection and personal experiences of the young researches and its analysis as a whole. Findings also reveal that the young researchers’ motivations and expectations were to make an impact on their own lives, as well as the lives of their peers and change a situation that they perceived as unfair. Findings show that the adult facilitators played an important role in facilitating the young researchers but not managing them. However, this study evidenced some tensions between participation and protection rights. The study found manifestations of power amongst the children and young people during the child-led research projects, which were based on age, gender, religion, language and ethnicity. This confirms children and young people can replicate power relations within their participatory projects, which are deeply embedded in their traditions and cultures. Findings show that child-led research has different levels of impact; on decision-making and in the individual lives of the young researchers. This is connected to the contexts where children and young people conducted their research, which was conducive in one case study and more challenging in the other case. Overall, the findings of this study contribute to the body of literature that challenges the dominant conceptualisation that children and young people are unable to conduct their own research. Instead, the findings of this research project contribute to the study of children and young people’s participation by providing different perspectives on the debate around the children and young people’s abilities and motivations to engage in their own child-led research projects. The findings contribute to knowledge about the nature of child-led research as an approach that supports children and young people in their struggle to participate in society. These findings contribute to the substantial gap of understanding about what is knowledge and expertise by exploring the ways in which children and young people conduct their own research and create knowledge with the aim of making a change in society. Specifically, the findings provide empirical evidence of the impact that their work has had on policy and practice and their personal lives

    Instal·lació de plaques fotovoltaiques a l'EPSEM

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    El fet de realitzar la instal·lació de plaques solars fotovoltaiques a l'Escola Politècnica Superior d'Enginyeria de Manresa (EPSEM), va aparèixer de la idea que si es realitzés el projecte, la universitat passaria a ser un edifici sostenible, ja que generaria energia per tal de poder-la vendre a la companyia d'electricitat i d'aquesta manera estaria col·laborant en el fet que la producció d'electricitat es fes de manera no contaminant i a través d'una font d'energia renovable, com és la radiació solar, que és inesgotable. Al principi del projecte van sorgir dubtes respecte l'enfocament que se li donaria, ja que no es tenia gaire clar quin tractament donar-li, si fer únicament un supòsit pràctic de la realització del projecte, és a dir, focalitzar el projecte en el tema de la instal·lació de paques solars fotovoltaiques a la universitat, realitzant tots el càlculs pertinents, plànols, estudi i disseny d'aquest. Després de pensar-ho amb més deteniment, es va decidir realitzar el projecte dividint-lo en dues parts. La primera, molt més teòrica, parlaria sobre el tema de les energies renovables i es centraria en l'energia solar, per després explicar tot allò necessari sobre l'energia solar fotovoltaica. A la segona part es mostraria l'estudi del projecte, tenint en compte la situació de l'edifici i realitzant tots el càlculs necessaris per tal de poder realitzar un projecte el més real possible

    Mitos urbanos: Producci?n textual a partir de la articulaci?n de la escuela con el contexto

