10 research outputs found

    Demográfiai különbségek és eltérő élőhelyhasználat két együttesen előforduló Maculinea nausithous és Maculinea teleius populációban

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    A természetvédelmi szempontból kiemelt jelentőségű hangyaboglárka fajok közülkutatásunkban a vérfű (Maculinea teleius) és a sötétaljú hangyaboglárka (Maculinea nausithous) együttesen előforduló populációját vizsgáltuk három éven keresztül (2012–2014) egy fertő-hansági vérfüves kaszálóréten (Hidegség). A két faj nagyon hasonló ökológiai igényekkel rendelkezik, ám korábbi vizsgálatok eredményei szerint az élőhelyen belüli eloszlásuk eltérő. Feltételezésünk szerint ez annak lehet a következménye, hogy a hangyagazdáik spektruma eltér és az egyes hangyafajok különböző mikroklimatikus körülményeket kedvelnek. Elsődleges célkitűzésünk az volt, hogy megállapítsuk, hogy a két lepkefaj egyedeinek térbeli eloszlása összefügg-e potenciális hangyagazdáik eloszlásával. Továbbá összehasonlítottuk a két faj demográfiáját egy három éves jelölés-visszafogásos mintavétel alapján. A M. nausithous előfordulása és elsődleges hangyagazdájának (Myrmica rubra) gyakorisága között pozitív összefüggést találtunk. A M. teleius egyedszámára a potenciális hangyagazdák jelenléte csak nagy tápnövény denzitás mellett volt pozitív hatással. A M. teleius populáció mérete mindhárom évben kb. négyszerese volt a M. nausithous populációnak és mindkét populáció mérete jelentős fluktuációt mutatott az évek között

    Genetic Screening of a Hungarian Cohort with Focal Dystonia Identified Several Novel Putative Pathogenic Gene Variants

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    Dystonia is a rare movement disorder which is characterized by sustained or intermittent muscle contractions causing abnormal and often repetitive movements, postures, or both. The two most common forms of adult-onset focal dystonia are cervical dystonia (CD) and benign essential blepharospasm (BSP). A total of 121 patients (CD, 74; BSP, 47) were included in the study. The average age of the patients was 64 years. For the next-generation sequencing (NGS) approach, 30 genes were selected on the basis of a thorough search of the scientific literature. Assessment of 30 CD- and BSP-associated genes from 121 patients revealed a total of 209 different heterozygous variants in 24 genes. Established clinical and genetic validity was determined for nine heterozygous variations (three likely pathogenic and six variants of uncertain significance). Detailed genetic examination is an important part of the work-up for focal dystonia forms. To our knowledge, our investigation is the first such study to be carried out in the Middle-European region. © 2023 by the authors

    Proteomics alterations in chicken jejunum caused by 24 h fasting

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    The small intestine is the longest part of the chicken (Gallus gallus) gastrointestinal system that is specialized for nutrient absorption. It is known that decrease in intestinal villi area or height in early age can cause a reduction in essential nutrient intake, which may lead to delayed growth and consequently poorer performance of broiler chickens. The small intestinal absorptive surface is known to be affected by various factors, among others things the nutritional state. In our experiment, we aimed to investigate the possible protein expression alterations that lie behind the villus area and height decrease caused by feed deprivation. A total of 24 chickens were divided into three groups, namely ad libitum fed, fasted for 24 h, fasted for 24 h then refed for 2 h. The morphometric parameters were also measured in the duodenum, jejunum and ileum tissue sections using image analysis. Differential proteome analyses from jejunum samples were performed using two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis followed by tryptic digestion and protein identification by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry. Overall 541 protein spots were detected after 2D. Among them, eleven showed 1.5-fold or higher significant difference in expression and were successfully identified. In response to 24 h fasting, the expression of nine proteins was higher and that of two proteins was lower compared to the ad libitum fed group. The functions of the differentially expressed proteins indicate that the 24 h fasting mainly affects the expression of structural proteins, and proteins involved in lipid transport, general stress response, and intestinal defense

    Effect of nano-sized, elemental selenium supplement on the proteome of chicken liver

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    The nano-sized (100-500 nm) selenium has higher bioavailability and relatively lower toxicity compared to other selenium forms. The objective of the present study was to compare liver proteome profiles of broiler chicken fed with control diet without Se supplementation and diet supplemented with nano-Se with 4.25 mg/kg DM. Differential proteome analyses were performed by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2D-PAGE) followed by tryptic digestion and protein identification by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS). Seven hundred and eight spots were detected, and 18 protein spots showed significant difference in their intensity (p < 0.05) between the two groups. In response to nano-Se supplementation, the expression of 8 proteins was higher, and 5 proteins were lower in nano-Se supplemented group compared to control group. The functions of the differentially expressed proteins indicate that the high dose of selenium supplementation induced a dietary stress. Selenium supplementation may influence the metabolism of fatty acids and carbohydrates and antioxidant system, and increase the quantity of cytoskeletal actin and the expression of actin regulatory protein as well

    Proteomics alterations in chicken jejunum caused by 24 h fasting

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    The small intestine is the longest part of the chicken (Gallus gallus) gastrointestinal system that is specialized for nutrient absorption. It is known that decrease in intestinal villi area or height in early age can cause a reduction in essential nutrient intake, which may lead to delayed growth and consequently poorer performance of broiler chickens. The small intestinal absorptive surface is known to be affected by various factors, among others things the nutritional state. In our experiment, we aimed to investigate the possible protein expression alterations that lie behind the villus area and height decrease caused by feed deprivation. A total of 24 chickens were divided into three groups, namely ad libitum fed, fasted for 24 h, fasted for 24 h then refed for 2 h. The morphometric parameters were also measured in the duodenum, jejunum and ileum tissue sections using image analysis. Differential proteome analyses from jejunum samples were performed using two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis followed by tryptic digestion and protein identification by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry. Overall 541 protein spots were detected after 2D. Among them, eleven showed 1.5-fold or higher significant difference in expression and were successfully identified. In response to 24 h fasting, the expression of nine proteins was higher and that of two proteins was lower compared to the ad libitum fed group. The functions of the differentially expressed proteins indicate that the 24 h fasting mainly affects the expression of structural proteins, and proteins involved in lipid transport, general stress response, and intestinal defense