2,829 research outputs found

    How efficient is an integrative approach in archaeological geophysics? Comparative case studies from Neolithic settlements in Thessaly (Central Greece)

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    The geophysical prospection of Neolithic tells imposes specific challenges due to the preservation and nature of the architectural context and the multiple, usually disturbed, soil strata. Contrary to the usual application of a single method, this paper deals with the advantages of using an integrated geophysical approach through the employment of various methodologies to map the Neolithic cul-tural and environmental landscape of Thessalian tells (magoules) in Central Greece. The success and failure of each method in resolving the various features of the magoules are discussed in detail, and as a whole, they demonstrate the benefits of a manifold geophysical prospection of the sites

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    Sir Alexander Horda i els antifeixistes precoços

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    Res de violins

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    El renaixement del cinema alemany

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    Paul Iribe, un nòmada exquisit a la cort de De Mille

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    El darrer any negre d'un alumne aplicat

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    ÂżTarantino: postm_odern?

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    Welles, Korda i el tercer home

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    Els bidets no varen arribar mai

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