6 research outputs found

    Reingreso por infección del sitio quirúrgico ortopédico: una revisión integradora

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    OBJETIVO Caracterizar los reingresos por infección del sitio quirúrgico ortopédico. MÉTODO Revisión integradora de la literatura, en las bases de datos LILACS, IBECS, MEDLINE, Cochrane, SciELO y PUBMED, por medio de los descriptores Reingreso del paciente, Infección de la herida operatoria, Infección hospitalaria, Procedimientos ortopédicos, Ortopedia. RESULTADOS Fueron identificados 78 estudios y seleccionadas 10 publicaciones. La infección del sitio quirúrgico es la causa más frecuente entre los reingresos ortopédicos no planificados, que representan largas estancias hospitalarias, nuevas intervenciones quirúrgicas y costos elevados, además de mayor posibilidad de ingresos subsiguientes. Los factores predictivos más significativos señalaron tiempo de estancia media, necesidad de cuidados intensivos, status de urgencia en el ingreso, riesgo de muerte, edad >; 65 años, sexo masculino y mayor índice de masa corpórea. CONCLUSIÓN Las tasas de reingreso se hacen cada vez más medidas de cualidad y preocupación con relación a los costos. Nuevos estudios podrían involucrar cuestiones relacionadas con costos indirectos, especialmente los sociales y psicológicos.OBJECTIVE Characterizing readmissions from orthopedic surgical site infections. METHOD An integrative review of literature in the LILACS, IBECS, MEDLINE, Cochrane, SciELO and PUBMED databases, using the descriptors Patient readmission, Wound infection, Cross infection, Orthopedic procedures, Orthopedics. RESULTS 78 studies were identified and 10 publications were selected. Surgical site infections are the most common cause of unplanned orthopedic readmissions, representing long periods of hospitalization, new surgical procedures and high costs, and greater possibility of subsequent hospitalizations. Most significant predictors have indicated average length of hospitalization, need for intensive care, emergency status at admission, risk of death, age >; 65 years, males and higher body mass index. CONCLUSION Readmission rates have increasingly become measures of quality and concerns about costs. New studies could involve issues related to indirect costs, specifically social and psychological costs.OBJETIVO Caracterizar as readmissões por infecção do sítio cirúrgico ortopédico. MÉTODO Revisão integrativa da literatura, nas bases de dados LILACS, IBECS, MEDLINE, Cochrane, SciELO e PUBMED, por meio dos descritores Readmissão do paciente, Infecção da ferida operatória, Infecção hospitalar, Procedimentos ortopédicos, Ortopedia. RESULTADOS Identificados 78 estudos e selecionadas 10 publicações. A infecção do sítio cirúrgico é a causa mais frequente entre as readmissões ortopédicas não planejadas, que representam longos períodos de internação, novas intervenções cirúrgicas e custos elevados, além de maior possibilidade de internações subsequentes. Fatores preditivos mais significantes apontaram tempo médio de internação, necessidade de cuidados intensivos,status de urgência na admissão, risco de morte, idade >; 65 anos, sexo masculino e maior índice de massa corporal. CONCLUSÃO Taxas de readmissão tornam-se cada vez mais medidas de qualidade e preocupação em relação a custos. Novos estudos poderiam envolver questões relacionadas a custos indiretos, especificamente os sociais e psicológicos

    Foot and ankle disorders in nurses exposed to prolonged standing environments: a scoping review

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    Background: Prolonged standing environments constitute an occupational risk factor for nurses, particularly for developing foot and ankle disorders. The definitions and potential relationship to hours spent walking or standing are poorly understood. This scoping review aimed to synthesize the main disorders found on nurses’ ankles and feet, their prevalence, the influence of hours spent walking or standing, and gender differences. Methods: This review followed a previously published protocol. Primary and secondary studies were retrieved from relevant databases from December 2020 to March 2021. Potential articles were collated to Mendeley, and two independent reviewers assessed the title and abstracts. Studies meeting inclusion criteria were included. Two researchers retrieved and reviewed the full text of these studies independently. A predetermined extraction tool was used to retrieve relevant data, summarized in a tabular and narrative format. Findings: The most common disorder was pain, followed by numbness, burning feet, bunions, structural deformities, and calluses. Prevalence differed among studies, depending on settings and specific local policies. Discussion: Various foot and ankle disorders and related variables have been found, with clear gaps that may be addressed in the future. Conclusion/Applications to Practice:: Few studies have focused on nurses’ foot and ankle disorders. Mapping signs and symptoms may contribute to the future development of preventive interventions for nurses’ workplaces.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Expectativas dos doentes face ao internamento numa Unidade de Cuidados Paliativos Expectativas de la persona ingresada en una Unidad de Cuidados Paliativos Expectations of patients during a hospitalization in a Palliative Care Unit

