243 research outputs found

    Scientific basis of nanotechnology, implications for the food sector and future trends

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    Nanotechnologies are opening up new horizons in almost all scientific and technological fields. Among these, applications of nanotechnologies are expected to bring large benefits and add value to the food and food-related industries through the current regulatory framework whole food chain, from production to processing, safety, packaging, transportation, storage and delivery. Nanotechnology consists in the realization and manipulation of nano-sized matter, the unique properties of which with respect to their bulk counterparts are illustrated and discussed. Then, the main tools and techniques routinely used in nanotechnology for the nanoscale characterization of food matrices as well as for the analytical determination of nanomaterials in food samples are reviewed. Finally, safety and risk assessment issues are discussed and an overview of applications of nanotechnology to the food sector is provided along with a description of th

    Nanoparticle dynamics in the presence and absence of a cellular uptake altering chemical

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    The far-reaching applications of nanoparticles (NPs) in drug delivery, medical imaging, diagnostics, and therapeutics have led to an increased potential for interfacing with a diverse range of biological environments. While metallic NPs such as copper NPs have been explored for their antimicrobial and catalytic properties, they have been shown to induce undesirable toxic effects. Nonetheless, biomodulators may be employed to control this cytotoxicity. Dynasore is a dynamin GTPase inhibitor that has been shown to rapidly and reversibly block clathrindependent endocytic traffic within minutes of application. Here, we demonstrate that Dynasore can chemically bio-modulate the toxic effects of copper nanoparticles (Cu NPs), but not through reducing Cu NP internalization. In fact, Dynasore seems to possess secondary effects that have been unreported to date. We propose and test three potential mechanisms of cytotoxicity modulation: 1) through changes in agglomeration pattern, 2) through potential quenching of reactive oxygen species (ROS), and 3) through Cu+2 ion chelation. These results have far-reaching implications for understanding the complex interactions that occur at the interface of NPs in biological environments, especially during mechanistic chemical modification strategies

    Sex-dependent effects of developmental lead exposure in Wistar rats: Evidence from behavioral and molecular correlates

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    Lead (Pb) exposure in early life affects brain development resulting in cognitive and behavioral deficits. Epidemiologic and experimental evidence of sex as an effect modifier of developmental Pb exposure is emerging. In the present study, we investigated Pb effects on behavior and mechanisms of neuroplasticity in the hippocampus and potential sex differences. To this aim, dams were exposed, from one month pre-mating to offspring weaning, to Pb via drinking water at 5 mg/kg body weight per day. In the offspring of both sexes, the longitudinal assessment of motor, emotional, and cognitive end points was performed. We also evaluated the expression and synaptic distribution of N-methyl-D-Aspartate receptor (NMDA) and ff-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA) receptor subunits at post-natal day (pnd) 23 and 70 in the hippocampus. Neonatal motor patterns and explorative behavior in offspring were affected in both sexes. Pb effects in emotional response and memory retention were observed in adult females only, preceded by increased levels of GluN2A and GluA1 subunits at the post-synapse at pnd 23. These data suggest that Pb exposure during development affects glutamatergic receptors distribution at the post-synaptic spine in females. These effects may contribute to alterations in selected behavioral domains

    Determination of total silicon and SiO2 particles using an ICP-MS based analytical platform for toxicokinetic studies of synthetic amorphous silica

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    Synthetic amorphous silica (SAS), manufactured in pyrogenic or precipitated form, is a nanomaterial with a widespread use as food additive (E 551). Oral exposure to SAS results from its use in food and dietary supplements, pharmaceuticals and toothpaste. Recent evidence suggests that oral exposure to SAS may pose health risks and highlights the need to address the toxic potential of SAS as affected by the physicochemical characteristics of the different forms of SAS. For this aim, investigating SAS toxicokinetics is of crucial importance and an analytical strategy for such an undertaking is presented. The minimization of silicon background in tissues, control of contamination (including silicon release from equipment), high-throughput sample treatment, elimination of spectral interferences affecting inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) silicon detection, and development of analytical quality control tools are the cornerstones of this strategy. A validated method combining sample digestion with silicon determination by reaction cell ICP-MS is presented. Silica particles are converted to soluble silicon by microwave dissolution with mixtures of HNO3, H2 O2 and hydrofluoric acid (HF), whereas interference-free ICP-MS detection of total silicon is achieved by ion-molecule chemistry with limits of detection (LoDs) in the range 0.2–0.5 ”g Si g−1 for most tissues. Deposition of particulate SiO2 in tissues is assessed by single particle ICP-MS

