50 research outputs found

    A Deeper Understanding of Child to Parent Violence (CPV): Personal Traits, Family Context, and Parenting

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    The increase in the rate of child to parent violence is a concern for society in various countries. Different psychological and personal characteristics tend to define the profile of the minors who commit this type of offense. Various social factors have been also related to this type of violence, including exposure to violence, the family environment and parenting. The relationship between child to parent violence and previous exposure to violence has yet to be clarified. Comparatively little research on this crime involving samples from juvenile court has been undertaken. This study uses a standardized measure (YLS/CMI) to determine the extent to which three of the most extensively studied groups of factors in child to parent violence—the family context, parenting and the adolescents’ psychological characteristics are relevant in the predicting this type of violence. The sample consisted of a total of 342 juveniles from a Juvenile Court in Eastern Spain, dealt with under the terms of Organic Law 5/2000 regulating the Criminal Responsibility of Minors. A child to parent violence group is compared with a control group committing the entire range of offenses. Personal variables, antisocial personality and exposure to violence play a clear role in the commission of this type of crime. Parenting has a determinant influence even when compared with family characteristics. What affects the commission of this type of violence in the most serious cases is therefore not having been exposed to it, but instead the individual’s upbringing and their current relationship with their parents

    Guía práctica para afectados por acontecimientos traumáticos o pérdidas

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    After a disaster or a traumatic event, changes can happen in a people’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. The impact of an event goes far beyond physical damage. Living through traumatic events changes the ways the self and the world are experienced. The reactions can result in a wide range of intense, confusing, and sometimes frightening emotions. Such events shatter your sense of security, making feel the victim helpless and vulnerable in a dangerous world. It is common for people to feel shocked, or numb, or unable to accept what has happened. Whether or not you were directly impacted by the traumatic event, it’s normal to feel anxious, scared, and uncertain about what the future may bring. This guide shows specific and practical things you can do to help yourself and your loved ones, like children according to their specific age, to cope with the emotional aftermath of the traumatic event. Parents and caregivers can help children overcome these experiences and start the process of recovery.Después de un desastre o un acontecimiento traumático, pueden cambiar los pensamientos, sentimientos y comportamientos en la gente que lo ha sufrido. El impacto del evento traumático trasciende al daño físico, cambiando la forma de percibir al mundo y a uno mismo. Las reacciones pueden resultar en una amplia gama de intensas y confusas emociones. Es común sentirse en shock, apático o incapaz de aceptar lo que ha pasado. Este tipo de acontecimientos rompen la sensación de seguridad, haciendo sentir a la víctima desvalida y vulnerable en un mundo peligroso. Es normal sentir una mezcla de sentimientos, la victima puede sentirse asustada, indefensa vulnerable o sobrepasada y experimentar emociones como la rabia culpa y pena. Tanto como si la víctima ha sufrido el impacto de forma directa como si no, es normal sentirse ansioso, asustado y desconcertado sobre el futuro. La gente reacciona de forma diferente para asimilar lo que ha pasado. Esta guía muestra conductas concretas y prácticas que se pueden realizar para ayudarse a uno mismo y a los seres queridos, como a los niños en función de la edad concreta, a afrontar las repercusiones emocionales de un evento traumático, ya que padres y cuidadores son una ayuda muy importante a la hora de superar estas experiencias y empezar con el proceso de recuperación

    Analysis of Risk and Protective Factors for Recidivism in Spanish Youth Offenders

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    Although a large body of research has studied the factors associated to general recidivism, predictive validity of these factors has received less attention. Andrews and Bonta’s General Personality and Social-Psychological Model attempts to provide an in-depth explanation of risk and protective factors in relation to youth recidivism. The Youth Level of Service/Case Management Inventory was administered to 210 adolescents aged between 14 and 18 with a criminal record to analyse risk and protective factors in relation to youth recidivism. Their possible differential contribution over a 2-year follow-up period was also examined. Risk factors showed good levels of recidivism prediction. The factors that emerged as the most discriminative were education/employment, leisure/recreation, and personality. Protective factors differentiated between recidivists and non-recidivists in all factors. Hence, results showed that not only individual but also social factors would be crucial in predicting recidivism