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    92 p. Recurso Electr?nicoEl trabajo MITOS URBANOS, se enmarca dentro del macro-proyecto Redescubrir la Escuela del grupo de Investigaci?n Argonautas y hace parte de la versi?n ?Cartografiar el territorio para comprender la escuela? del semillero de investigaci?n Lenguaje y Territorio Escolar. El trabajo retoma los siguientes conceptos: El territorio es el campo donde el hombre se desarrolla como ser social, la cartograf?a social asumida como forma de comprender el entorno urbano; el lenguaje se refiere a la manera como se comunica en el contexto; Las pr?cticas pedag?gicas facilitan la interacci?n y el aprendizaje significativo El trabajo de grado: Mitos Urbanos, parte de la siguiente pregunta: ?C?mo fortalecer las competencias comunicativas, la interacci?n con los compa?eros y el trabajo en equipo; mediante la producci?n de textos narrativos como mitos urbanos a partir de la lectura de im?genes del contexto social de los estudiantes del grado s?ptimo de B?sica Secundaria de la Instituci?n Educativa Escuela Normal Superior Mar?a Auxiliadora de Girardot? La investigaci?n facilita vincular la cartograf?a con la formaci?n del Licenciado en Lengua Castellana para la comprensi?n de la realidad para fortalecer procesos pedag?gicos pertinentes. El territorio de observaci?n y reflexi?n fue el grado 703 de la Instituci?n Educativa Escuela Normal Superior Mar?a Auxiliadora del municipio de Girardot, Colombia, A?o 2015-2016.The MITOS URBANOS work is part of the macro-project: Rediscovering the School, from the group of research Argonauts and is part of the version "Mapping the territory to understand the school" of the research laboratory ?Language and School Territory?. The work takes the following concepts: the territory is the field where people develop them as social beings, the social mapping as a way to understand the urban environment; the language refers to the way how communicates in the context; teaching practices facilitate meaningful learning and interaction. The degree project: Mitos Urbanos, parts of the following question: How to strength the communication skills, and the interaction with colleagues, by the production of narrative texts as urban myths from the reading of images of the social context of the seventh graders of basic secondary in the Escuela Normal Superior Mar?a Auxiliadora of Girardot? The research facilitates the link between mapping and the formation of the degree in Spanish language for the understanding of reality to strengthen relevant pedagogical processes. The territory of observation and reflection was grade 703 of the Escuela Normal Superior Mar?a Auxiliadora de Girardot Colombia, during 2015 and 2016. Keywords: Social Mapping, School Territory, Myths, Urban

    Analysis of the variables that promote professional insertion based on critical thinking

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    Critical thinking is currently one of the most demanded competencies and skills in professionals and, therefore, constitutes one of the fundamental aspects to be developed by educational systems. This is especially important for the development of work tools for future labor insertion. The first objective of the present study was to determine the demographic variables (school type, gender, level education, work experience and volunteering) that can be used to predict the development of critical thinking in students undertaking vocational training or secondary education. The second objective was to determine whether the variables considered to be the most effective predictors are able to distinguish between higher and lower levels of critical thinking. For this purpose, a sample of students undertaking vocational training or secondary education in southern Spain (n= 3.132) was recruited. A quantitative study was then conducted, performing regression and decision tree analysis to identify predictors. Based on study outcomes, it can be concluded that a need exists to work on critical thinking at these educational stages and throughout life while considering the variables that influence critical thinking such as educational level, work experience and volunteering(TYNDALL/UFM). Reference: PID2020-119194RB-I00MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033

    Ambientes urbanos y actividad física en adultos mayores: relevancia del tema para américa latina

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    En América Latina el proceso de envejecimiento se ha caracterizado por su acelerado ritmo y ha estado acompañado, además, de crecientes procesos de urbanización y globalización, que han sido asociados con un incremento significativo de la inactividad física, la cual contribuye al desarrollo de enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles que representan la principal causa de muerte en la región. Recientemente, se ha enfatizado la  influencia que tienen en la actividad física las políticas públicas dirigidas a generar intervenciones en diversos atributos de los ambientes urbanos; evidencia que esta soportada principalmente, por estudios llevados a cabo en Estados Unidos y Australia. Sin embargo, este tópico ha sido muy poco estudiado en Latinoamérica, las cuales presentan particularidades en sus procesos de envejecimiento y desarrollo urbano. Ciudades latinoamericanas como Curitiba y Bogotá han llevado a cabo cambios urbanos significativos que pueden estar vinculados con la actividad física y calidad de vida de las personas, especialmente de los adultos mayores. Dadas las particularidades del desarrollo urbano en América Latina, se concluye acerca de la necesidad de llevar a cabo estudios multidisciplinarios que permitan entender de mejor manera los vínculos entre ambientes urbanos y actividad física en adultos mayores

    Formular un plan de negocios para la empresa ECORICAURTE que ofrezca productos biodegradables, a partir de un estudio técnico y comercial en el departamento Norte de Santander

