17,784 research outputs found

    First order phase transition from the vortex liquid to an amorphous solid

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    We present a systematic study of the topology of the vortex solid phase in superconducting Bi2_{2}Sr2_{2}CaCu2_{2}O8_{8} samples with low doses of columnar defects. A new state of vortex matter imposed by the presence of geometrical contours associated with the random distribution of columns is found. The results show that the first order liquid-solid transition in this vortex matter does not require a structural symmetry change.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Systematic Study on Fluorine-doping Dependence of Superconducting and Normal State Properties in LaFePO1-xFx

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    We have investigated the fluorine-doping dependence of lattice constants, transports and specific heat for polycrystalline LaFePO1-xFx. F doping slightly and monotonically decreases the in-plane lattice parameter. In the normal state, electrical resistivity at low temperature is proportional to the square of temperature and the electronic specific heat coefficient has large value, indicating the existence of moderate electron-electron correlation in this system. Hall coefficient has large magnitude, and shows large temperature dependence, indicating the low carrier density and multiple carriers in this system. Temperature dependence of the upper critical field suggests that the system is a two gap superconductor. The F-doping dependence of these properties in this system are very weak, while in the FeAs system (LaFeAsO), the F doping induces the large changes in electronic properties. This difference is probably due to the different F-doping dependence of the lattice in these two systems. It has been revealed that a pure effect of electron doping on electronic properties is very weak in this Fe pnictide compound.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in J. Phys. Soc. Jp

    Cloud fragmentation and proplyd-like features in HII regions imaged by HST

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    We have analyzed HST ACS and WFPC2 new and archival images of eight HII regions to look for new proto-planetary disks (proplyds) similar to those found in the Orion Nebula. We find a wealth of features similar in size (though many are larger) to the bright cusps around the Orion Nebula proplyds. None of them, however, contains a definitive central star. From this, we deduce that the new cusps may not be proplyds, but instead are fragments of molecular cloud material. Out of all the features found in the eight HII regions examined, only one, an apparent edge-on silhouette in M17, may have a central star. This feature might join the small number of bona fide proplyds found outside the Orion Nebula, in M8, M20 and possibly in M16. In line with the results found recently by Smith et al. (2005), the paucity of proplyds outside the Orion Nebula, may be explained by their transient nature as well as by the specific environmental conditions under whichthey can be observed.Comment: 51 pages; 19 figures; 5 tables. Accepted by A

    Classical and quantum quasi-free position dependent mass; P\"oschl-Teller and ordering-ambiguity

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    We argue that the classical and quantum mechanical correspondence may play a basic role in the fixation of the ordering-ambiguity parameters. We use quasi-free position-dependent masses in the classical and quantum frameworks. The effective P\"oschl-Teller model is used as a manifested reference potential to elaborate on the reliability of the ordering-ambiguity parameters available in the literature.Comment: 10 page

    Caracterização biometrica de frutos de Parkia gigantocarpa Ducke (Leguminosae-Mimosoideade).

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    Parkia gigantocarpa Ducke, conhecida como popularmente como fava-atanã, é uma espécie alógama, cujo fruto é uma vagem. O trabalho teve como objetivo determinar características biométricas de frutos de Parkia gigantocarpa Ducke oriundas do Estado do Pará. Para avaliar a biométria dos frutos determinaram-se as variáveis: comprimento (mm) e largura (mm). Os dados de biometria de frutos e sementes foram analisados pela distribuição de frequência, sendo suas variáveis analisadas pelo programa de análise estatística software SISVAR. O comprimento e a largura dos frutos variaram de 250,0 a 929,2 mm e 49,0 a 78,3 mm, respectivamente. Sendo que a maioria dos frutos (63,71%) teve o comprimento entre 541,1 a 638,5 mm, para a largura (65,8%) ficaram na faixa entre 55,6 a 62,1 mm. Os frutos de P. gigantocarpa apresentaram ampla variabilidade nas suas características biométricas, dentro de diferentes matrizes de um mesmo local de ocorrência

    Effect of Structural Parameters on Superconductivity in Fluorine-Free LnFeAsO1-y (Ln=La,Nd)

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    The crystal structure of LnFeAsO1y_{1-y} (Ln = La, Nd) has been studied by the powder neutron diffraction technique. The superconducting phase diagram of NdFeAsO1y_{1-y} is established as a function of oxygen content which is determined by Rietveld refinement. The small As-Fe bond length suggests that As and Fe atoms are connected covalently. FeAs4_4-tetrahedrons transform toward a regular shape with increasing oxygen deficiency. Superconducting transition temperatures seem to attain maximum values for regular FeAs4_4-tetrahedrons

    Chromospheric polarimetry through multi-line observations of the 850 nm spectral region III: Chromospheric jets driven by twisted magnetic fields

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    We investigate the diagnostic potential of the spectral lines at 850 nm for understanding the magnetism of the lower atmosphere. For that purpose, we use a newly developed 3D simulation of a chromospheric jet to check the sensitivity of the spectral lines to this phenomenon as well as our ability to infer the atmospheric information through spectropolarimetric inversions of noisy synthetic data. We start comparing the benefits of inverting the entire spectrum at 850 nm versus only the Ca II 8542 A spectral line. We found a better match of the input atmosphere for the former case, mainly at lower heights. However, the results at higher layers were not accurate. After several tests, we determined that we need to weight more the chromospheric lines than the photospheric ones in the computation of the goodness of the fit. The new inversion configuration allows us to obtain better fits and consequently more accurate physical parameters. Therefore, to extract the most from multi-line inversions, a proper set of weights needs to be estimated. Besides that, we conclude again that the lines at 850 nm, or a similar arrangement with Ca II 8542 A plus Zeeman sensitive photospheric lines, poses the best observing configuration for examining the thermal and magnetic properties of the lower solar atmosphere.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figure