18 research outputs found

    Investigation of the Antiremodeling Effects of Losartan, Mirabegron and Their Combination on the Development of Doxorubicin-Induced Chronic Cardiotoxicity in a Rat Model

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    Despite the effectiveness of doxorubicin (DOXO) as a chemotherapeutic agent, dose-dependent development of chronic cardiotoxicity limits its application. The angiotensin-II receptor blocker losartan is commonly used to treat cardiac remodeling of various etiologies. The beta-3 adrenergic receptor agonist mirabegron was reported to improve chronic heart failure. Here we investigated the effects of losartan, mirabegron and their combination on the development of DOXO-induced chronic cardiotoxicity. Male Wistar rats were divided into five groups: (i) control; (ii) DOXO-only; (iii) losartan-treated DOXO; (iv) mirabegron-treated DOXO; (v) losartan plus mirabegron-treated DOXO groups. The treatments started 5 weeks after DOXO administration. At week 8, echocardiography was performed. At week 9, left ventricles were prepared for histology, qRT-PCR, and Western blot measurements. Losartan improved diastolic but not systolic dysfunction and ameliorated SERCA2a repression in our DOXO-induced cardiotoxicity model. The DOXO-induced overexpression of Il1 and Il6 was markedly decreased by losartan and mirabegron. Mirabegron and the combination treatment improved systolic and diastolic dysfunction and significantly decreased overexpression of Smad2 and Smad3 in our DOXO-induced cardiotoxicity model. Only mirabegron reduced DOXO-induced cardiac fibrosis significantly. Mirabegron and its combination with losartan seem to be promising therapeutic tools against DOXO-induced chronic cardiotoxicity

    In situ ductails emlőcarcinoma kombinált sebészi- és sugárkezelése: Multicentrikus prospektív randomizált vizsgálat = Combined surgical and radiotherapy treatment of ductal carcinoma in situ of the breast: Multicentric prospective randomized study

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    289 duktális in situ emlőrák (DCIS) miatt emlőmegtartó műtéttel kezelt beteget randomizáltunk a lokális recidíva szempontjából meghatározott rizikó csoportok szerinti besorolás után. Immunhisztokémiai (IHK) módszerrel vizsgáltuk a lehetséges molekuláris prognosztikai markerek (ER, PR, Her2, p53, Bcl2 és Ki-67) expresszióját. A pozitív IHK reakció a Her2 (38%), p53 (36%) és Ki-67 (47%) markereknél a nukleáris grade-del korrelált. Ezzel szemben az ER (77%), PR (67%) és Bcl2 (67%) pozitivitás szignifikáns inverz összefüggésben volt a grade-del. A klinikai eredményeket 3 éves medián követési idő után 278 betegnél elemeztük. A magas rizikójú betegcsoportban emlőmegtartó műtét és sugárkezelés után 4 (1,7%) lokális recidíva és 1 (0,4%) távoli áttét alakult ki, emlődaganatos haláleset nem volt. A helyi daganatkiújulás 3 és 5 éves valószínűsége 1,1% és 3,1% volt. Tapasztalataink alapján a DCIS egyértelmű diagnózisa esetén az őrszem nyirokcsomó biopszia rutinszerű elvégzése nem indokolt. Korai eredményeink alapján az emlő DCIS kezelésében az emlőmegtartó műtét és posztoperatív sugárkezelés alkalmazásával a helyi daganatkiújulás éves aránya 1% alatt marad. A tumorágy "boost" kezelés hatékonyságának megítélésére és a vizsgált molekuláris markerek prognosztikai/prediktív értékének elemzésére hosszabb követési idő után lesz lehetőségünk. A molekuláris prognosztikai faktorok IHK vizsgálata segítségünkre lehet a DCIS biológiai heterogenitásának feltérképezésében. | 289 patients with ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) treated by breast-conserving surgery were randomised according to predetermined risk groups. Immunohistochemistry (IHC) was performed to detect the expression of potential molecular prognostic markers (ER, PR, Her2, p53, Bcl2, and Ki-67). The positive immunostaining for Her2 (38%), p53 (36%), and Ki-67 (47%) correlated with a high nuclear grade. Significant inverse correlation was found between the expression of ER (77%), PR (67%), Bcl2 (67%) and grade. Clinical results was analysed for 278 patients at a median follow-up of 36 months. In the high-risk patient group 4 (1.7%) local recurrences and 1 (0.4%) distant metastasis occurred. No patient died of breast cancer. The 3- and 5-year probability of local recurrence was 1.1% and 3.1%, respectively. Based on our experience, the definitive diagnosis of DCIS does not warrant sentinel lymph node biopsy. Preliminary results suggest that breast-conserving surgery followed by radiotherapy yields an annual local recurrence rate of less than 1% in patients with DCIS. Further follow-up is needed to define the clinical benefit of tumour bed boost irradiation and to analyse the prognostic/predictive value of molecular prognostic factors. IHC of molecular prognostic markers can assist to gain insight into the biologic heterogeneity of DCIS

