337 research outputs found

    Young planets under extreme UV irradiation. I. Upper atmosphere modelling of the young exoplanet K2-33b

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    The K2-33 planetary system hosts one transiting ~5 R_E planet orbiting the young M-type host star. The planet's mass is still unknown, with an estimated upper limit of 5.4 M_J. The extreme youth of the system (<20 Myr) gives the unprecedented opportunity to study the earliest phases of planetary evolution, at a stage when the planet is exposed to an extremely high level of high-energy radiation emitted by the host star. We perform a series of 1D hydrodynamic simulations of the planet's upper atmosphere considering a range of possible planetary masses, from 2 to 40 M_E, and equilibrium temperatures, from 850 to 1300 K, to account for internal heating as a result of contraction. We obtain temperature profiles mostly controlled by the planet's mass, while the equilibrium temperature has a secondary effect. For planetary masses below 7-10 M_E, the atmosphere is subject to extremely high escape rates, driven by the planet's weak gravity and high thermal energy, which increase with decreasing mass and/or increasing temperature. For higher masses, the escape is instead driven by the absorption of the high-energy stellar radiation. A rough comparison of the timescales for complete atmospheric escape and age of the system indicates that the planet is more massive than 10 M_E.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    A grid of upper atmosphere models for 1--40 MEARTH planets: application to CoRoT-7 b and HD219134 b,c

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    There is growing observational and theoretical evidence suggesting that atmospheric escape is a key driver of planetary evolution. Commonly, planetary evolution models employ simple analytic formulae (e.g., energy limited escape) that are often inaccurate, and more detailed physical models of atmospheric loss usually only give snapshots of an atmosphere's structure and are difficult to use for evolutionary studies. To overcome this problem, we upgrade and employ an already existing upper atmosphere hydrodynamic code to produce a large grid of about 7000 models covering planets with masses 1 - 39 Earth mass with hydrogen-dominated atmospheres and orbiting late-type stars. The modeled planets have equilibrium temperatures ranging between 300 and 2000 K. For each considered stellar mass, we account for three different values of the high-energy stellar flux (i.e., low, moderate, and high activity). For each computed model, we derive the atmospheric temperature, number density, bulk velocity, X-ray and EUV (XUV) volume heating rates, and abundance of the considered species as a function of distance from the planetary center. From these quantities, we estimate the positions of the maximum dissociation and ionisation, the mass-loss rate, and the effective radius of the XUV absorption. We show that our results are in good agreement with previously published studies employing similar codes. We further present an interpolation routine capable to extract the modelling output parameters for any planet lying within the grid boundaries. We use the grid to identify the connection between the system parameters and the resulting atmospheric properties. We finally apply the grid and the interpolation routine to estimate atmospheric evolutionary tracks for the close-in, high-density planets CoRoT-7 b and HD219134 b,c...Comment: 21 pages, 4 Tables, 15 Figure


