16 research outputs found

    A méhnyomás-mérés jelentősége a közvetlen postpartum időszak élettani folyamataiban szarvasmarhában = The importance of intrauterine pressure measurement in the physiological processes of the early postpartum period in cattle

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    Míg a méh belső nyomásváltozásainak (IUP) analóg elemző rendszerénél a felvételek minőségének és a szubjektív tényezőknek is jelentős szerep jut, addig az általunk kifejlesztett digitális eljárás jóval pontosabb, standardizálható. Telepi használat esetén is alkalmasnak bizonyult frissen ellett tehenek méhkontrakciójának pontos mérésére. Szabályos involúciójú tehenekben a méhösszehúzódások gyakorisága, erőssége és a görbe alatti területek átlagos nagysága nagy egyedi változatosság mellett legkifejezettebben az ellést követő 12. és 24. óra között csökkent. A vér Ca2+-koncentrációjának enyhe ingadozása nem befolyásolta a méhnyomás-értékek alakulását. A 14-16.óra között alkalmazott egyszeri oxytocin és a karbetocin-kezelés méhkontraktilitást fokozó hatása egészséges tejhasznú tehenekben hasonló volt, hatásukra csak az 1. és 2. órában voltak gyakoribbak a méhösszehúzódások, és nőtt az összesített görbe alatti területek nagysága. A kezelések elhúzódó, késői hatást nem eredményeztek. A szájon át adott CaCl2 gyorsan felszívódott, de enyhe pozitív hatása normokalcémiás tehenek vérében csak rövid ideig, mintegy 60 percig volt mérhető. A hipokalcémiás tehenek méhkontrakcióinak telepi adatfelvételét elvégeztük, az eredmények feldolgozása megkezdődött. A korai puerperiumban történt méréseink azt mutatták, hogy a természetes PGF2a nem fokozza a méh belső nyomását, így valószínűsíthető, hogy a szabályos involúciójú tehenekben nem is javítja a méh kontraktilitását. | While using the analogue analyzing method of intrauterine pressure (IUP), where both recording quality and subjective factors play important roles, our newly developed digital method gave more accurate results and can be standardized. Even under field conditions, it proved to be a proper method for measuring uterine contractility in fresh calved cows. Contraction frequency, intensity and the area under the curve most intensively decreased between 12 and 24 hours after calving in dairy cows with normal involution, however this decline considerably varied among individuals. The slight changes in blood Ca2+ concentration did not influence the changes in IUP values. A single treatment with oxytocin or carbetocin between 14 and 16 hours postpartum induced similar stimulative effects on uterine contractility in healthy cows, by increasing contraction frequency and total area under the curve during the 1st and 2nd hour after treatment. Treatments did not result in any long term effect. Per oral treatment with a CaCl2 paste resulted in a fast absorption, but its slight positive effect lasted for only about 60 min as measured in the blood of normocalcemic cows. The acquisition part of measuring uterine contractility in hypocalcemic cows has been performed, and data analysis has been started. Our measurements during the early puerperium showed that natural PGF2a did not enhance IUP, suggesting that it does not improve uterine contractility in cows with normal involution

    Properties and antimicrobial susceptibility of Trueperella pyogenes isolated from bovine mastitis in China

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    Trueperella (T.) pyogenes is an opportunistic pathogen that causes suppurative diseases in domestic animals. In this work, the properties, pathogenesis and phenotypic diversity of T. pyogenes isolates from bovine mastitis were studied. Both pyolysin (plo) and collagen-binding protein (cbp) virulence factor genes were detected by PCR in all T. pyogenes isolates (n = 50). Using the tissue culture plate method, 90% of T. pyogenes isolates were able to form biofilms. The minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of 13 antimicrobials against T. pyogenes isolates were determined. High susceptibility was observed to rifampin (96%), ampicillin (94%), ciprofloxacin (94%), and penicillin (92%), while low susceptibility was found to trimethoprim-sulphamethoxazole (10%) and bacitracin (2%). The intracellular assay revealed that T. pyogenes isolates had different cytopathogenic effects on cells. The high percentage (28.6%) of T. pyogenes isolates suggests that this bacterium is an important contributor to mastitis. Moreover, the high occurrence of multidrug resistance, biofilm production, intracellular survival, and the temporal dynamics of T. pyogenes interactions are key factors for a better understanding of how immunity acts on infections with these bacteria and how they evade immune surveillance, thus highlighting the need for the prudent use of antimicrobial agents in veterinary medicine

