6,462 research outputs found

    A new convergent algorithm to approximate potentials from fixed angle scattering data

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    We introduce a new iterative method to recover a real compact supported potential of the Schr\"odinger operator from their fixed angle scattering data. The method combines a fixed point argument with a suitable approximation of the resolvent of the Schr\"odinger operator by partial sums associated to its Born series. Convergence is established for potentials with small norm in certain Sobolev spaces. As an application we show some numerical experiments that illustrate this convergence.Comment: 25 pages, 6 figure

    Contextual factors and contingent reward leadership: employer adoption of telecommuting

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    Using a contingency perspective, this paper examines the conditions under which telecommuting is most likely to be adopted with data obtained from a sample of 122 CEOs. We hypothesized that telecommuting fits better in younger organizations, firms with a higher proportion of women and international employees in workforce, and companies that offer variable pay. We found evidence that confirm the prediction that telecommuting, a high proportion of international employees, and the use of variable compensation as an internal control mechanism tend to go hand in hand.


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    El trastorno por déficit de atención e hiperactividad (TDAH), es un trastorno neuropsiquiátrico que viene definido por tres síntomas principales: Inatención, impulsividad e hiperactividad, ésta no siempre presente. Como resultado, se producen conductas inadecuadas para la edad de desarrollo del individuo y problemas de aprendizaje

    A Survey on Optimization Techniques Applied to Magnetic Field Mitigation in Power Systems

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    With the continuous increase in the number and relevance of electric transmission lines and distribution networks, there is a higher exposure to the magnetic fields generated by them, leading to more cases of human electrosensitivity, which greatly necessitates the design and development of magnetic field mitigation procedures and, at the same time, the need to minimize both performance degradation and deterioration in the efficiency as well. During the last four decades, fruitful results have been reported about extremely low frequency magnetic field mitigation, giving a wide variety of solutions. This survey paper aims to give a comprehensive overview of cost-effective optimization techniques destined to magnetic field mitigation in power systems, with particular attention to the results reported in the last decade.Agencia Estatal de Investigación and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (AEI/FEDER, UE) project ENE2017-89669-RUniversidad de Sevilla (VI PPIT-US) grant 2018/0000074

    Ethics of citizen participation in the digital journalistic discourse

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    La profesión periodística se enfrenta a un nuevo entorno comunicativo digital en el que los tradicionales flujos informativos, emanados desde los medios de comunicación hacia los ciudadanos de forma unidireccional, cambian debido a los nuevos canales de participación e influencia que las audiencias, activas y dinámicas en las redes, utilizan para incidir en la configuración de la opinión pública. Se describen y analizan algunas de las prácticas informativas ciudadanas y los dilemas éticos que plantean respecto al periodismo y el derecho a la información.The journalism profession is facing a new digital communication environment in which traditional information flows, emanating from the media to the general public unidirectional, are reversed under the new channels of participation and influence that audiences, which are active and dynamic on the network, use to take part in shaping public opinion. In this paper we describe and analyze some of the citizens’ information practices and the ethical dilemmas posed about journalism and the right to information

    Deontological guidelines for digital journalism

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    La tendencia a la instantaneidad informativa, debida en parte a la irrupción de las redes sociales en el discurso periodístico, incide de forma directa en la calidad del ejercicio profesional y en la consideración ética del mismo. A este fenómeno, e íntimamente relacionado con él, cabría añadir la participación de las audiencias en la configuración de las noticias, planteando nuevos retos a la profesión que precisan de medidas y habilidades que no siempre pueden ser buscadas en los códigos deontológicos clásicos. Se precisan por tanto nuevos principios que guíen la práctica diaria. En este artículo se propone un decálogo de pautas deontológicas aplicables a la labor profesional en el periodismo digital.The tendency towards the instantaneity of information, due in part to the irruption of social networks into journalistic discourse, has had a direct impact on the quality and ethical considerations of professional practice. Closely related to this phenomenon is the participation of the audiences in configuring the news, posing new challenges to the profession that require measures and skills that cannot always be sought in classic codes of ethics. New principles are, therefore, needed to guide daily practice. In this article a decalogue of deontological guidelines applicable to professional work in digital journalism is proposed.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad CSO2011-2662

    The ethical dilemmas of using social networks as information sources. Analysis of the opinion of journalists from three countries

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    Introducción: Las redes sociales están configurando un nuevo ecosistema informativo, caracterizado por la interactividad entre los usuarios y también entre estos usuarios y los medios de comunicación. Metodología: El presente artículo se basa en los datos obtenidos en más de sesenta entrevistas en profundidad realizadas a periodistas de tres países europeos, concretamente de España, Italia y Bélgica, para examinar hasta qué punto es valorada esta vía de relación entre periodista y ciudadanía y cómo puede ser aprovechada en el trabajo periodístico. Resultados y Conclusiones: Aunque la información esté disponible para ser publicada de forma inmediata, antes es preciso comprobar su autenticidad y calibrar su idoneidad desde distintas perspectivas. Los propios periodistas deben valorar las posibilidades brindadas por herramientas como las redes sociales, siendo conscientes al mismo tiempo de sus riesgos y desafíos para así atajarlos de una forma más efectiva.Introduction: Social networks are shaping a new information ecosystem that is characterised by the interaction of users with each other and with the media. Methods: This article is based on data obtained from more than 60 in-depth interviews with journalists from three European countries, namely Spain, Italy and Belgium, to examine how they value the use of social networks as communication channel between journalists and citizens and as a tool to carry out journalistic work. Results and conclusions: Although information is available online to be published instantly, it is necessary to first determine its authenticity and assess its suitability from different perspectives. Journalists themselves should assess the possibilities offered by tools such as social networks, and beware of the risks and challenges associated to them in order to use them in a more effective way

    Evaluation of the power frequency magnetic field generated by three-core armored cables through 3D finite element simulations

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    The great expansion in offshore power plants is raising the concern regarding the cumulative effect of the electromagnetic field emissions caused by submarine power cables. In this sense, owners are required to predict these emissions during the permitting and consenting process of new power plants. This is a challenging task, especially in the case of HVAC three-core armored cables due to their complex geometry. Customarily, 2D approaches based on the finite element method (FEM) have been employed for evaluating the magnetic field emissions caused by these cables. However, inaccurate results are obtained since the phase conductors and armor twisting is omitted. This work develops, for the first time in the literature, an in-depth analysis of the magnetic field caused by this type of cable through an ultra-shortened 3D-FEM model, which is also faced to experimental measurements taken on an actual 132 kV, 800 mm2 three-core armored cable. Relevant conclusions are derived regarding the impact of the cable design on the magnetic field emissions, including material properties, as well as single and double-layer armors, presenting the proposed model not only as a valuable tool for predicting purposes, but also for optimizing cable design in terms of magnetic field emissions