171 research outputs found

    A Second-Order Distributed Trotter-Suzuki Solver with a Hybrid Kernel

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    The Trotter-Suzuki approximation leads to an efficient algorithm for solving the time-dependent Schr\"odinger equation. Using existing highly optimized CPU and GPU kernels, we developed a distributed version of the algorithm that runs efficiently on a cluster. Our implementation also improves single node performance, and is able to use multiple GPUs within a node. The scaling is close to linear using the CPU kernels, whereas the efficiency of GPU kernels improve with larger matrices. We also introduce a hybrid kernel that simultaneously uses multicore CPUs and GPUs in a distributed system. This kernel is shown to be efficient when the matrix size would not fit in the GPU memory. Larger quantum systems scale especially well with a high number nodes. The code is available under an open source license.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figure

    Towards integrated urban simulations

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    More than half of the world population lives in urban areas. Urbanites are estimated to grow up to 68% of the population by 2050 [1]. This rapid growth requires new contributions from researchers and policy-makers to the development of the future city. Again, understanding how the city will grow is a crucial step in guiding this process towards the best outcome. Cities are highly complex systems that traditional urban dynamic simulations cannot grasp in their totality, if solved only in a lightly coupled way. In addition, a model is useful only if it can be used in the planning and management practice [2]. It’s true that, driven by the urge to improve their models, different sectors are developing multi-layered integrated simulations. Nevertheless, a wider scope of considering the city in its holistic behaviour is missing. Indeed, management, social, and technical barriers restrain the adoption of integrated models, such as ‘model complexity, user friendliness, administrative fragmentation and communication’ [3]

    Universal decoherence induced by an environmental quantum phase transition

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    Decoherence induced by coupling a system with an environment may display universal features. Here we demostrate that when the coupling to the system drives a quantum phase transition in the environment, the temporal decay of quantum coherences in the system is Gaussian with a width independent of the system-environment coupling strength. The existence of this effect opens the way for a new type of quantum simulation algorithm, where a single qubit is used to detect a quantum phase transition. We discuss possible implementations of such algorithm and we relate our results to available data on universal decoherence in NMR echo experiments

    Gaussian Decoherence and Gaussian Echo from Spin Environments

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    We examine an exactly solvable model of decoherence -- a spin-system interacting with a collection of environment spins. We show that in this simple model (introduced some time ago to illustrate environment--induced superselection) generic assumptions about the coupling strengths lead to a universal (Gaussian) suppression of coherence between pointer states. We explore the regime of validity of this result and discuss its relation to spectral features of the environment. We also consider its relevance to the experiments on the so-called Loschmidt echo (which measures, in effect, the fidelity between the initial and time-reversed or "echo" signal). In particular, we show that for partial reversals (e.g., when of only a part of the total Hamiltonian changes sign) fidelity will exhibit a Gaussian dependence on the time of reversal. In such cases echo may become independent of the details of the reversal procedure or the specifics of the coupling to the environment. This puzzling behavior was observed in several NMR experiments. Natural candidates for such two environments (one of which is easily reversed, while the other is ``irreversible'') are suggested for the experiment involving ferrocene.Comment: Improved text and figures, to appear in the special issue of Acta Physica Polonica B celebrating the 100th anniversary of Smoluchowski's equation and his paper explaining Brownian motion (in http://th-www.if.uj.edu.pl/acta/vol38/pdf/v38p1685.pdf

    Dynamical Origin of Decoherence in Clasically Chaotic Systems

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    The decay of the overlap between a wave packet evolved with a Hamiltonian H and the same state evolved with H}+Σ\Sigma serves as a measure of the decoherence time τϕ\tau_{\phi}. Recent experimental and analytical evidence on classically chaotic systems suggest that, under certain conditions, τϕ\tau_{\phi} depends on H but not on Σ\Sigma . By solving numerically a Hamiltonian model we find evidence of that property provided that the system shows a Wigner-Dyson spectrum (which defines quantum chaos) and the perturbation exceeds a crytical value defined by the parametric correlations of the spectra.Comment: Typos corrected, published versio

    Sensitivity to perturbations in a quantum chaotic billiard

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    The Loschmidt echo (LE) measures the ability of a system to return to the initial state after a forward quantum evolution followed by a backward perturbed one. It has been conjectured that the echo of a classically chaotic system decays exponentially, with a decay rate given by the minimum between the width Γ\Gamma of the local density of states and the Lyapunov exponent. As the perturbation strength is increased one obtains a cross-over between both regimes. These predictions are based on situations where the Fermi Golden Rule (FGR) is valid. By considering a paradigmatic fully chaotic system, the Bunimovich stadium billiard, with a perturbation in a regime for which the FGR manifestly does not work, we find a cross over from Γ\Gamma to Lyapunov decay. We find that, challenging the analytic interpretation, these conjetures are valid even beyond the expected range.Comment: Significantly revised version. To appear in Physical Review E Rapid Communication
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