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    M. I. Edelwisss. R. Tanco Duque. S. Schindler (Herausgegeben). Personalisation. Studien zur Tiefenpsychologie und Psychotherapie. Wien - Freihurg - Basel: Herder, 1964, 171 pags. Precio: DM 17,50. / Benedetti, G. Klinische Psychotherapie. Miteinem Beitrag von Dr. V. Wenger über Psychiatrische Betreullng. Bern. Stuttgart: Verlag Hans Huber, 1964, 307 pags. Schw. Fr. 34,00. / Kahn, R. L. and amp; Cannul Ch. F. The Dinamics of lnterviewing: Theory, Technique, and Cases. New York. London: John Wiley and amp; Sons, Inc., 1962, X + 368 pags, US 6,75.SixthPrinting./K.Gottschawt.Th.LerschF.Sanderh.Thomae,Handbuchderpsychologie,Go¨ttingen,VerlagfUrPsychologie,1959.1964./Halbband.Allgemeinepsychologie.HerausgegebenvonProf.Dr.R.Bergius,Gottingen:VerlagfurPsychologie,1964.XVII+722pags.Precio:DM78,00./PsychologischediagnostikHerausgebenvonProf.Dr.R.Heiss.Gottingen:Verlagfu¨rPsychologic,1964,XX+1058pags.Precio:DM98,00./W.Traxel.Einfu¨hrungindieMethodikderPsychologie.Berm.Stuttgart:VerlagHansHuber,19M,XI,348pags.Precio:Schiro28.00./PaulFraisseandamp;JeanPiaget(Direction),TraitedePsychologieExperimentalle,Paris,1963,PressesUniversitairesdeFrance./Szondi,L.SchicksalsanalytischeTherapie.EinLehrbuchderpassivenundaktivenanalytischenPsychotherapie.Bern.Stuttgart:VerlagHansHuber,1963,542pags.SFr.64,00./Marx,M.H.(ArrangedandEdited).TheoriesinContemporaryPsychology.NewYork.London:TheMacMillanCo.,Inc.,1963,XII,628pags,US 6,75. Sixth Printing. / K. Gottschawt. Th. Lersch - F. Sanderh. Thomae, Handbuchderpsychologie,Göttingen, Verlag fUr Psychologie, 1959 . 1964. / Halbband. Allgemeinepsychologie. Herausgegeben von Prof. Dr. R. Bergius, Gottingen: Verlag fur Psychologie, 1964. XVII + 722 pags. Precio: DM 78,00. / Psychologische diagnostik Herausge ben von Prof. Dr. R. Heiss. Gottingen: Verlag für Psychologic, 1964, XX + 1058 pags. Precio: DM 98,00. / W. Traxel. Einführung in die Methodik der Psychologie. Berm. Stuttgart: Verlag Hans Huber, 19M, XI, 348 pags. Precio: Schiro 28.00. / Paul Fraisse and amp; Jean Piaget (Direction), Traite de Psychologie Experimentalle, Paris, 1963, Presses Universitaires de France. / Szondi, L. Schicksalsanalytische Therapie. Ein Lehrbuch der passiven und aktiven analytischen Psychotherapie. Bern.Stuttgart: Verlag Hans Huber, 1963, 542 pags. SFr. 64,00. / Marx, M. H. (Arranged and Edited). Theories in Contemporary Psychology. New York. London: The MacMillan Co., Inc., 1963, XII, 628 pags, US 12,50. / Mialaret G. (Presentees par), L'Ensegnement des Muthematiques. Etudes de Pedagogic ExperimentaIe. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1964·, 462 pags, Precio: NFr. 30,00. / Reuchlin, M. Les Methodes cuantitatives en psychologie. Paris: Presses Universitaires de Frances, 1962, 454 pags. NFr. 20,00. / Lafon, R. (et 21 Coll.). Vocabulaire de Psychopedagogie et de Psychiutrie de l'Enfant. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1963, XX + 604. pugs, Precio: NRF 48,00. / Anastasi Anne, Fields of Applied Psychology. New York. London: McGraw Hill Book Co., 1964, XII + 621 pags. US S 9,00. / Hans Binder, Die menschliche Person. Ihre Wesen, ihre Gestalt und ihre Storungen. Eine Einführung in die medizinisehe Anthropologie. Bern Stuttgart: Verlag Hans Huber, 1964, 249 pags. Precio: SFR 24,00. / K. RAMUL, Psychologische Demonstrationsver suche, Leipzig 1961, .Johann Ambrosius Barth Verlag, 88 páginas con 68 iIustraciones. / Harry Helson, Adaptation Level Theory An Experimental and Systematic Approach to Behavior. New York. Evanston. London: Harper and amp; Row, Publishers, 1964, XVIII 732 pags. Precio: US 10,75./Scheerer,C.