    Estrus Detection in a Dairy Herd Using an Electronic Nose by Direct Sampling on the Perineal Region

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    Estrus detection is very important for the profitability of dairy herds. Different automatic systems for estrus detection have been developed over the last decades. Our study aimed to assess the ability of the electronic nose (EN) MENT-EGAS prototype to detect estrus, based on odor release from the perineal headspace in dairy cattle by direct sampling. The study was performed in an Italian dairy farm using 35 multiparous Holstein–Friesian cows. The cows were divided into three groups: group I included 10 lactating 5-month pregnant cows, group II included 19 lactating cycling cows, and group III included 6 cows that were artificially inseminated 18 days before the trial. Odors from the perineal headspace were collected using the MENT-EGAS prototype. In group I, odors were collected once a day for 5 consecutive days. In group II, odors were collected twice daily from day 18 until day 1 of the reproductive cycle. In group III, odors were also collected twice daily from the presumable day 18 of gestation until day 22. Principal component analyses (PCA) of the perineal headspace samples were performed. PCA in group I revealed no significant discrimination. PCA in group II revealed clear discrimination between proestrus and estrus, and between estrus and metestrus but no significant discrimination was obtained between proestrus and metestrus. PCA in group III revealed that in four cows the results were similar to group I and in two cows the results were similar to group II. On day 40 of the presumable pregnancy, the ultrasound examination revealed that only the four cows were pregnant and the other two cows were regularly cycling. On the basis of our findings, we conclude that it is possible to accurately detect estrus in dairy cattle from directly collected odor samples using the MENT-EGAS prototype. This represents the first study of estrus detection using an EN detection by direct sampling. EN technologies, such as MENT-EGAS, could be applied in the future in dairy cattle farms as a precise, non-invasive method for estrus detection

    Physiological and clinical aspects of uterine contractility during the postpartum period in cows