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    Formular el plan de negocios de la empresa Ecoricaurte que ofrezcan productos biodegradables, a partir de un estudio técnico y comercial en el departamento de Norte de SantanderUna de las problemáticas que desde el siglo pasado se ha venido presentando es la contaminación ambiental y es curioso mencionar que las bolsas plásticas fueron creadas en el año 1959 por el ingeniero suizo Sten Gustaf Thulin, como medida para: “disminuir la tala de árboles que estaba afectando en gran medida el medio ambiente por el uso desmedido de las bolsas de papel”. Estas bolsas plásticas al paso de los años resultaron ser demasiado contaminantes para el medio ambiente, debido a su largo periodo de vida; trayendo como consecuencia la contaminación de los suelos, de las fuentes hídricas y de los océanos. Además, al no descomponerse con facilidad estas bolsas son las causantes también de algunas muertes de fauna a nivel terrestre y marino. Por otro lado, el cliente final de nuestra región no cuenta con la cultura de la utilización de bolsas ecológicas lo cual hace que muchas empresas no desean invertir u ofertar este tipo de productos. No visionando que son producto además de tener un impacto ambiental ya que ayudaría a disminuir, la contaminación que se viene presentando a nivel mundial ocasionando notablemente el calentamiento global, la destrucción de nuestra fauna y flora por ende tendría un impacto de índole social y así mismo económico, ya que estos productos son reutilizables. Por tal motivo, llegamos a la conclusión de la necesidad de diseñar un modelo de empresa llamada ECORICAURTE la cual diseñaría, crearía, producirá y comercializará carteras doble propósito (carteras y bolsa para mercar). Este producto además de ser biodegradable y amigable con el medio ambiente influiría en la economía de los Norte Santandereanos ya que serían de bajo costo y de fácil adquisición. Igualmente, nuestra propuesta de plan de negocio cuenta con una gran proyección, donde no solo se tendrá un impacto en nuestros futuros clientes satisfaciendo una necesidad cotidiana, con el uso de nuestro producto biodegradable, promoviendo el cuidado y preservación del medio ambiente; sino que estarían contribuyendo con aquellas mujeres cabeza de familia de la región, que no cuentan con un empleo estable para suplir sus necesidades básicas y la manutención de sus hijos. Por tal motivo, estas mujeres serían las principales beneficiadas con nuestro modelo de negocio, ya que se les generaría un empleo estable en el área de manufactura de nuestro productoOne of the problems that has arisen since the last century is environmental pollution and it is curious to mention that plastic bags were created in 1959 by the Swiss engineer Sten Gustaf Thulin, as a measure to: “reduce the felling of trees that it was greatly affecting the environment due to the excessive use of paper bags”. These plastic bags over the years turned out to be too polluting for the environment, due to their long life span; bringing as a consequence the contamination of soils, water sources and oceans. In addition, since these bags do not decompose easily, they are also the cause of some deaths of fauna at the land and marine level. On the other hand, the end customer in our region does not have the culture of using ecological bags, which means that many companies do not want to invest or offer this type of product. Not seeing that they are a product in addition to having an environmental impact since it would help to reduce the pollution that has been occurring worldwide, notably causing global warming, the destruction of our fauna and flora, therefore, it would have an impact of a social nature and likewise economical, as these products are reusable. For this reason, we came to the conclusion of the need to design a business model called ECORICAURTE which would design, create, produce and market dual-purpose wallets (wallets and shopping bag). This product, in addition to being biodegradable and friendly to the environment, would influence the economy of the North Santandereanos since they would be low cost and easily acquired. Likewise, our business plan proposal has a great projection, where not only will it have an impact on our future clients by satisfying a daily need, with the use of our biodegradable 13 product, promoting the care and preservation of the environment; rather, they would be contributing to those women who are heads of families in the region, who do not have a stable job to meet their basic needs and support their children. For this reason, these women would be the main beneficiaries of our business model, since a stable job would be generated for them in the manufacturing area of our product

    Formular un plan de negocios para la empresa ECORICAURTE que ofrezca productos biodegradables, a partir de un estudio técnico y comercial en el departamento Norte de Santander