(Edited)Cognition:Theory,Research,Promise.NewYork.Evanston.London:Harperandamp;Row,Publishers,1964,XII+226pags.USS4,00./Fr.Dorsch.GeschichteundProblemederangewandtenPsychologie,BernStuttgart:VerlagHansHuber,1963,283pags.Precio:Sfr24,80./JorgeJ.Sauri,introduccioˊnGeneralaLaPsicologıˊaProfunda,BuenosAires:EdicionesCarlosLohleˊ,1962:I.LaestructuradelYo;II.LadinaˊmicadelYo.270+182pags.Precio:58,75./PsychanalyseetCaracterologie;en"LaCaracterologie.1964,N96,203pags.PressesUniversitairesdeFrance.Precio:Fr.14,00./ArangoJaramillo,Camilo:Psicologıˊadinaˊmica.Ed.Kerner,Bogotaˊ,1964.411paˊginas./Phillips,William,Ed.:ArtandPsychoanalysis.MeridianBooks.TheWorlsPublishing/Hesnard,A.:Psychanalysedulieninterhumanin.PressesUniversitairesdeFrance.1957,228paˊginas./Wilde,Guido:Psicologıˊaclıˊnica:Unanuevaprofesioˊn.Ed.Pax,Bogotaˊ,1964.112pags./Scott,J.P.,AnimalBehavior,NaturalHistoryLibrary;NewYork,1963.pags./Webb,W.B.(Editor).TheProfessionofPsychology,NewYork:Holt,Rinehart,andWinston,1962.291pags./MiraYLoˊpez,Comoestudiarycomoaprender.EditorialKapeluz,BuenosAires,SextaEdicioˊn1959,102pags., 10,75. / Scheerer,C. (Edited) Cognition: Theory, Research, Promise. New York. Evanston. London: Harper and amp; Row, Publishers, 1964, XII + 226 pags. US S 4,00. / Fr. Dorsch. Geschichte und Probleme der angewandten Psychologie, Bern Stuttgart: Verlag Hans Huber, 1963, 283 pags. Precio: Sfr 24,80. / Jorge J. Sauri, introducción General a La Psicología Profunda, Buenos Aires: Ediciones Carlos Lohlé, 1962: I. La estructura del Yo; II. La dinámica del Yo. 270+182 pags. Precio: 58,75. / Psychanalyse et Caracterologie; en "La Caracterologie. 1964, N9 6, 203 pags. Presses Universitaires de France. Precio: Fr. 14,00. / Arango Jaramillo, Camilo: Psicología dinámica. Ed. Kerner, Bogotá, 1964. 411 páginas. / Phillips, William, Ed.: Art and Psychoanalysis. Meridian Books. The Worls Publishing / Hesnard, A.: Psychanalyse du lien interhumanin. Presses Universitaires de France. 1957, 228 páginas. / Wilde, Guido: Psicología clínica: Una nueva profesión. Ed. Pax, Bogotá, 1964. 112 pags. / Scott, J. P., Animal Behavior, Natural History Library; New York, 1963. pags. / Webb, W. B. (Editor). The Profession of Psychology, New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1962. 291 pags. / Mira Y López, Como estudiar y como aprender. Editorial Kapeluz, Buenos Aires, Sexta Edición 1959, 102 pags., 16.00. / Thenon, Jorge. Psicología Dialéctica. Editorial Platina. Buenos Aires, 1963. pags., 364. Dibujos del autor. / Harry Levinson. Emocional Health: In the World and Work. New York,   Evaston and London: Harper and amp; Row, Publishers, 1964, 300 pags. US $ 6.95. / Asociación Colombiana de Sociología. Memoria del Primer Congreso Nacional de Sociología. Editorial Iqueima. Bogota, 1963. Pag. 260


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    M. I. Edelwisss. R. Tanco Duque. S. Schindler (Herausgegeben). Personalisation. Studien zur Tiefenpsychologie und Psychotherapie. Wien - Freihurg - Basel: Herder, 1964, 171 pags. Precio: DM 17,50. / Benedetti, G. Klinische Psychotherapie. Miteinem Beitrag von Dr. V. Wenger über Psychiatrische Betreullng. Bern. Stuttgart: Verlag Hans Huber, 1964, 307 pags. Schw. Fr. 34,00. / Kahn, R. L. and amp; Cannul Ch. F. The Dinamics of lnterviewing: Theory, Technique, and Cases. New York. London: John Wiley and amp; Sons, Inc., 1962, X + 368 pags, US 6,75.SixthPrinting./K.Gottschawt.Th.LerschF.Sanderh.Thomae,Handbuchderpsychologie,Go¨ttingen,VerlagfUrPsychologie,1959.1964./Halbband.Allgemeinepsychologie.HerausgegebenvonProf.Dr.R.Bergius,Gottingen:VerlagfurPsychologie,1964.XVII+722pags.Precio:DM78,00./PsychologischediagnostikHerausgebenvonProf.Dr.R.Heiss.Gottingen:Verlagfu¨rPsychologic,1964,XX+1058pags.Precio:DM98,00./W.Traxel.Einfu¨hrungindieMethodikderPsychologie.Berm.Stuttgart:VerlagHansHuber,19M,XI,348pags.Precio:Schiro28.00./PaulFraisseandamp;JeanPiaget(Direction),TraitedePsychologieExperimentalle,Paris,1963,PressesUniversitairesdeFrance./Szondi,L.SchicksalsanalytischeTherapie.EinLehrbuchderpassivenundaktivenanalytischenPsychotherapie.Bern.Stuttgart:VerlagHansHuber,1963,542pags.SFr.64,00./Marx,M.H.