2,711 research outputs found

    Mechanical features of the shuttle rotating service structure

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    With the development of the space shuttle launching facilities, it became mandatory to develop a shuttle rotating service structure to provide for the insertion and/or removal of payloads at the launch pads. The rotating service structure is a welded tubular steel space frame 189 feet high, 65 feet wide, and weighing 2100 tons. At the pivot column the structure is supported on a 30 inch diameter hemispherical bearing. At the opposite terminus the structure is supported on two truck assemblies each having eight 36 inch diameter double flanged wheels. The following features of the rotating service structure are discussed: (1) thermal expansion and contraction; (2) hurricane tie downs; (3) payload changeout room; (4) payload ground handling mechanism; (5) payload and orbiter access platforms; and (6) orbiter cargo bay access

    Mr. Watson, come here-I want to see you: One rural residency program’s rapid pivot to telemedicine during the pandemic

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    Telemedicine has been used for over a generation, but application has been limited in rural areas by lack of payment, licensure issues, cumbersome video equipment, and challenges with digital communications. Early in the COVID-19 pandemic, our rural family medicine residency made a rapid shift to all telemedicine services for our patients. We collected data on a 4-week period in April 2020 as we transitioned to 100% telemedicine consultations. We compare that to a 4-week period prior to mid-March when activities were normal for us. We collected detailed visit summaries, patient feedback, and physician feedback and compared these two periods. Early in the pandemic, telemedicine visits were increased for those with chronic respiratory and cardiovascular issues, along with anxiety and depression. Patient and physician feedback was positive and time required averaged 12 to 18 minutes. The cost savings from the 15% who would have sought urgent or emergency care is significant. Almost 45% would have still made an appointment later, further risking exposure and increasing outpatient volume later. In this sense, telemedicine could be considered to have “flattened the curve” for potentially overwhelmed outpatient facilities much in the way that mitigation interventions were implemented to do the same for acute inpatient beds. We share our experience for consideration by those who will implement a similar transition as well as those who choose to advocate for continuing payment and platform flexibility. We also hope that residency training requirements can adapt to consider a telemedicine visit comparable to one completed in person

    Changes In Rural Affinity Among Rural Medical Students As They Experience Education In An Urban Setting

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    Abstract Introduction The maldistribution of physicians in the United States has led to a shortage of healthcare providers in rural areas and rural patients being underserved. A physician’s connections to rural settings, including upbringing and medical training, often influence the decision to practice in rural areas. This study examines opinions from medical students who participated in a regional rural campus track, which includes summer immersion programs, rural-focused sessions, and clinical rotations. The authors hypothesized that Rural Track students experience urban disruption, and their opinions about rural living and practice would become increasingly less positive over time while students lived at the urban campus for preclinical coursework. Materials and Methods The Rural Health Opinion Survey (RHOS), a previously published measure of opinions concerning living and practicing in rural areas, was administered to students at one public medical school located in Louisville, Kentucky. Factor analysis was performed on each of the three sections of the survey (items related to rural living, patients in rural areas, and physicians in rural areas), and composite subscale scores were calculated for each student. The first phase of this large longitudinal study reported here uses t-tests to compare pre- and post-test scores for 36 students in the Rural Track program. Scores of M1/M2 students who were based at the urban campus were also compared to M3/M4 students who had returned to the rural campus. Results Ninety-two percent (36/39) of Rural Track students completed both pre- and post-surveys, and of these respondents, 89% percent (32/36) grew up in a hometown with fewer than 30,000 people. Overall scores were not significantly different between Rural Track M1/M2 in the urban setting and the Rural Track M3/M4 students based at the rural campus. M3/M4 students showed a differential positive opinion over time of rural comfortable living that approached significance and agreed less that the rural physician workload is heavier. M1/M2 students expressed more positive opinions over time about availability of quality service. Both groups showed strong agreement over time that rural patients are more motivated. Discussion Our hypothesis that Rural Track students on the urban campus would show increasingly less positive opinions about rural health and practice was not supported. Students may not have experienced urban disruption because of the Rural Track curriculum elements, and/or time in the urban environment may have reinforced rural affinity by providing new perspective on the positive aspects of rural settings. Further research and efforts are necessary to identify critical points of reconnection for medical students and to support rural affinity within medical school curriculum. Upcoming research efforts will address the overall hypothesis that Rural Track students’ continued connection to rural settings generates more positive opinions about rural living and practice as compared to opinions from students with rural backgrounds who spend all four years of medical school in the urban setting

    Framework Programmable Platform for the Advanced Software Development Workstation (FPP/ASDW). Demonstration framework document. Volume 1: Concepts and activity descriptions

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    The Framework Programmable Software Development Platform (FPP) is a project aimed at effectively combining tool and data integration mechanisms with a model of the software development process to provide an intelligent integrated software development environment. Guided by the model, this system development framework will take advantage of an integrated operating environment to automate effectively the management of the software development process so that costly mistakes during the development phase can be eliminated. The Advanced Software Development Workstation (ASDW) program is conducting research into development of advanced technologies for Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE)

    Tegument Assembly and Secondary Envelopment of Alphaherpesviruses.

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    Alphaherpesviruses like herpes simplex virus are large DNA viruses characterized by their ability to establish lifelong latent infection in neurons. As for all herpesviruses, alphaherpesvirus virions contain a protein-rich layer called "tegument" that links the DNA-containing capsid to the glycoprotein-studded membrane envelope. Tegument proteins mediate a diverse range of functions during the virus lifecycle, including modulation of the host-cell environment immediately after entry, transport of virus capsids to the nucleus during infection, and wrapping of cytoplasmic capsids with membranes (secondary envelopment) during virion assembly. Eleven tegument proteins that are conserved across alphaherpesviruses have been implicated in the formation of the tegument layer or in secondary envelopment. Tegument is assembled via a dense network of interactions between tegument proteins, with the redundancy of these interactions making it challenging to determine the precise function of any specific tegument protein. However, recent studies have made great headway in defining the interactions between tegument proteins, conserved across alphaherpesviruses, which facilitate tegument assembly and secondary envelopment. We summarize these recent advances and review what remains to be learned about the molecular interactions required to assemble mature alphaherpesvirus virions following the release of capsids from infected cell nuclei.HSV-1 research in the laboratory of CMC is supported by the Leverhulme Trust (Grant RPG-2012-793) and the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (Grant BB/M021424/1). SCG is a Sir Henry Dale Fellow jointly funded by the Wellcome Trust and the Royal Society (Grant Number 098406/Z/12/Z)This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from MDPI via http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/v709286

    Emerging infectious diseases in an island ecosystem: the New Zealand perspective.

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    Several unique features characterize infectious disease epidemiology in New Zealand. Historically, well-organized, government-run control programs have eliminated several zoonoses. More recently, however, communicable disease control has been mixed. Rates of rheumatic fever, tuberculosis, and enteric infectious are high, and rates of meningococcal disease are increasing. These diseases are over-represented in New Zealanders of Polynesian descent, who generally live in more deprived and overcrowded conditions than do those of European descent. Measles and pertussis epidemics are recurring because of inadequate vaccine coverage, despite a well-developed childhood immunization program. A progressive response to the HIV epidemic has resulted in relatively low rates of infection, particularly among injecting drug users; however, the response to other sexually transmitted infections has been poor. A key challenge for the future is to build on successful strategies and apply them to persisting and emerging infectious disease threats in a small, geographically isolated country with limited economic resources

    Framework Programmable Platform for the advanced software development workstation: Framework processor design document

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    The design of the Framework Processor (FP) component of the Framework Programmable Software Development Platform (FFP) is described. The FFP is a project aimed at combining effective tool and data integration mechanisms with a model of the software development process in an intelligent integrated software development environment. Guided by the model, this Framework Processor will take advantage of an integrated operating environment to provide automated support for the management and control of the software development process so that costly mistakes during the development phase can be eliminated

    Improving together : collaboration needs to start with regulators

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    The regulatory landscape in the UK is changing again. From 1 April 2019 NHS England and NHS Improvement became what is effectively a single organisation with far reaching responsibility for the oversight of the system. The structural features of this change, which will eventually require legislative reform, have been widely debated, not least by those affected by plans for a collaborative approach to improvement in the NHS.12 But there has been less discussion about the style and approach to regulation that might be best suited to drive improvement in the NHS as set out in the long term plan.3 We contend that a major change is required in the way the system interacts with service providers if we are to be successful in developing a new service model for the 21st century

    Evaluating Amazon\u27s Mechanical Turk as a Tool for Experimental Behavioral Research

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    Amazon Mechanical Turk (AMT) is an online crowdsourcing service where anonymous online workers complete web-based tasks for small sums of money. The service has attracted attention from experimental psychologists interested in gathering human subject data more efficiently. However, relative to traditional laboratory studies, many aspects of the testing environment are not under the experimenter\u27s control. In this paper, we attempt to empirically evaluate the fidelity of the AMT system for use in cognitive behavioral experiments. These types of experiment differ from simple surveys in that they require multiple trials, sustained attention from participants, comprehension of complex instructions, and millisecond accuracy for response recording and stimulus presentation. We replicate a diverse body of tasks from experimental psychology including the Stroop, Switching, Flanker, Simon, Posner Cuing, attentional blink, subliminal priming, and category learning tasks using participants recruited using AMT. While most of replications were qualitatively successful and validated the approach of collecting data anonymously online using a web-browser, others revealed disparity between laboratory results and online results. A number of important lessons were encountered in the process of conducting these replications that should be of value to other researchers
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