    Is there a Common European Business Cycle? New Insights from a Frequency Domain Analysis

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    To assess the synchronization of business cycles in Europe we extract the cyclical component of industrial production in five European countries using the filter of Baxter and King (1999). The hypothesis of a joint business cycle is tested by using the frequency domain common cycle test suggested by Breitung and Candelon (2000). The common cycle hypothesis is clearly rejected for U.K. data whereas some weak evidence for a joint cyclical pattern is found for France, The Netherlands, Austria and Germany. Zusammenfassung Gibt es einen gemeinsamen europĂ€ischen Konjunkturzyklus? Neue Erkenntnisse durch eine Spektralanalyse Um die SynchronitĂ€t der Konjunkturzyklen in Europa zu bewerten, wird die Zykluskomponente der Industrieproduktion in fĂŒnf europĂ€ischen LĂ€ndern identifiziert, indem der Baxter-King-Filter (1999) angewendet wird. Die Hypothese eines gemeinsamen Konjunkturzyklus wird durch einen Test auf einen gemeinsamen Zyklus im Frequenzbereich nach Breitung und Candelon (2000) ĂŒberprĂŒft. Ein gemeinsamer Konjunkturzyklus muss demnach fĂŒr Großbritannien klar zurĂŒckgewiesen werden, wohingegen einige schwache Anzeichen fĂŒr ein gemeinsames Konjunkturmuster fĂŒr Frankreich, die Niederlande, Österreich und Deutschland gefunden werden konnten

    Safety and efficacy of copper chelates of lysine and glutamic acid as a feed additive for all animal species

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    Following a request from the European Commission, EFSA was asked to deliver a scientific opinion on the safety and efficacy of copper chelates of lysine and glutamic acid (Copper-LG) as a nutritional feed additive for all animal species. The EFSA Panel on Additives and Products or Substances used in Animal Feed (FEEDAP) concludes that, owing to safety considerations, Copper-LG should not be used in water for drinking. Copper-LG is safe for chickens for fattening; this conclusion can be extrapolated to all animal species and categories provided that the maximum authorised levels in the EU for total copper in feed are not exceeded. No increases in the copper content of animal tissues/products are expected from the use of Copper-LG in animal nutrition. There is no indication that the toxicity of Copper-LG is essentially different from that of inorganic divalent copper. The use of Copper-LG in animal nutrition is of no concern for consumer safety provided that the maximum authorised total copper in feed is respected. Owing to the copper and nickel content of Copper-LG, the handling of the additive, poses a risk to users by inhalation. The additive is considered as a skin and respiratory sensitiser; it is corrosive to the eye while it is non-irritant to skin. The additive is intended to be a substitute for other authorised copper additives and will not further increase the environmental burden of copper; therefore, the FEEDAP Panel considers that the use of the additive in animal nutrition would not pose an additional risk for the environment. Copper-LG is a bioavailable source of copper, comparable to the standard inorganic copper source, and therefore, the additive is efficacious in meeting the birds copper requirements; this conclusion can be extrapolated to all animal species/categories. The FEEDAP Panel posed a recommendation concerning the description of the additive

    Safety and efficacy of l-lysine monohydrochloride and concentrated liquid l-lysine (base) produced by fermentation using Corynebacterium glutamicum strain KCCM 10227 for all animal species

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    Following a request from the European Commission, the Panel on Additives and Products or Substances used in Animal Feed (FEEDAP) was asked to deliver a scientific opinion on l-lysine monohydrochloride and concentrated liquid l-lysine (base) produced using Corynebacterium glutamicum KCCM 10227 when used as nutritional additives in feed and water for drinking for all animal species. The active substance is l-lysine. l-lysine HCl and concentrated liquid l-lysine (base) produced by the strain C. glutamicum KCCM 10227 do not represent a risk for the target species, the consumer and the environment. l-lysine HCl produced by C. glutamicum KCCM 10227 is hazardous by inhalation, it is not irritant to skin but mildly irritant to eyes and it is not a skin sensitiser. Concentrated liquid l-lysine (base) produced by C. glutamicum KCCM 10227 is hazardous by inhalation, not irritant to skin and eyes and it is not a skin sensitiser. l-lysine HCl and concentrated liquid l-lysine (base) are considered as efficacious sources of the essential amino acid l-lysine for non-ruminant animal species. For the supplemental l-lysine to be as efficacious in ruminants as in non-ruminant species, it would require protection against degradation in the rumen
