184 research outputs found


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    El residuo de pimienta (RP) es un subproducto del proceso de extracción de aceite esencial de pimienta gorda (Pimienta dioica L. Merrill), y se utiliza como un bioadsorbente de bajo costo para la remoción del plomo (II) de soluciones acuosas. Este material está compuesto principalmente por celulosa, hemicelulosa y lignina. Las partículas de RP utilizadas tienen un diámetro menor a 0.836 mm, una humedad inferior al 12% en peso, una área superficial de 1.30 m2 /g, un diámetro promedio de poro de 5.55 nm y una capacidad teórica de absorción de plomo de 4.33 mg/g

    Lineamientos para el proceso de Producción de Agua Purificada para uso farmacéutico libre de contaminación Microbiológica

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    En la industria farmacéutica el agua purificada nivel 1 es un servicio crítico que debe contar con la calidad necesaria para cumplir con las Buenas Prácticas de Fabricación. El agua purificada está involucrada directamente en el producto, debido a que es usada en la formulación de medicamentos, además que es usada en el lavado de equipos e instrumentos que están en contacto directo con el producto, es por eso que debe garantizar la calidad del agua purificada. Para la generación del agua purificada se cuenta con un sistema de purificación integrado por un sistema de filtros, suavizadores, ósmosis inversa y electrodeionización, para el sistema de filtros y distribución se tiene un tanque de almacenamiento y una bomba que se encarga de mantener circulando agua purificada por todo el loop de distribución de la planta. El No cumplimiento de los requisitos establecidos para la calidad de agua purificada nivel 1 indica una desviación, la cual se debe detectar, investigar, justificar, evaluar los cambios, tomar las Acciones correctivas y Acciones preventivas correspondientes, documentadas y finalmente concluidas, a fin de restablecer las condiciones óptimas de operación para obtener agua purificada nivel 1 según corresponde a la monografía que marca la Farmacopea de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos. La Norma Oficial Mexicana NOM-059 Buenas Prácticas de Fabricación de Medicamentos, establece que el origen de una desviación definida como el no cumplimiento de un requisito previamente establecido debe ser investigado. Además debe existir un sistema para la implementación de las Acciones Correctivas y Acciones Preventivas resultantes de las no conformidades, quejas, devoluciones, fuera de especificaciones, auditorías, tendencias, y las que defina el propio sistema, además debe ser establecida una metodología para la investigación de desviaciones o no conformidades que incluya el uso de herramientas técnicas y/o estadísticas para determinar la causa raíz, la definición de responsables y las fechas compromiso. Mediante un plan de limpieza y sanitización exhaustivo siguiendo los procedimientos normalizados de operación establecidos por la organización, así mismo que estos se encuentren vigentes de acuerdo a las normatividades oficiales mexicanas e internacionales en materia de la misma, se demuestra que la contaminación de microorganismos fecales y totales es eliminada totalmente de los equipos involucrados para la producción de agua purificada nivel 1, causa por la cual se detecta la desviación o No conformidad de la calidad de agua purificada nivel 1


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    El presente trabajo es una investigación documental en el cual se exponen teóricamente métodos de facilitación, técnicas avanzadas y herramientas de apoyo estadístico para la mejora de la calidad, los cuales son aplicables y de suma importancia en la implementación de un sistema de análisis y control de riesgos en la industria farmacéutica, debido a que es indispensable controlar la calidad de los medicamentos, así como cumplir con los requisitos mínimos necesarios para producirlos y comercializarlos en México y en otros países

    Coenzyme q10 microparticles formation with supercritical carbon dioxide

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    Coenzyme Q10 is a powerful antioxidant used on cardiovascular, neurodegenerative and cancer diseases. Its hydrophobic nature do limit its applications, because human body absorbs it with dfculty, that is why it was proposed to increase its bioavailability by diminishing the particle size using supercritical carbon dioxide. It was determined experimentally the phase behavior of the coenzyme in a supercritical system. The equilibrium data and a factorial 2k experimental design were utilized to find how the shape and size of the microparticles are affected by temperature, coQ10 concentration and nozzle diameter. Microparticles were characterized using infrared spectrometry and chromatography. For verify the fundamental chemical structure, the size and the shape of the microparticles was used scanning electronic microscopy. It was found a significant decrease in particle size and a modification of physical structure. The antioxidant power of coQ10 after micronization was measured, showing an increase of this property. Finally, in order to evaluate the bioavailability, the kinetic of solubility was determined in ethanol, having a substantial increase on solubilization speed of micronized coQ10 compared with the commercial one


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    En la actualidad organizaciones de varios giros están empeñadas en alcanzar y demostrar un sólido desempeño de la Seguridad y Salud en el trabajo (SST) mediante la prevención de accidentes, control de sus riesgos y sobre todo en garantizar condiciones personales y materiales de trabajo capaces de mantener un nivel óptimo de salud en sus trabajadores

    Supercritical Extraction Process of Allspice Essential Oil

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    Se presentan los resultados del proceso de extracción de aceite de pimienta utilizando dióxido de carbono supercríticoAllspice essential oil was extracted with supercritical carbon dioxide (SC-CO2) in a static process at three different temperatures (308.15, 313.15 and 318.15 K), and four levels of pressure (100, 200, 300 and 360 bar). The amount of oil extracted was measured at intervals of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6h, the most extraction yield reached was of 68.47% at 318.15K, 360 bar and 6h of contact time. In this supercritical extraction process, the distribution coefficient (KD), the mean effective diffusion coefficient (Def), the energy of activation (Ea), the thermodynamic properties (ΔG0, ΔH0 and ΔS0) and the apparent solubility (S) expressed as mass fraction (w/w) were evaluated for the first time. At the equilibrium the experimental apparent solubility data were successfully correlated with the modified Chrastil equation

    Determination of the minimum integral entropy, water sorption and glass transition temperature to establishing critical storage conditions of beetroot juice microcapsules by spray drying

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    The aim of this work was to microencapsulate beetroot juice (BJ) (Beta vulgaris L.) by spray-drying using as protective colloid gum Arabic. The adsorption isotherms of the microcapsules and the minimum integral entropy (∆S int)T were determined at 25, 35 and 40 ◦C. The glass transition temperature (Tg) was measured by differential scanning calorimetry and modeled by GordonTaylor equation. The water contents-water activity (M-aW ) sets obtained from (∆S int)T , and critical water content (CWC) and critical water activity (CWA) from the Tg were similar, being in the range of water content of 5.11-7.5 kg H2O/100 kg d.s. and in the water activity range of 0.532-0.590. These critical storage conditions were considered as the best conditions for increase the stability of the microcapsules, where the percentage of retention Betanin in the microcapsules was higher compared with other storage conditions in the temperature and aw range studied. Keywords: beetroot juice, microcapsules, minimum integral entropy, glass transition temperature, critical water content, critical water activity

    Supercritical extraction of lyophilized strawberry anthocyanins with pulsed electric fields pretreatment

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    Anthocyanins from LSB and with a PEF pretreatment were extracted with ethanol + SCCO2. The extraction at 200 bar, 333.15, 3.3% wt. of ethanol as cosolvent and using LSB with a PEF pretreatment of 1 kV/cm, produced an extraction yield of 0.284 % and a TAC of 0.231 (g/100 g of ethanol + SCCO2). The individual effect of 1.0 kV/cm of PEF pretreatment increases the %EY by 25 % and the TAC by 29 %. The individual effect of the cosolvent increases the %EY by 32% and that of TAC by 36.4%. However, the combined effect of 1.0 kV cm-1 and 3.3 % ethanol, produced an increase of 78.2 % and 85.3% in the %EY and TAC, respectively. Therefore, these results suggest that there is a synergistic effect, which means that both the electroporation caused by PEF in the LSB and the increase in polarity due to the addition of ethanol produce a substantial improvement over %ET and TAC. Furthermore, the process of extracting anthocyanins from LSB using a mixture of ethanol + supercritical carbon dioxide can be satisfactorily described by a solubility-based model such as the Kumar and Johnston model.The lyophilized strawberry anthocyanins were extracted using a supercritical extraction (SE) process. The effect of pulsed electric fields (PEF) as pretreatment and the influence of the addition of ethanol as a cosolvent on the percentage of extraction yield (EY) and the total anthocyanin concentration (TAC) were analyzed. The effect of PEF was evaluated at 0.5 and 1.0 kV/cm, while the effect of the cosolvent was studied in mixtures of supercritical carbon dioxide - ethanol (SCCO2 + ethanol) at 1.6 and 3.3% by weight. The best results (% EY = 0.506, TAC = 0.428 g /100 g of lyophilized strawberry) were obtained with a PEF pretreatment of 1.0 kV cm-1, 3.3%wt. ethanol at 200 bar and 333.15 K. The experimental results of solubility were suitably adjusted with the Kumar and Johnston model. The maximum solubility (0.114 g/100 g of solvent mixture) was obtained at 300 bar and 313.15 K.The authors would like to thank the National Council of Science and Technology of Mexico (CONACyT) for the scholarship granted to the master’s student in chemical sciences Marco A. Ávila-Hernández

    Storage stability and physicochemical properties of passion fruit juice microcapsules by spray-drying

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    The aim of this work was to microencapsulate passion fruit juice (PFJ) by spray-drying in two dierent biopolymers blends: Gum Arabic-mesquite gum-maltodextrin DE-10 (GA17-MG66-MD17 and GA17-MG-17-MD66), yielding the microcapsules MGA17-MG66-MD17 and MGA17-MG17-MD66. The spray-dried passion fruit microcapsules were analyzed for physicochemical properties (moisture content, water activity, powder particle size), quality properties (hygroscopicity, dispersibility, rehydration time), and reconstituted product properties (total color change and vitamin C retention). The minimum integral entropy of the microcapsules was determined at 25, 35, and 40 °C, and the resulting water activities (aW) were 0.447, 0.505, 0.629 for MGA17-MG66-MD17 and 0.383, 0.414, 0.605 for MGA17-MG17-MD66, respectively. These temperatures-aW sets were considered as the most adequate conditions for achieving maximum storage stability of the microcapsules. The best vitamin C retention level occurred at 25 °C, aW = 0.447 for MGA17-MG66-MD17, and at 25 °C, aW = 0.383 for MGA17-MG17-MD66