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    The individual studies, presented in separate chapters of this thesis, were designed to get answers to certain methodological problems and biological questions associated with the myometrial function of early postpartum dairy cows. Chapter 1 introduces the topic by briefly summarizing the events occuring in the puerperal uterus, focusing on the role of myometrial contractions, and listing some of the possibilities used to record uterine contractility. The demand for an accurate, non-invasive, intrauterine pressure (IUP) recording and analysis system, for use in postpartum cows kept on dairy farms, is mentioned - as is the need for more physiological data on uterine functioning after normal parturition. Chapter 2 reviews the development of techniques for measuring, analyzing and evaluating uterine activity. Changes in IUP during the normal and abnormal bovine postpartum period are detailed in chronological order. Following their previous introduction, the effects of some drugs, used to influence uterine contractility, are reviewed. Chapter 3 describes the good correlations between the results from two simultaneous electromyographic (EMG) recordings (using surgically imbedded bipolar electrodes), those from two different IUP recording methods (an open tip catheter and a microtransducer system), as well as those from the above IUP and EMG methods, in cows after induced parturition. It outlines a new digital technique for properly characterizing mechanical activity in the early postpartum bovine uterus even under on-farm circumstances, based on low-cost, disposable IUP recording units, which utilize a transcervically introduced, non-invasive method for fixation of the IUP measuring units (the "virtual knot"), and especially developed acquisition and analyzing softwares with a post-measurement filtering capability. Chapter 4 describes the successful application of a digital non-invasive, open tip catheter system to quantifying IUP changes in untreated, healthy, postpartum cows under on-farm conditions. While showing considerable individual variability, the mean frequency (FREQ), amplitude (AMP) and area under the curve (AUC) values for the myometrial contractions decreased continuously and significantly during the first 48 hours postpartum, with the largest decline occurring between 12 and 24 hours. The IUP values showed no significant correlations with blood Ca2+-concentrations. Using the above system, the uterotonic effects of a single intramuscular treatment with oxytocin (50 IU) or carbetocin (0.35 mg), 14 to 16 hours after normal parturition, are examined in Chapter 5. These treatments were similarly effective, almost identical in enhancing uterine contractility. In each case, FREQ and total area under the curve (TAUC) showed a significant short-term treatment effect (until 4 h after treatment) - peaking during the 1st post-treatment hour, and returning to the initial levels during the 3rd hour. Other parameters (AMP, DUR /duration/ and AUC) were not affected. None of the IUP parameters revealed any significant effect in the long-term analysis (12 to 36 hours post-treatment) due to any of these treatments. Chapter 6 details an investigation into oxytocin-induced prostaglandin release - as characterized by plasma 15-ketodihydroprostaglandin-F2α concentrations. Intramuscular treatment with a therapeutical dose of oxytocin (50 IU) between 13 and 15 hours after calving did not significantly alter prostaglandin release. However, administering the oxytocin on two cows intravascularly, did provide evidence of an oxytocin-induced prostaglandin synthesis. It is hypothesized that, although the quantity of released prostaglandins appearing in the peripheral circulation after an intramuscular oxytocin treatment seems to be too small to be detected, it may have an indirect effect through the stimulation of a local prostaglandin synthesis and release, making an additional contribution to the direct uterotonic effect of oxytocin. Chapter 7 summarizes and generally discusses the previous chapters in the context of the most current knowledge available in the literature, listing the main outcomes and conclusions of the thesis

    Akadémiai beszámolók: Klinikumok

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    Clinical diagnosis of bovine twin pregnancy - Literature review

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    SUMMARY Background: The authors overview the relevant literature on clinical diagnostic possibilities of twin pregnancy in cattle. Objectives: The different methods of pregnancy diagnosis were evaluated, underlining the advantages and disadvantages of each method. In practice the pregnancy loss due to embryonic/foetal mortality is the main factor affecting the results of pregnancy diagnoses, therefore the nature of the phenomenon must be taken into consideration when evaluating any method. However, the measurement of pregnancy proteins either in sera or milk is an accurate method for setting up pregnancy diagnosis, at the moment it is not accurate for distinguishing between twin and singleton pregnancies. Diagnosing pregnancy from Days 24-25 by means of ultrasonography is also proper for diagnosing twins, but because of the above-mentioned effect of pregnancy loss, confirming diagnosis is required in cases of twin pregnancies by means of ultrasonography

    The incidence of bovine neosporosis and its role in abortions in the region of the Carpathian Basin

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    SUMMARY Background: The authors summarized the results of studies from the region of the Carpathian Basin, which deal with a protozoan parasite, Neospora caninum (Apicomplexa: Sarcocystidae) being responsible for a signifi cant percentage of infectious abortions in cattle. Affected cows typically abort during the mid-term of gestation. The most typical histopathological fi ndings in aborted foetuses are multifocal encephalitis and infl ammatory lesions in other organs. Nevertheless, in most cases, the new-born calf will be a clinically healthy carrier, which con tributes to the maintenance of neosporosis in the herd. Objectives: The aim was to summarize available serological data of bovine neosporosis and its role in abortions in the region of the Carpathian Basin. Materials and Methods: The authors reviewed reports from the region of the Carpathian Basin that describe the prevalence of N. caninum and its role in bovine abortions, and compared the seroprevalences of different countries. Results and Discussion: Neospora caninum is widespread in the world, and it occurs in the region of the Carpathian Basin, as well. Although its seropreva lence shows variation in the different countries, it is usually high, and it is higher in aborted cattle, than in cattle where abortion did not occur. Nevertheless, the rate of seropositivity is higher among older animals and in off-springs of sero positive cattle, supporting the fact that both vertical and horizontal routes of infections are signifi cant. In the latter case, dogs (defi nitive hosts) kept together with cattle may play a crucial role. Seropositivity in hunting dogs and cows that live together with shepherd dogs was higher. On the other hand, breed, herd size and sometimes even age do not seem to have any signifi cant infl uence on seroprevalence, however, this may differ among various husbandry systems. Currently, a specifi c treatment for neosporosis does not exist, neither are com mercial vaccines available in this region, therefore, improvement of hygienic conditions is the only effective way to prevent signifi cant economic losses caused by N. caninum