(ArrangedandEdited).TheoriesinContemporaryPsychology.NewYork.London:TheMacMillanCo.,Inc.,1963,XII,628pags,US 6,75. Sixth Printing. / K. Gottschawt. Th. Lersch - F. Sanderh. Thomae, Handbuchderpsychologie,Göttingen, Verlag fUr Psychologie, 1959 . 1964. / Halbband. Allgemeinepsychologie. Herausgegeben von Prof. Dr. R. Bergius, Gottingen: Verlag fur Psychologie, 1964. XVII + 722 pags. Precio: DM 78,00. / Psychologische diagnostik Herausge ben von Prof. Dr. R. Heiss. Gottingen: Verlag für Psychologic, 1964, XX + 1058 pags. Precio: DM 98,00. / W. Traxel. Einführung in die Methodik der Psychologie. Berm. Stuttgart: Verlag Hans Huber, 19M, XI, 348 pags. Precio: Schiro 28.00. / Paul Fraisse and amp; Jean Piaget (Direction), Traite de Psychologie Experimentalle, Paris, 1963, Presses Universitaires de France. / Szondi, L. Schicksalsanalytische Therapie. Ein Lehrbuch der passiven und aktiven analytischen Psychotherapie. Bern.Stuttgart: Verlag Hans Huber, 1963, 542 pags. SFr. 64,00. / Marx, M. H. (Arranged and Edited). Theories in Contemporary Psychology. New York. London: The MacMillan Co., Inc., 1963, XII, 628 pags, US 12,50. / Mialaret G. (Presentees par), L'Ensegnement des Muthematiques. Etudes de Pedagogic ExperimentaIe. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1964·, 462 pags, Precio: NFr. 30,00. / Reuchlin, M. Les Methodes cuantitatives en psychologie. Paris: Presses Universitaires de Frances, 1962, 454 pags. NFr. 20,00. / Lafon, R. (et 21 Coll.). Vocabulaire de Psychopedagogie et de Psychiutrie de l'Enfant. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1963, XX + 604. pugs, Precio: NRF 48,00. / Anastasi Anne, Fields of Applied Psychology. New York. London: McGraw Hill Book Co., 1964, XII + 621 pags. US S 9,00. / Hans Binder, Die menschliche Person. Ihre Wesen, ihre Gestalt und ihre Storungen. Eine Einführung in die medizinisehe Anthropologie. Bern Stuttgart: Verlag Hans Huber, 1964, 249 pags. Precio: SFR 24,00. / K. RAMUL, Psychologische Demonstrationsver suche, Leipzig 1961, .Johann Ambrosius Barth Verlag, 88 páginas con 68 iIustraciones. / Harry Helson, Adaptation Level Theory An Experimental and Systematic Approach to Behavior. New York. Evanston. London: Harper and amp; Row, Publishers, 1964, XVIII 732 pags. Precio: US 10,75./Scheerer,C.(Edited)Cognition:Theory,Research,Promise.NewYork.Evanston.London:Harperandamp;Row,Publishers,1964,XII+226pags.USS4,00./Fr.Dorsch.GeschichteundProblemederangewandtenPsychologie,BernStuttgart:VerlagHansHuber,1963,283pags.Precio:Sfr24,80./JorgeJ.Sauri,introduccioˊnGeneralaLaPsicologıˊaProfunda,BuenosAires:EdicionesCarlosLohleˊ,1962:I.LaestructuradelYo;II.LadinaˊmicadelYo.270+182pags.Precio:58,75./PsychanalyseetCaracterologie;en"LaCaracterologie.1964,N96,203pags.PressesUniversitairesdeFrance.Precio:Fr.14,00./ArangoJaramillo,Camilo:Psicologıˊadinaˊmica.Ed.Kerner,Bogotaˊ,1964.411paˊginas./Phillips,William,Ed.:ArtandPsychoanalysis.MeridianBooks.TheWorlsPublishing/Hesnard,A.:Psychanalysedulieninterhumanin.PressesUniversitairesdeFrance.1957,228paˊginas./Wilde,Guido:Psicologıˊaclıˊnica:Unanuevaprofesioˊn.Ed.Pax,Bogotaˊ,1964.112pags./Scott,J.P.,AnimalBehavior,NaturalHistoryLibrary;NewYork,1963.pags./Webb,W.B.(Editor).TheProfessionofPsychology,NewYork:Holt,Rinehart,andWinston,1962.291pags./MiraYLoˊpez,Comoestudiarycomoaprender.EditorialKapeluz,BuenosAires,SextaEdicioˊn1959,102pags., 10,75. / Scheerer,C. (Edited) Cognition: Theory, Research, Promise. New York. Evanston. London: Harper and amp; Row, Publishers, 1964, XII + 226 pags. US S 4,00. / Fr. Dorsch. Geschichte und Probleme der angewandten Psychologie, Bern Stuttgart: Verlag Hans Huber, 1963, 283 pags. Precio: Sfr 24,80. / Jorge J. Sauri, introducción General a La Psicología Profunda, Buenos Aires: Ediciones Carlos Lohlé, 1962: I. La estructura del Yo; II. La dinámica del Yo. 270+182 pags. Precio: 58,75. / Psychanalyse et Caracterologie; en "La Caracterologie. 1964, N9 6, 203 pags. Presses Universitaires de France. Precio: Fr. 14,00. / Arango Jaramillo, Camilo: Psicología dinámica. Ed. Kerner, Bogotá, 1964. 411 páginas. / Phillips, William, Ed.: Art and Psychoanalysis. Meridian Books. The Worls Publishing / Hesnard, A.: Psychanalyse du lien interhumanin. Presses Universitaires de France. 1957, 228 páginas. / Wilde, Guido: Psicología clínica: Una nueva profesión. Ed. Pax, Bogotá, 1964. 112 pags. / Scott, J. P., Animal Behavior, Natural History Library; New York, 1963. pags. / Webb, W. B. (Editor). The Profession of Psychology, New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1962. 291 pags. / Mira Y López, Como estudiar y como aprender. Editorial Kapeluz, Buenos Aires, Sexta Edición 1959, 102 pags., 16.00. / Thenon, Jorge. Psicología Dialéctica. Editorial Platina. Buenos Aires, 1963. pags., 364. Dibujos del autor. / Harry Levinson. Emocional Health: In the World and Work. New York,   Evaston and London: Harper and amp; Row, Publishers, 1964, 300 pags. US $ 6.95. / Asociación Colombiana de Sociología. Memoria del Primer Congreso Nacional de Sociología. Editorial Iqueima. Bogota, 1963. Pag. 260

    The Kepler-11 system: evolution of the stellar high-energy emission and {initial planetary} atmospheric mass fractions

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    The atmospheres of close-in planets are strongly influenced by mass loss driven by the high-energy (X-ray and extreme ultraviolet, EUV) irradiation of the host star, particularly during the early stages of evolution. We recently developed a framework to exploit this connection and enable us to recover the past evolution of the stellar high-energy emission from the present-day properties of its planets, if the latter retains some remnants of their primordial hydrogen-dominated atmospheres. Furthermore, the framework can also provide constraints on planetary initial atmospheric mass fractions. The constraints on the output parameters improve when more planets can be simultaneously analysed. This makes the Kepler-11 system, which hosts six planets with bulk densities between 0.66 and 2.45g cm^{-3}, an ideal target. Our results indicate that the star has likely evolved as a slow rotator (slower than 85\% of the stars with similar masses), corresponding to a high-energy emission at 150 Myr of between 1-10 times that of the current Sun. We also constrain the initial atmospheric mass fractions for the planets, obtaining a lower limit of 4.1% for planet c, a range of 3.7-5.3% for planet d, a range of 11.1-14% for planet e, a range of 1-15.6% for planet f, and a range of 4.7-8.7% for planet g assuming a disc dispersal time of 1 Myr. For planet b, the range remains poorly constrained. Our framework also suggests slightly higher masses for planets b, c, and f than have been suggested based on transit timing variation measurements. We coupled our results with published planet atmosphere accretion models to obtain a temperature (at 0.25 AU, the location of planet f) and dispersal time of the protoplanetary disc of 550 K and 1 Myr, although these results may be affected by inconsistencies in the adopted system parameters.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Baseline Configuration of the Cryogenic System for the International Linear Collider

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    The paper discusses the main constraints and boundary conditions and describes the baseline configuration of the International Linear Collider (ILC) cryogenic system. The cryogenic layout, architecture and the cooling principle are presented. The paper addresses a plan for study and development required to demonstrate and improve the performance, to reduce cost and to attain the desired reliability