    Sentinel lymph node biopsy following previous axillary surgery in recurrent breast cancer.

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    Ipsilateral breast recurrence or second primary breast cancer can develop in patients who have undergone breast conserving surgery (BCS) and axillary surgery. The purpose of this study was to examine the feasibility of a reoperative sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) as a repeated axillary staging procedure.From August 2014 through January 2017 patients with locally recurrent breast cancer or with BRCA mutation requiring risk reduction mastectomy as a second surgical procedure, underwent repeat SLNB in three Hungarian Breast Units with a radiocolloid (and blue dye) technique.Hundred and sixty repeat SLNBs were analysed, 80 after previous SLNB and 80 after previous total or partial axillary lymph node dissection (ALND). SLN identification was successful in 106 patients (66%); 77/80 (77.5%) and 44/80 (55%) in the SLNB and ALND groups, respectively. (p < 0.003). Extra-axillary lymph drainage was more frequent in the ALND group (19/44, 43,2% versus 7/62, 11,3%; p < 0.001). Lymphatic drainage to the contralateral axilla was observed in 14 patients (11 in the ALND group, p = 0.025), isolated parasternal drainage was detected in 4 patients (p = 0.31). Only 9/106 patients with successful repeat SLNB (8,8%, all with 1 SLN removed) had SLN metastases CONCLUSIONS: Repeat SLNB is feasible in patients with ipsilateral breast tumor recurrence or new ipsilateral primary tumor after previous BCS and axillary staging. Repeat SLNB should replace routine ALND as the standard axillary restaging procedure in recurrent disease with a clinically negative axilla. Preoperative lymphoscintigraphy is important to explore extra-axillary lymphatic drainage in this restaging setting

    Chronic kidney disease induces left ventricular overexpression of the pro-hypertrophic microRNA-212

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    Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a public health problem that increases the risk of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) characterized by left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) and diastolic dysfunction is a common cardiovascular complication of CKD. MicroRNA-212 (miR-212) has been demonstrated previously to be a crucial regulator of pathologic LVH in pressure-overload-induced heart failure via regulating the forkhead box O3 (FOXO3)/calcineurin/nuclear factor of activated T-cells (NFAT) pathway. Here we aimed to investigate whether miR-212 and its hypertrophy-associated targets including FOXO3, extracellular signal-regulated kinase 2 (ERK2), and AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) play a role in the development of HFpEF in CKD. CKD was induced by 5/6 nephrectomy in male Wistar rats. Echocardiography and histology revealed LVH, fibrosis, preserved systolic function, and diastolic dysfunction in the CKD group as compared to sham-operated animals eight and/or nine weeks later. Left ventricular miR-212 was significantly overexpressed in CKD. However, expressions of FOXO3, AMPK, and ERK2 failed to change significantly at the mRNA or protein level. The protein kinase B (AKT)/FOXO3 and AKT/mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) pathways are also proposed regulators of LVH induced by pressure-overload. Interestingly, phospho-AKT/total-AKT ratio was increased in CKD without significantly affecting phosphorylation of FOXO3 or mTOR. In summary, cardiac overexpression of miR-212 in CKD failed to affect its previously implicated hypertrophy-associated downstream targets. Thus, the molecular mechanism of the development of LVH in CKD seems to be independent of the FOXO3, ERK1/2, AMPK, and AKT/mTOR-mediated pathways indicating unique features in this form of LVH

