31,046 research outputs found

    Mechanical characterization of timber in structural sizes: bending and compression tests

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    This paper presents the results obtained in a series of tests on Pinus Pinaster Ait. timber specimens, using the prEN408:2000, to estimate the local and global Young’s modulus and strength both in bending and compression parallel to the grain. The results obtained are compared with the values presented in the Portuguese Nationally Determined Parameters of Eurocode 5, for the quality classes assign by Portuguese Standard NP4305:1994 by visual grading

    Behaviour of traditional Portuguese timber roof structures

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    The aim of this paper is to present the results of a structural analysis of common trusses traditionally used in roof construction in Portugal. The study includes the results of a preliminary survey intending to assess the geometry, materials and on site pathologies, as well as a twodimensional linear elastic static and dynamic analysis. The trusses behaviour under symmetric and non-symmetric loads, the king post/tie-beam connection, the stiffness of the joints and the incorrect positioning of the purlins, were some of the structural aspects that have been investigated

    Testing a dissipative kinetic k-essence model

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    In this work, we present a study of a purely kinetic k-essence model, characterized basically by a parameter α\alpha in presence of a bulk dissipative term, whose relationship between viscous pressure Π\Pi and energy density ρ\rho of the background follows a polytropic type law Π∝ρλ+1/2\Pi \propto \rho^{\lambda+1/2}, where λ\lambda, in principle, is a parameter without restrictions. Analytical solutions for the energy density of the k-essence field are found in two specific cases: λ=1/2\lambda=1/2 and λ=(1−α)/2α\lambda=(1-\alpha)/2\alpha, and then we show that these solutions posses the same functional form than the non-viscous counterpart. Finally, both approach are contrasted with observational data from type Ia supernova, and the most recent Hubble parameter measurements, and therefore, the best values for the parameters of the theory are founds.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, accepted in EPJ

    Modelling of timber joints in traditional structures

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    Original unstrengthened timber connections and the effects of different strengthening techniques have been evaluated experimentally with tests on full-scale birdsmouth joints. Experimental results show that structural response of traditional timber connections under cyclic loading cannot be represented by common constraint models, like perfect hinges or rigid joints, but should be using semi-rigid and friction based models. A research program has investigated the behaviour of old timber joints and examined strengthening criteria. The main parameters affecting the mechanical behaviour of the connection have been singled out. A synthetic model of cyclic behaviour has been adapted on the basis of experimental results

    Experimental analysis of original and strengthened traditional timber connections

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    Tests on full-scale unstrengthened connections were performed under monotonic and cyclic loading. Attention has been principally focused on the birdsmouth joint, because of its common use in practice. Different strengthening solutions with metal elements have been evaluated

    STiC -- A multi-atom non-LTE PRD inversion code for full-Stokes solar observations

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    The inference of the underlying state of the plasma in the solar chromosphere remains extremely challenging because of the nonlocal character of the observed radiation and plasma conditions in this layer. Inversion methods allow us to derive a model atmosphere that can reproduce the observed spectra by undertaking several physical assumptions. The most advanced approaches involve a depth-stratified model atmosphere described by temperature, line-of-sight velocity, turbulent velocity, the three components of the magnetic field vector, and gas and electron pressure. The parameters of the radiative transfer equation are computed from a solid ground of physical principles. To apply these techniques to spectral lines that sample the chromosphere, NLTE effects must be included in the calculations. We developed a new inversion code STiC to study spectral lines that sample the upper chromosphere. The code is based the RH synthetis code, which we modified to make the inversions faster and more stable. For the first time, STiC facilitates the processing of lines from multiple atoms in non-LTE, also including partial redistribution effects. Furthermore, we include a regularization strategy that allows for model atmospheres with a complex stratification, without introducing artifacts in the reconstructed physical parameters, which are usually manifested in the form of oscillatory behavior. This approach takes steps toward a node-less inversion, in which the value of the physical parameters at each grid point can be considered a free parameter. In this paper we discuss the implementation of the aforementioned techniques, the description of the model atmosphere, and the optimizations that we applied to the code. We carry out some numerical experiments to show the performance of the code and the regularization techniques that we implemented. We made STiC publicly available to the community.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic
