113 research outputs found

    Territorio y actividad constructora: del "tsunami" a la crisis. Factores explicativos y propuesta de indicadores a escala municipal en Andalucía

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    El artículo analiza el gran crecimiento de la actividad constructora y urbanizadora en España en la primera mitad de esta década, seguido de su colapso tras el estallido de la crisis económica internacional. Se distinguen los rasgos que singularizan por su magnitud el caso español en el contexto europeo, detallando sus factores causales. Finalmente se estudia en detalle el ejemplo de la Comunidad Autónoma de Andalucía, seleccionando e interpretando una serie de indicadores que abordan la temática desde un enfoque territorial a escala municipal.In this paper the marked growth of the construction and urbanization activity in Spain in the first half of this decade and the current collapse caused by the current international economic crisis is studied. The causal factors of the particular spanish case in the european context are differentiated. Finally, the case of the Autonomous Region of Andalusia is studied from a series of indicators that explain the phenomenon from a territorial approach at municipal level.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación de España CSO 2010-2028

    Análisis territorial del sector de la construcción y la política de vivienda en Andalucía

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    Falta resumen y palabras clavesPremio Extraordinario de Doctorado U

    Vivienda y estructura del hogar en la provincia de Sevilla. Un análisis desde la perspectiva de género

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    Las necesidades de vivienda derivadas de los factores demográficos se forman esencialmente en torno a los procesos de creación y disolución de hogares. Los nuevos hogares se constituyen fundamentalmente como resultado de la creación de nuevos núcleos familiares, por emancipación de individuos aislados o por la reforma de los existentes. En este sentido, la ruptura del concepto de familia tradicional y el desarrollo de hogares monoparentales con la mujer como cabeza de familia o mediante la conformación de hogares unipersonales, juega un papel fundamental en la nueva estructura de hogares, cuya importancia cobra diferente protagonismo en función del grado de metropolización de las ciudades y su mayor o menor arraigo a una cultura urbana o rural. En la presente comunicación se pretende llevar a cabo un análisis estadístico-territorial de la dinámica de hogares en los municipios de la provincia de Sevilla, haciendo especial énfasis en el protagonismo de la mujer en el proceso de independencia y desarrollo de esos nuevos hogares. Se analizarán las dinámicas comunes de comportamiento según las comarcas de la provincia de Sevilla y se revisarán las medidas públicas actuales que favorecen el acceso a la vivienda a las mujeres en función a su rango de edad

    Monosized dripping mode of axisymmetric flow focusing

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    We identify and analyze the perfectly regular dripping mode of flow focusing. This mode occurs within narrow intervals of injected flow rates and applied pressure drops and leads to homogeneous-size droplets with diameters similar to or smaller than that of the discharge orifice. The balance between the local acceleration of the fluid particle and the applied pressure drop yields the scaling law for the droplet diameter. This scaling law is validated experimentally with excellent accord.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad DPI2013-46485Gobierno de Extremadura GR1004

    Categorización de municipios mediante técnicas multivariantes. El caso de las áreas rurales de la provincia de Sevilla

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    Megahertz serial crystallography

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    The new European X-ray Free-Electron Laser is the first X-ray free-electron laser capable of delivering X-ray pulses with a megahertz inter-pulse spacing, more than four orders of magnitude higher than previously possible. However, to date, it has been unclear whether it would indeed be possible to measure high-quality diffraction data at megahertz pulse repetition rates. Here, we show that high-quality structures can indeed be obtained using currently available operating conditions at the European XFEL. We present two complete data sets, one from the well-known model system lysozyme and the other from a so far unknown complex of a β-lactamase from K. pneumoniae involved in antibiotic resistance. This result opens up megahertz serial femtosecond crystallography (SFX) as a tool for reliable structure determination, substrate screening and the efficient measurement of the evolution and dynamics of molecular structures using megahertz repetition rate pulses available at this new class of X-ray laser source

    Rapid sample delivery for megahertz serial crystallography at X-ray FELs

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    Liquid microjets are a common means of delivering protein crystals to the focus of X-ray free-electron lasers (FELs) for serial femtosecond crystallography measurements. The high X-ray intensity in the focus initiates an explosion of the microjet and sample. With the advent of X-ray FELs with megahertz rates, the typical velocities of these jets must be increased significantly in order to replenish the damaged material in time for the subsequent measurement with the next X-ray pulse. This work reports the results of a megahertz serial diffraction experiment at the FLASH FEL facility using 4.3 nm radiation. The operation of gas-dynamic nozzles that produce liquid microjets with velocities greater than 80 m s1 was demonstrated. Furthermore, this article provides optical images of X-ray-induced explosions together with Bragg diffraction from protein microcrystals exposed to trains of X-ray pulses repeating at rates of up to 4.5 MHz. The results indicate the feasibility for megahertz serial crystallography measurements with hard X-rays and give guidance for the design of such experiments.Unión Europea 7PM / 2007-2013Consejo de Investigación de Australia DP170100131Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad DPI2016-78887-C3-1-RNational Science Foundation "BioXFEL" (1231306

    Evaluating the psychometric properties of the iconographical falls efficacy scale (ICON-FES)

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    OBJECTIVE: This study aims to analyze the construct and content validity of the Iconographical Falls Efficacy Scale (Icon-FES) in order to measure the fear of falling in community-dwelling older adults. METHODS: The Icon-FES was applied to 333 older adults. An exploratory factor analysis was performed to assess internal consistency. Item response theory (IRT) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) were used to evaluate the consistency of the questionnaire and whether it corresponded satisfactorily to the construct ‘‘concern about falling.’’ Concurrent validity with the Falls Efficacy Scale-International (FES-I) and convergent validity with the Senior Fitness Test (SFT) were also assessed. Receiving operator characteristic (ROC) curves were used to determine the sensitivity and specificity. RESULTS: The structural model of the 30-item and 10-item Icon-FES showed some theoretical fragility. The final model of the new short version of the Icon-FES consisted of 13 items, yielding a theoretically satisfactory structural model. Validity analyses indicated that the 13-item Icon-FES had a moderate relationship with the SFT, a strong relationship with the FES-I, and good sensitivity and specificity for a history of falls. CONCLUSION: The 13-item Icon-FES has excellent psychometric properties for measuring fear of falling in community-dwelling older adults. It can be recommended as a screening tool for fear of falling for both research and clinical purposes