    Different Methods of Pretreatment Ki-67 Labeling Index Evaluation in Core Biopsies of Breast Cancer Patients Treated with Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy and Their Relation to Response to Therapy

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    Increased proliferation activity of breast cancer cells evaluated by Ki-67 immunohistochemistry, i.e. a high Ki-67 labeling index (Ki-67 LI), may predict better tumor regression in case of neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Despite recommendations for the evaluation of Ki-67 LI, there are variations in methodology. We assessed the effect of different evaluation methods on the Ki-67 LI in patients with different response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Thirty pretreatment core-biopsy samples of patients receiving neoadjuvant docetaxel-epirubicin chemotherapy with or without capecitabine were evaluated for their Ki-67 LI. Pathologic regression was categorized as no regression, partial regression and complete regression, with 10 cases in each category. Three antibodies (MIB1, B56, SP6), 4 observers and 4 methods (counting or estimating on glass slides and counting or estimating on representative digital images) were compared. The Kruskal-Wallis test and analyses of variance were performed to investigate the differences in Ki-67 LIs between different clinical outcomes (tumor regression categories). Breast carcinomas with pathological complete regression had a higher mean Ki-67 LI than tumors not achieving complete regression with any methods, observers and antibodies investigated, although there was a variation between different evaluations in what may represent high proliferation. Estimating the Ki-67 LI on digital images representing the highest proliferation in the core biopsy seemed the best in separating complete responders from non-responders. High Ki-67 LI values were more likely associated with pathological complete regression independently of the method of evaluation used, although the definition of high proliferation is problematic. Estimating the Ki-67 LI may be an adequate method of evaluation

    In utero incarceration of congenital diaphragmatic hernia

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    In utero diagnosis of incarcerated congenital diaphragmatic hernia has never been reported. In our case, congenital diaphragmatic hernia presented at 34 weeks of gestation with dilated bowel loops, pleural effusion, and ascites on fetal ultrasound. Preterm delivery and emergency exploration revealed a tight posterolateral diaphragmatic defect with extensive bowel infarction. (c) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Reventilation with room air or 100% oxygen after asphyxia differentially affects cerebral neuropathology in newborn pigs

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    Aim: To test if reventilation with room air ( RA) or 100% oxygen ( O-2) after asphyxia would differentially affect neuronal damage in different brain areas of newborn pigs. Methods: Anaesthetized piglets were subjected to 10 min asphyxia ( n = 27) or served as time controls ( n = 7). Reventilation started with either RA or O-2 for 1 h, and was continued with RA for an additional 1 - 3 h. Cortical or cerebellar blood flow was assessed with laser-Doppler flowmetry ( LDF). Haematoxylin/eosin-stained sections from six brain regions were prepared for blinded neuropathological examination and scoring. Results: Asphyxia resulted in significant neuronal damage compared to time controls in all areas examined except the pons. O2 ventilation elicited greater neuronal lesions in the hippocampus and the cerebellum but smaller damage in the basal ganglia compared to RA. The assessed physiological parameters including the LDF signals were similar in both ventilation groups, except for PaO2 in the first hour of reventilation ( RA 75 +/- 5 mmHg, O-2 348 +/- 57 mmHg; p < 0.05). Interestingly, however, reactive hyperaemia was much higher in the O-2-sensitive cerebellum as compared with the cortex ( 1101 +/- 227 vs 571 +/- 73; p < 0.05, area under the curve). Conclusion: O-2 toxicity after asphyxia was demonstrated in the piglet hippocampus and cerebellum but not in the cerebral cortex or basal ganglia. The observed regional differences may be associated with local haemodynamic factors