    Reproductive aspects of subacute ruminal acidosis (SARA) - Literature review

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    SUMMARY In the present literature review, the key role of subacute ruminal acidosis (SARA) is discussed in the pathogenesis of reproductive disorders in dairy cows. Following a short introduction regarding the general properties and diagnostic possibilities of SARA, it is described that due to SARA-associated changes of ruminal microflora, lipopolysaccharide (LPS) type endotoxins are released from Gram negative bacteria, causing endotoxaemia after their absorption. Endotoxins and LPS-triggered pro-inflammatory cytokine production disrupt the neuroendocrine regulation of reproduction, causing delayed ovulation and thereby prolong post partum acyclia. Prevalence of claw diseases (such as laminitis) increases due to endotoxaemia, facilitating the development of reproductive disorders. Furthermore, hyper- and parakeratosis of the ruminal epithelium can also be observed in SARA, diminishing the integrity of ruminal wall as a protective barrier, thus leading to potential invasion of pathogens. This haematogen spreading of bacteria can induce inflammation in various organs, as well. Based on the mentioned literature data, the authors declare that special emphasis should be taken on the critical role of reproductive problems in SARA-associated economical losses

    Uterine Disease in Dairy Cows: A Comprehensive Review Highlighting New Research Areas

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    Uterine disease is an intensely studied part of dairy cattle health management as it heavily affects many commercial dairy farms and has serious economic consequences. Forms of the disease, pathophysiology, pathogens involved and the effects of uterine disease on the health and performance of cows have already been well described by various authors. Lately, researchers’ attention has shifted towards the healthy microbiome of the uterus and the vagina to put emphasis on prevention rather than treatment. This aligns with the growing demand to reduce the use of antibiotics or—whenever possible—replace them with alternative treatment options in farm animal medicine. This review provides a comprehensive summary of the last 20 years of uterine disease research and highlights promising new areas for future studies

    Diagnosis and treatment of post parturient uterine diseases in dairy cows - Literature review

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    SUMMARY The authors summarize the recent results about the bacterial complications of the involution. Achieving the optimum herd reproductive performance requires concentrated management activities such as careful assistance at calving, prevention of postpartum metabolic diseases, early diagnosis and treatment of postpartum uterine diseases, accurate detection of oestrus, correct timing of insemination, reducing the effect of the occasional heat stress, and early pregnancy diagnosis. Among these main activities only early diagnosis, treatment and prevention of postparturient uterine diseases and their effects on milk production and reproductive performance are discussed. Clinical metritis and clinical endometritis (or recently used purulent vaginal discharge: PVD) can be accurately diagnosed also in the field, however it is very important to remark that the presence of PVD alone is not sufficient to diagnose clinical endometritis because cervicitis and/or vaginitis can also cause PVD. The authors present the therapeutic possibilities that have changed in the recent years for the mentioned diseases. as well as recently mentioned therapies like ozone therapy or vaccination. Diagnosing subclinical endometritis requires laboratory work. The medicinal products successfully used in cases of clinical diseases do not always decrease the occurrence of cytological endometritis