    Reiteración y reincidencia delictivas en menores españoles con expediente judicial

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    Los delitos cometidos por menores suelen crear gran alarma social en la sociedad actual. Una posible explicación es la percepción de que los menores con expediente judicial presentan una gran problemática social, delitos graves o incluso pertenecen a un entorno marginal. El objetivo de este trabajo fue contrastar es- tas asunciones. Para ello se analizaron las trayectorias delictivas de 210 menores con expediente judicial en el Juzgado de Menores, con edades comprendidas entre los 14.03 y 18.10 años. En un período de seguimiento de 2 años, se estudiaron diferentes variables en torno a su actividad delictiva (reincidencia, reiteración, tipología de los delitos, etc.). Los resultados se mostraron en línea con investigaciones previas donde la relación del menor con la justicia fue en la mayoría de los casos puntual y se extinguía al finalizar la etapa de la adolescencia, sien- do minoritaria la trayectoria persistente o que continúa hasta la vida adulta.Crimes committed by minors, usually tend to create big social alarm. Minors are perceived as youth with serious social problems, violent crimes or from dis- advantaged backgrounds. The aim of this study was to check these assumptions. In order to achieve this, the criminal trajectories of 210 minors (aged from 14.03 to 18.10) with at least one file in the Juvenile Court, were analyzed. In a two-year follow-up period, different vari- ables around criminal activity were studied (recidivism, reiteration, crime typology, etc.). Results were obtained according to previous studies in the sense that, relation with justice, is usually punctual and finishes when the adolescence period ends. On the other hand, the per- sistent trajectory, remaining in adult period, is usually less frequent

    Análisis de los diferentes tipos de perfiles de los menores infractores

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    Gran cantidad de jóvenes cometen o se ven involucrados en algún tipo de delito durante su adolescencia. Este estudio pretende analizar los perfiles de los menores infractores desde las variables del género, la edad, la nacionalidad y el tipo de delito, centrándose también en la reincidencia de dichos menores. Los participantes de este estudio son 395 menores del Juzgado de Castellón, de entre 14 y 18 años, y en su mayoría de género masculino. Se ha realizado un análisis de los expedientes de los menores del Juzgado de Menores de Castellón, analizando los números de expedientes de cada uno, la tipología de los delitos, los datos demográficos, etc. Los resultados obtenidos proporcionan la edad a la que los menores cometen más delitos, el género predominante, el tipo de delito que suelen cometer, así como las nacionalidad que más delitos comete, y la reincidencia que existe en cada una de las variables.Lots of young people commit or are involved in some type of offence during their adolescence. This study aims to analyze the profiles of juvenile offenders since the variables of gender, age, nationality and the type of crime, focusing also on the recidivism of such minors. The participants in this study are 395 minors of the Juvenile of Castellón, between 14 and 18 years old, and mostly male. The criminal files of the minors have been analysed in order to check numbers of proceedings of each minor, the typology of crimes, demographics, etc. Results show which are the common aspects on the juvenile related to gender, type of crime that often commit, as well as the nationality that more crimes comment, and recidivism that exists in each one of the variables

    Youth recidivism prediction using the yls/cmi and norms for assessment

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    Para predecir la reincidencia juvenil se considera de gran importancia la utilización de instrumentos estandarizados, basados en evidencia, como el Youth Level of Service/Case Management Inventory (yls/cmi). Por ello, el objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar la predicción de la reincidencia juvenil por medio de la versión española del yls/ cmi, el Inventario de gestión e intervención para jóvenes, así como proponer baremos. Los participantes fueron 430 jóvenes (14.03-19.03 años de edad) con expediente judicial disciplinario en el Juzgado de Menores de Castellón, España. Los análisis descriptivos y predictivos mostraron que el inventario discriminó adecuadamente entre menores reincidentes y no reincidentes, al haber obtenido los primeros puntuaciones más altas en todas las áreas y en la puntuación total. Asimismo, se proporcionaron baremos orientativos en función de la edad, el género y la reincidencia, de utilidad para los profesionales.In predicting juvenile recidivism, the use of evidence- based, standardized instruments, as the Youth Level of Service/Case Management Inventory (yls/cmi), is considered of high importance. Hence, this paper aimed to analyze the prediction of juvenile recidivism through the Spanish version of the yls/cmi, the Inventario de gestión e intervención para jóvenes, as well as to propose assessment norms. Participants were 430 juveniles (aged 14.03-19.03) with a disciplinary court record in the Juvenile Court of Castellón, Spain. Descriptive and predictive analyses showed the inventory to adequately discriminate between recidivist and non-recidivist minors, having shown the fi rst ones higher scores in all areas and the overall score. Likewise, indicative assessment norms were provided according to age, gender and recidivism, useful for practitioners.Se ha fi nanciado este trabajo con la ayuda que la Fundación Dávalos-Fletcher de Castellón concedió

