373 research outputs found

    Rebecca Cude in a Junior Piano Recital

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    This is a program for the junior piano recital of Rebecca Cude. The recital took place on March 7, 1974


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    Consumer behavior in the context of online food retail channels is analyzed. The research is a follow-up to an earlier study conducted in early 1998 on consumer response to online food shopping. In the 1998 study (N=243), a majority of the sample (51 percent) were "new" users of online food shopping (<6 months); 35 percent were "intermediate" users (1-6 months); and only 14 percent were "experienced" users (>6 months). In contrast, the new user segment in the follow-up study (N=412) was 29 percent; the intermediate segment was 28 percent; and the experienced group was 43 percent. Demographic profiles and shopping behaviors of respondents in the two studies are compared. Using cluster analysis, four distinct segments of online food shoppers are identified. Marketing strategy implications for online retailers and store retailers are discussed.Consumer/Household Economics, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies,

    Genetic and Ecological Characterization of Indigoidine Production by Phaeobacter sp. strain Y4I

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    The Roseobacter clade is a widely distributed, abundant, and biogeochemically active lineage of marine alpha-proteobacteria. Members of the Roseobacter lineage are prolific surface colonizers in marine coastal environments, and antimicrobial secondary metabolite production has been hypothesized to provide a competitive advantage in colonization. In this work, Phaeobacter sp. strain Y4I was found to produce the water soluble, blue pigment indigoidine via a nonribosomal peptide synthase-based biosynthetic pathway encoded by a novel series of genetically linked genes, termed igiBCDFE. Comparison of wildtype, non-pigmented, and hyper-pigmented Y4I insertional mutants demonstrated a perfect correlation between indigoidine production and the inhibition of Vibrio fischeri on agar plates, revealing a previously unrecognized bioactivity of this molecule. Competitive co-cultures of V. fischeri and Y4I showed that the production of indigoidine by Y4I significantly inhibits surface colonization of V. fischeri. Subsequent experiments identified a role for quorum sensing in the production of this secondary metabolite. Y4I has two independent quorum sensing systems, termed pgaIR and phaIR. Transposon insertions in each of the phaIR genes resulted in defects in indigoidine production. A transposon insertion in pgaR confers a null indigoidine phenotype. All of these quorum sensing mutants are unable to inhibit the growth of V. fischeri in competition experiments. These strains also have altered biofilm and motility phenotypes suggesting a role for the quorum sensing systems in regulation of these activities. Identification of the N-acyl homoserine lactone signaling molecules that are produced by Y4I was achieved using a combination of (AHL) bioreporters and mass spectrometry analyses. The two dominant AHLs were found to be N-octanoyl homoserine lactone (C8-HSL) and a putative monounsaturated N-3-hydroxydodecanoyl homoserine lactone (3OHC12:1-HSL) when the strain is grown on a complex medium. Evidence is provided that AHL production is not wholly cell-density dependent in this strain. Finally, a comprehensive analysis of the luxRI-type quorum sensing systems in sequenced roseobacter genomes provide evidence that these genetic systems are closely related among lineage members and likely share a common ancestor

    The Need for Improved Doctoral Program Statistics

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    Rebecca M. Cude in a Senior Piano Recital

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    This is the program for the senior piano recital of Rebecca M. Cude. This recital took place on April 18, 1975, in the Mabee Fine Arts Center\u27s Recital Hall

    Of, By & For Utahns, Not New Yorkers

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    If 2016 voters agree on anything, perhaps it’s a frustration with the influence of money on politics. President-Elect Trump reminded GOP voters that, because he’s self-funding (at least in the primary), he “doesn’t owe anybody anything” Senator Sanders surprised everyone in his primary because of his relentless criticism of the “donor control of politicians.” In our own state of Utah, Senator Hatch ran for re-election in 2012 and received a total of 5,360,274incampaigncontributions−88.55,360,274 in campaign contributions - 88.5% (4.7 million) of that from out-of-state donors. His challengers didn’t stand a chance. This project’s research will provide more examples, but despite broad popular appeal for reform, efforts to reduce donor influence have stalled. However, what if only registered voters could donate to campaigns? Many will claim the Supreme Court would never sanction such a law and they’d be right. But what if an Article V amendment, ratified by 34 states, made this “constitutional”? This is the research project\u27s objective. If such an amendment restricts campaign contributions to registered voters, what is the effect on campaigns and governance? How much money would Speaker Ryan raise if limited to registered voters in his Wisconsin CD? How would a New Hampshire Senator vote if she could no longer raise funds from NY or CA? Working with my PSA faculty sponsor, Dr. Damon Cann, we will present analysis of the potential effects of such a proposal on our political institutions

    College Students’ Attitudes toward Debt

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    College student debt has gained much attention. This article uses survey data to examine the influence of psychological factors on college student attitudes toward debt. In the sample of 283 undergraduates enrolled in a personal finance elective course, financial self-confidence was significantly related to debt attitude, indicating that less financially self-confident students tended to have more positive attitudes toward debt. Two other psychological factors, ability to delay gratification and comparing oneself to others, were not significantly related to debt attitudes. Among the control variables, only gender was significantly related; women had more negative attitudes toward debt than men. College major, involvement with parents about personal finance, and financial knowledge were not significantly related to student attitudes toward debt. Future researchers should consider reexamining the use of the scales used in this research. Although the scales had been used by previous researchers, they may have less relevance to young adults whose debt attitudes were no doubt influenced by the Great Recession of 2007-2009