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    As equipas das Unidades de Cuidados Paliativos (UCP) propõem-se atender à totalidade bio-psico-social-espiritual do doente e seus familiares, minimizando a dor e dando suporte emocional e espiritual a todos os envolvidos no processo de morte. Para desenvolver práticas de cuidados que facilitem a vivência do fim de vida é imperativo compreender as expectativas destes doentes face ao internamento numa UCP e face aos profissionais de saúde que nestas trabalham. Este estudo, de caráter qualitativo, utilizou como referencial metodológico a Teoria Fundamentada nos Dados - Grounded Theory. Os dados foram colhidos através de entrevista semiestruturada realizada a 14 doentes internados em duas instituições. A análise dos dados teve como base uma codificação teórica, levando à identificação do tema central «Processo de Negação da Morte», representativa da interação entre os dois temas principais: Perceção da Doença e Expectativas da Pessoa internada numa UCP. O processo de transição em que estes doentes se encontram, envolve reorganização interior e tomar consciência da realidade. Contudo, assume um caráter de sobrevivência psicológica, mantendo a esperança perante a morte, negando-a. Face ao internamento numa UCP estes procuram a cura, a recuperação ou pelo menos alguma qualidade de vida.<br>Los equipos de Unidades de Cuidados Paliativos (UCP) procuran atender a la “totalidad bio-psico-social-espiritual” del paciente y de sus familiares, reduciendo el dolor, dando apoyo emocional y espiritual a todos los involucrados en el proceso de una muerte. Al desarrollar pautas de cuidados que faciliten la experiencia de la enfermedad terminal, es prioritario entender las expectativas de dichos pacientes ante al ingreso en una UCP y ante a los profesionales que allí trabajan. Este estudio, de carácter cualitativo, usó por referencia metodológica la Teoría Basada en los Datos - Teoría Fundamentada. Los datos fueron recogidos mediante entrevistas semiestructuradas realizadas con 14 pacientes ingresados en dos instituciones. El análisis de los datos estuvo basado en una codificación teórica, que condujo a la identificación del tema central: “El Proceso de Negación de la Muerte”, representativo de la interacción entre los dos temas principales: Percepción de la Enfermedad y Expectativas de la Persona ingresada en una UCP. El proceso de transición en el que estos pacientes se encuentran que implica una reorganización interior y una toma de consciencia de la realidad. Sin embargo, asume un carácter de supervivencia psicológica manteniendo la esperanza de vivir negando la muerte. Ante el ingreso en una UCP estos buscan la cura, la recuperación o por lo menos alguna calidad de vida.<br>The goal of Palliative Care Units is to focus on the “bio-psycho-social-spiritual” whole of patients and their families, minimizing pain and providing emotional and spiritual support to all involved in the process of dying. To develop care practices that facilitate living at the end of life, it is imperative to understand the expectations of these patients while in a Palliative Care Unit and of healthcare professionals who work in these units. This study, qualitative in nature, used Grounded Theory as its methodological base. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews with 14 patients admitted to two institutions. Data analysis was based on theoretical coding, allowing identification of the “The Process of Denial of Death” as the central theme, representative of the interaction between the main themes Perceptions of Illness and Expectations of the person admitted to a Palliative Care Unit. The transition process in which these patients find themselves involves psychological reorganization and becoming aware of a distinct reality. However, it is a matter of psychological survival, maintaining hope in the face of death while denying it. As inpatients in a Palliative Care Unit, they look for cure or recovery, or at least some quality of life

    Baropodometric assessment of the podiatric profile of nursing students in clinical settings: a study protocol

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    Introduction: Nursing students are exposed to increased risks of developing foot and ankle disorders due to prolonged standing and walking positions during clinical settings. This can lead to high dropout rates from nursing degree, thus contributing to a future shortage in nursing professionals. This protocol aims to develop a study to understand the influence of prolonged standing and walking positions on nursing students' foot health, and specifically to study the relationship between the podiatric profile (regional force and pressure exerted on the foot) and related signs and symptoms. Methods and Analysis: A prospective observational cohort study will be conducted with 194 nursing students. Participants will be asked to walk through a baropodometric platform before and after a 5-month clinical training session. Assessment will focus on the change in podiatric profile, namely foot posture and foot function, at 5 months, and changes in foot health at 5 months. The study will start in January 2022 and it's expected to end by June 2022. Discussion: The study aims to perform an innovative assessment of nursing students' podiatric profile, which will allow for a comprehensive description of foot/ankle changes and their relationship with prolonged standing and walking contexts. Ethics and Dissemination: The study was approved by The Ethical Committee of the Health Sciences Research Unit: Nursing (UICISA: E), of the Nursing School of Coimbra (ESEnfC), with the approval code nr. P799_07_2021. The study was also recorded in ClinicalTrials.gov on the number NCT05197166. Findings will be used to publish articles in peer-review scientific journals and oral communications and posters at scientific meetings.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio