22 research outputs found

    Gasto público y crecimiento económico en la Restauración (1874-1923)

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    Las aportaciones más recientes sobre la importancia del Estado en el crecimiento de la economía española durante la Restauración han señalado la reducida relevancia que el gasto público tenía en la determinacion de la renta nacional. En este articulo se discute tal afirmación llegando a la conclusión de que tal afirmación infravaloraba la verdadera importancia del presupuesto, principalmente en relación con la producción industrial. Mediante la utilización de métodos econométricos se analiza la relevancia de las variaciones en los diferentes componentes del presupuesto en la variación de la producción nacional.The most tecent contributions on the relevance of the State in the growth of the Spanish economy during the Restoration have remarked the limited significance that public expenditure had in dte determination of the natioiud income. Iliis article discusses that opinión conduding that the actual imporunce of the budget, espcdally reUted with industrial output, was underrated. We use econometric methods to capture the consequences of budget different componenls variations on national [email protected]

    La continuidad del crecimiento económico en España: 1850-1936

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    El crecimiento de la economía española durante los siglos XDC y xx ha sido en gran medida singular. Mientras en el siglo XDí España permaneció al margen del proceso de industrialización, durante el siglo xx se ha unido al reducido grupo de los países desarrollados. Este artículo contrasta para la etapa 1850-1936 la existencia de rupturas dentro de este proceso, aplicando diferentes tests econométricos asociados a los trabajos de Perron y de Zivot y Andrews, a las series de PNB, producción industrial e inversión. Los resultados confirman una continuidad básica en el crecimiento español. Sin embargo, muestran también la existencia de dos cambios de nivel: 1870 para la producción industrial y 1919 en la inversión pública.The Spanish pattern of economic growth during the last two centuries is quite unique. In the nineteenth century the country remained outside the process of industrialization, but during the twentieth century he has joined the smaU group of developed economies. This artide tests the existence of discontinuities between 1850-1936 in the seríes of PNB, industríal production and prívate and public investment by utilizing recent developments in the econometríc analysis associated with the work of Perron and Zivot and Andrews. The resuhs confírm the continuity of the Spanish growth duríng the decades considered. However, they also show two breakpoint years: 1870 in the serie of industríal production and 1919 in the data of public [email protected]; [email protected]

    El coste de uso del capital en la explicación del boom de la inversión europea de posguerra

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    Post-war Europe provides an opportunity to study the importance of relative prices of capital, and the user cost of capital in particular, in explaining the convergence in investment rates between countries of similar "social capabilities" and income levels. After Second World War, at time as a new international order was established, European countries experienced a rapid process of income growth and convergence. In the interpretation of this process a prominent role has been attributed to technological progress and "catch-up" to the technological leader, the United States. Investment decisions are the way for embodying new technological progress, but investment takes place only when incentive exists. Among these incentives, recent empirical literature on economic growth highlights the role of relative prices of capital in explaining differences in investment rates and income growth between countries with very different income levels. But when we reduce the sample to countries closed in income levels and "social capabilities", we can demonstrate that, although the relative cost of capital converged over time and could help to explain income convergence, other factors were more significant in explaining the increase in investment rates. More important than the user cost of capital in the investment decision, was general prosperity caused by the demand increase

    El stock de capital de la economía española, 1900-1958

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    This paper provides an estimate in I990 constant pesetas of the Spanish stock of capital between 1900 and 1958. The estimate is directly based on the progress made by the quantitative economic history in Spain in recent years. We employ a quite similar method as F.Pérez, M.Mas y E.Uriel in their estimation of the stock of public capital published in 1995. An additional contribution of the paper is to present the trends of the capital/product and capital/labour ratio between 1900 and 1958 in order to identify the main periods of the Spanish industrialization before its last phase during the 1960 s.This paper provides an estimate in I990 constant pesetas of the Spanish stock of capital between 1900 and 1958. The estimate is directly based on the progress made by the quantitative economic history in Spain in recent years. We employ a quite similar method as F.Pérez, M.Mas y E.Uriel in their estimation of the stock of public capital published in 1995. An additional contribution of the paper is to present the trends of the capital/product and capital/labour ratio between 1900 and 1958 in order to identify the main periods of the Spanish industrialization before its last phase during the 1960 s

    L’economia valenciana i l’ús del capital natural

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    En el número 69 de la revista L'Espill trobaràs un dossier monogràfic sobre "Monarquia o República", amb contribucions de Gemma Ubasart, Andrés Boix, Joan Manuel Tresserras i Gerardo Pisarello. A més, articles de Josep V. Boira, Lourdes Toledo, Mercè Rius, Antonio Cubel, Maria J. Murgui, José R. Ruiz Tamarit i Antoni Martí Monterde, així com documents d'Alexandr Helphand, un full de dietari de Pere Antoni Pons i una conversa amb Joseph Jurt, per Antoni Martí Monterde

    Medio siglo de innovación y transferencia de tecnología en España, 1950-2000

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    In this study we analyse the effect of both foreign and domestic technological innovation on Total Factor Productivity (TFP) for Spain in the second half of the XXth century. For this purpose we estimate an extended version of Coe and Helpman (1995) model including a general human capital variable. The foreign and domestic stock of knowledge have been approximated throughout several variables such as the stock of R&D, the stock of patents and the expenses for using foreign licenses and patents. Our results suggest that the inflow of foreign technology had a positive and significant effect on the Spanish TFP, being this effect higher than the effect of the domestic stock of knowledge. Moreover, the openness to foreign trade has also favoured the arrival of foreign technology and the increase of productivity. Finally, it is interesting to highlight that our results indicate that human capital played also a relevant role on the evolution of TFP.En este trabajo se analiza el impacto de la innovación, tanto doméstica como extranjera, sobre la evolución de la Productividad Total de los Factores (PTF) de la economía española a lo largo de la segunda mitad del siglo XX. Para ello se estima una versión revisada de la especificación empírica de Coe y Helpman (1995) que incluye el capital humano como variable de control. El stock de conocimiento doméstico y el extranjero se han aproximado a partir de diversos indicadores como el stock de gasto en I+D, el stock de patentes o el pago por el uso de licencias y patentes extranjeras. Los resultados sugieren que la entrada de tecnología extranjera ha tenido un impacto positivo y significativo sobre la evolución de la PTF y claramente superior al de la innovación doméstica. Además, la apertura exterior ha favorecido la incorporación de tecnología y el aumento de la productividad. Finalmente, es importante resaltar que nuestros resultados indican que la inversión en capital humano ha desempeñado un papel relevante como determinante de la evolución de la PTF