    Criminological profile of minors who have committed child-to-parent violence

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    The rise of CPV cases in the last decade has become a matter of concern among researchers, who have investigated prevalence rates and factors related to this type of behavior. This study aims to analyze the criminological profile of the minors who have committed CPV compared to minors who have committed other type of crimes. The participants were 341 juveniles with a disciplinary record in the Juvenile Court of a Spanish province, whose ages ranged from 14 to 17 years old (M = 15.86, SD = 1.02). The results showed that the CPV group represented a moderate level of recidivism and the comparison group had a low risk of recidivism. The CPV group had mostly committed CPV, while the comparison group had tended to commit property crimes. The CPV group had generally served probation or confinement sentences, while the comparison group had mostly been acquitted or served probation

    Perfil del menor con expediente judicial en el equipo técnico del juzgado de Castellón

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    Han sido numerosos los estudios que muestran en España diferentes características de los menores con expediente judicial, analizando aspectos relacionados con el sexo, tipo de delito, edad y número de expedientes. En España, en relación al sexo de los menores, existe un porcentaje de chicos del 87.3 % y un 12.7 % en chicas (Capdevila, 2005). En relación a los tipos de delitos cometidos, el 32.68 % pertenecen a robos con fuerza, el 24.44 % hurtos, y el 23.24 % a robos con violencia e intimidación (De la Rosa, 2009). Se producen más detenciones en menores con edades comprendidas entre 18 y 20 años, a continuación entre 16 a 17 años, y por último, entre 14 a 15 años (centro Reina Sofía, 2009). En cuanto al número de expedientes, diferentes estudios realizados en España recogen que la mayoría de los menores cuentan con un único expediente, es el caso del País Vasco con un 78.3 % de menores pertenecientes a este tipo de trayectoria (San Juan y Ocáriz, 2009). Esta investigación se realiza con el objetivo de elaborar un perfil de los menores que acuden a los juzgados de Castellón y determinar la relación entre distintas variables, comparando los resultados con los de otros estudios. Los datos se recogen en 2011 con una muestra de 206 menores que acuden al equipo técnico del Juzgado de Menores por la incoación de un expediente delictivo. A modo de conclusión, se puede afirmar que el perfil de los menores que acudían a los juzgados de Castellón tenía unas características similares a los estudios analizados y un perfil predominante de bajo nivel de riesgo en relación a la comisión de delitos.In Spain there are many studies showing different characteristic of juvenile with criminal files, analyzing issues related to sex, type of crime, age and number of files. In relation to gender, 87.3 % of the minors are boys and 12.7 % are girls (capdevila, 2005). Regarding types of crimes committed by minors, 32.68 % were robberies, 24.44 % were thefts, and 23.24 % were robbery with violence and threats (De la Rosa, 2009). Most arrests occur in juveniles aged between 18 and 20 years old, followed by the group of 16 to 17, and finally, between 14 and 15 years old (centro Reina Sofia, 2009). In regard to number of convictions, different studies in Spain concluded that most children have at most one, for example in País Vasco 78.3 % of minors belongs to this type of trajectory (San Juan and Ocáriz, 2009). The aim of this research is to develop a profile of the juveniles that attend to the Court of Castellón and to determine the relationship between different variables, comparing results with those of other studies. Data were gathered in 2011 from a sample of 206 minors prosecuted in the Juvenile Court. In conclusion, it was found that the profile of minors who came to the Court of Castellon had similar characteristic to the studies analyzed and a predominant profile associated to low risk of committing crimes

    Análisis de la evitación de responsabilidad en preadolescentes implicados en acoso escolar

