2 research outputs found

    Comparaci贸n de la ingesta de energ铆a y nutrientes en adolescentes mujeres con sobrepeso y obesidad

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    Overweight and obesity result from change in dietary patterns and increasingly sedentary attitude. Objectives: To compare the energy and nutrient intake in female adolescents with overweight and obesity. Design: Cross-sectional, observational and analytical study. Location: Lima鈥檚 urban area Education Center. Participants: Adolescents aged 10 to 18 years. Interventions: One hundred overweight adolescents and 87 obese adolescents were studied. Diagnosis was done by body mass index (BMI) with the World Health Organization (WHO) reference population and cutoff levels between 85 and 95 percentile for overweight and over 95 for obesity. Amount of energy and nutrients was determined by a semi quantitative food frequency questionnaire using the Peruvian Table for Food Composition and the Table of the USA Department of Agriculture. FAO recommendations were used to determine the adequate percentage of energy and the quantitative identification of vitamin and mineral intake. Statistical analysis used Student t-test to compare measures. Main outcome measures: Energy intake, ingested nutrients, vitamins and minerals adequacy according to the study groups. Results: There was no difference in energy intake between the groups studied, and these values were lower than requirements. Adequacy of fat consumption, saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats was below requirements; however saturated fat was more consumed. The amount of vitamins and minerals ingested covered requirements except for folates. Fiber intake was very poor. Conclusions: Neither group exceeded energy requirements, so it could be assumed that cause of these conditions was very little physical activity. On the other hand the main problem was dietary fiber, fat and folate intake deficiency.El sobrepeso y la obesidad son consecuencia de una modificaci贸n de los patrones dietarios y de una actitud cada vez m谩s sedentaria. Objetivos: Comparar la ingesta de energ铆a y nutrientes de adolescentes mujeres con sobrepeso y obesidad. Dise帽o: Estudio transversal, observacional y anal铆tico. Lugar: Centro Educativo de la zona urbana de Lima. Participantes: Adolescentes entre 10 a 18 a帽os. Intervenci贸n: Se estudi贸 100 adolescentes con sobrepeso y 87 con obesidad. El diagn贸stico se hizo mediante el 铆ndice de masa corporal (IMC), con la poblaci贸n de referencia de la Organizaci贸n Mundial de la Salud (OMS) y con los niveles de corte entre 85 y 95 percentil para sobrepeso y m谩s de 95 para obesidad. La evaluaci贸n de la cantidad de energ铆a y de nutrientes se realiz贸 mediante un cuestionario de frecuencia semicuantitativo, utilizando la Tabla Peruana de Composici贸n de Alimentos y la del Departamento de Agricultura de los EE UU. Para el porcentaje de adecuaci贸n de la energ铆a y para la identificaci贸n cuantitativa de la ingesta de vitaminas y mineral se utiliz贸 las recomendaciones de la FAO. El an谩lisis estad铆stico se hizo con la prueba t-Student para comparaci贸n de medias. Principales medidas de resultados: Energ铆a ingerida, adecuaci贸n de los nutrientes, cantidad de vitaminas y minerales ingeridos, de acuerdo a los grupos estudiados. Resultados: No hubo diferencia de la ingesta de energ铆a entre los grupos estudiados, y estos valores fueron menores que los requerimientos. La adecuaci贸n porcentual mostr贸 que el consumo de las grasas estuvo por debajo del requerimiento; lo mismo sucedi贸 con las grasas saturadas, monoinsaturadas y poliinsaturadas; sin embargo, lo que m谩s se consumi贸 fue la grasa saturada. En cuanto a las vitaminas y minerales, fueron ingeridas en cantidades que cubr铆an los requerimientos, a excepci贸n de los folatos. La ingesta de fibra fue muy pobre. Conclusiones: Se puede afirmar que el consumo de energ铆a en ambos grupos fue por debajo de su requerimiento, por lo que se podr铆a asumir que la causa de la presencia de estas enfermedades responda a una muy poca actividad f铆sica. Por otro lado, el principal problema en la alimentaci贸n de este grupo fue la deficiencia en la ingesta de fibra dietaria, de grasa y de folatos

    Leaf-level photosynthetic capacity in lowland Amazonian and high-1 elevation, Andean tropical moist forests of Peru

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    We examined whether variations in photosynthetic capacity are linked to variations in the environment and/or associated leaf traits for tropical moist forests (TMFs) in the Andes/western Amazon regions of Peru. We compared photosynthetic capacity (maximal rate of carboxylation of Rubisco (Vcmax), and the maximum rate of electron transport (Jmax)), leaf mass, nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) per unit leaf area (Ma, Na and Pa, respectively), and chlorophyll from 210 species at 18 field sites along a 3300-m elevation gradient. Western blots were used to quantify the abundance of the CO2-fixing enzyme Rubisco. Area- and N-based rates of photosynthetic capacity at 25掳C were higher in upland than lowland TMFs, underpinned by greater investment of N in photosynthesis in high-elevation trees. Soil [P] and leaf Pa were key explanatory factors for models of area-based Vcmax and Jmax but did not account for variations in photosynthetic N-use efficiency. At any given Na and Pa, the fraction of N allocated to photosynthesis was higher in upland than lowland species. For a small subset of lowland TMF trees examined, a substantial fraction of Rubisco was inactive. These results highlight the importance of soil- and leaf-P in defining the photosynthetic capacity of TMFs, with variations in N allocation and Rubisco activation state further influencing photosynthetic rates and N-use efficiency of these critically important forests