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    Formular el plan de negocios de la empresa Ecoricaurte que ofrezcan productos biodegradables, a partir de un estudio técnico y comercial en el departamento de Norte de SantanderUna de las problemáticas que desde el siglo pasado se ha venido presentando es la contaminación ambiental y es curioso mencionar que las bolsas plásticas fueron creadas en el año 1959 por el ingeniero suizo Sten Gustaf Thulin, como medida para: “disminuir la tala de árboles que estaba afectando en gran medida el medio ambiente por el uso desmedido de las bolsas de papel”. Estas bolsas plásticas al paso de los años resultaron ser demasiado contaminantes para el medio ambiente, debido a su largo periodo de vida; trayendo como consecuencia la contaminación de los suelos, de las fuentes hídricas y de los océanos. Además, al no descomponerse con facilidad estas bolsas son las causantes también de algunas muertes de fauna a nivel terrestre y marino. Por otro lado, el cliente final de nuestra región no cuenta con la cultura de la utilización de bolsas ecológicas lo cual hace que muchas empresas no desean invertir u ofertar este tipo de productos. No visionando que son producto además de tener un impacto ambiental ya que ayudaría a disminuir, la contaminación que se viene presentando a nivel mundial ocasionando notablemente el calentamiento global, la destrucción de nuestra fauna y flora por ende tendría un impacto de índole social y así mismo económico, ya que estos productos son reutilizables. Por tal motivo, llegamos a la conclusión de la necesidad de diseñar un modelo de empresa llamada ECORICAURTE la cual diseñaría, crearía, producirá y comercializará carteras doble propósito (carteras y bolsa para mercar). Este producto además de ser biodegradable y amigable con el medio ambiente influiría en la economía de los Norte Santandereanos ya que serían de bajo costo y de fácil adquisición. Igualmente, nuestra propuesta de plan de negocio cuenta con una gran proyección, donde no solo se tendrá un impacto en nuestros futuros clientes satisfaciendo una necesidad cotidiana, con el uso de nuestro producto biodegradable, promoviendo el cuidado y preservación del medio ambiente; sino que estarían contribuyendo con aquellas mujeres cabeza de familia de la región, que no cuentan con un empleo estable para suplir sus necesidades básicas y la manutención de sus hijos. Por tal motivo, estas mujeres serían las principales beneficiadas con nuestro modelo de negocio, ya que se les generaría un empleo estable en el área de manufactura de nuestro productoOne of the problems that has arisen since the last century is environmental pollution and it is curious to mention that plastic bags were created in 1959 by the Swiss engineer Sten Gustaf Thulin, as a measure to: “reduce the felling of trees that it was greatly affecting the environment due to the excessive use of paper bags”. These plastic bags over the years turned out to be too polluting for the environment, due to their long life span; bringing as a consequence the contamination of soils, water sources and oceans. In addition, since these bags do not decompose easily, they are also the cause of some deaths of fauna at the land and marine level. On the other hand, the end customer in our region does not have the culture of using ecological bags, which means that many companies do not want to invest or offer this type of product. Not seeing that they are a product in addition to having an environmental impact since it would help to reduce the pollution that has been occurring worldwide, notably causing global warming, the destruction of our fauna and flora, therefore, it would have an impact of a social nature and likewise economical, as these products are reusable. For this reason, we came to the conclusion of the need to design a business model called ECORICAURTE which would design, create, produce and market dual-purpose wallets (wallets and shopping bag). This product, in addition to being biodegradable and friendly to the environment, would influence the economy of the North Santandereanos since they would be low cost and easily acquired. Likewise, our business plan proposal has a great projection, where not only will it have an impact on our future clients by satisfying a daily need, with the use of our biodegradable 13 product, promoting the care and preservation of the environment; rather, they would be contributing to those women who are heads of families in the region, who do not have a stable job to meet their basic needs and support their children. For this reason, these women would be the main beneficiaries of our business model, since a stable job would be generated for them in the manufacturing area of our product