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    XVIII Congreso Internacional INFADThe study of cognitive processes associated with bullying has been important (mental skills, self efficacy. etc.). Whereas emotional and socio-moral issues such as responsibility for one's conduct have been much less studied in relation to bullying (Menesini and Camodeca, 2008; Pornari andWood, 2010, Almeida et al., 2010). And precisely, the problem may be not so much cognitive corn- petence required to withhold or prevent aggression, but the moral position is taken before the con- flict. Therefore, the objective is to analyze the relationship between bullying and assumption of responsibility. Participants were 268 preadolescents, aged between 13 and 15.11 years (mean = 13.7), who were administered the Participant Role Scale (Salmivalli et al. 1996) and the Scale of avoidance of responsibility (Powell et al., 1997). The results showed that bullies and followers are not significantly different compared to other roles when it comes to avoiding responsibility for their actions. Although we observe differences in specific factors of the scale (Victim of the others, immoral attitude and blaming others).El estudio de los procesos cognitivos asociados al acoso escolar ha sido importante (habilidades mentalistas. autoeficacia. etc.), en cambio los aspectos emocionales y sociomorales, como la responsabilidad por la propia conducta han sido mucho menos investigados en relación al acoso escolar (Menesini y Camodeca, 2008; Pornari et al., 2010; Almeida et al., 2010). Y precisamente, el problema puede que sea, no tanto la competencia cognitiva necesaria para no iniciar o impedir una agresión, sino el posicionamiento moral que se tome ante el conflicto. Por lo tanto, el objetivo es profundizar en la relación entre los participantes en el acoso escolar y la asunción de su responsabilidad. Los participantes fueron 268 preadolescentes, de entre 13 y 15.11 años (rnedia« 13.7), a los cuales se administró la Escala de Rol Participante (Salmivalli et al. 1996) y la Escala de evitación de responsabilidad (Powell et al., 1997). Los resultados mostraron que acosadores y seguidores no presentan diferencias significativas respecto al resto de roles a la hora de evitar la responsabilidad de sus actos. Si bien, sí se observan diferencias en cuanto a factores concretos de la escala (Víctima de la actuación de los demás, actitud inmoral y culpa a otros)

    Adolescentes en riesgo: trayectorias delictivas

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    XVIII Congreso Internacional INFADCrimes committed by minors, usually tend to create big social alarm. One possible explanation is the perception society has about minors with a file in the juvenile court. They are perceived as youth with very high risk levels, violent crimes or even from disadvantaged backgrounds. The aim of this study is to check these assumptions. In arder to achieve this, the trajectories of 210 minors (aged from 14.03 to 18.10) with at least one file in the Juvenile Court of Castellón, were analyzed. With the same goal, the results of the YLS/CMI (Hoge y Andrews, 2003), (that predicts the risk of recidivism), time between crimes,type of crime, criminal reiteration, etc. were analyzed. Results are according to the Iines research of Moffit (1993), Catalana and Hawkins (1996), Rechea and Fernández, (2001) and Howell (2003), in the sense that relation with justice is usually punctual and finished when the adolescence period ends.Los delitos cometidos por menores suelen crear gran alarma social en la sociedad actual. Una posible explicación es la percepción de que los menores con expediente judicial presentan una gran problemática social, delitos graves o incluso pertenecen a un entorno marginal,con altos niveles de riesgo de reincidencia. El objetivo de este trabajo es contrastar estas asunciones. Para ello se analizaron las trayectorias delictivas de 210 menores con expediente judicial en el juzgado de Castellón, con edades comprendidas entre 14,03 y 18,10 años. Con el mismo fin se estudiaron los resultados del Inventario YLS/CMI (Hogey Andrews, 2003), (capaz de predecir el riesgo de reincidencia delictiva), el tiempo que los menores tardan en cometer otro delito, la tipología de los delitos cometidos, la reiteración delictiva, etc. Los resultados se muestran en línea con las investigaciones de Moffit (1993), Catalana y Hawki ns (1996), Rechea y Fernández, (2001) y Howell (2003), donde la relación del menor con la justicia es en la mayoría de los casos puntual y se extingue al finalizar la etapa de la adolescencia