503 research outputs found

    Mercury: Mid-infrared (7.3 - 13.5 microns) spectroscopic observations showing features characteristic of plagioclase

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    Mid-infrared spectroscopic observations of the surface of Mercury are reported for the wavelength range 7.3 to 13.5 microns. The observed spectral radiance emanated from equatorial and low latitude regions between 110-130 deg Mercurian longitude. The area is primarily an intercrater plain. The spectra show distinct and recognizable features, the principal Christiansen emission peak being the most prominent. The Christiansen feature strongly suggests the presence of plagioclase (Ca,Na)(Al,Si)AlSi2O8, (in particular labradorite: Ab(50) - Ab(30)). In addition we have studied the effects of thermal gradients to gain insight into the effects of thermal conditions on the spectral radiance of rock samples. This simulates the thermophysical effects as the rotating surface of Mercury is alternately heated and cooled. The spectral features of the samples are retained; however, the relative and absolute amplitudes vary as illustrated by laboratory reflectance and emittance spectra from quartzite

    The Albedo, Size, and Density of Binary Kuiper Belt Object (47171) 1999 TC36

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    We measured the system-integrated thermal emission of the binary Kuiper Belt Object 1999 TC36 at wavelengths near 24 and 70 microns using the Spitzer space telescope. We fit these data and the visual magnitude using both the Standard Thermal Model and thermophysical models. We find that the effective diameter of the binary is 405 km, with a range of 350 -- 470 km, and the effective visible geometric albedo for the system is 0.079 with a range of 0.055 -- 0.11. The binary orbit, magnitude contrast between the components, and system mass have been determined from HST data (Margot et al., 2004; 2005a; 2005b). Our effective diameter, combined with that system mass, indicate an average density for the objects of 0.5 g/cm3, with a range 0.3 -- 0.8 g/cm3. This density is low compared to that of materials expected to be abundant in solid bodies in the trans-Neptunian region, requiring 50 -- 75% of the interior of 1999 TC36 be taken up by void space. This conclusion is not greatly affected if 1999 TC36 is ``differentiated'' (in the sense of having either a rocky or just a non-porous core). If the primary is itself a binary, the average density of that (hypothetical) triple system would be in the range 0.4 -- 1.1 g/cm3, with a porosity in the range 15 -- 70%.Comment: ApJ, in press (May, 2006

    The Spitzer Space Telescope Mission

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    The Spitzer Space Telescope, NASA's Great Observatory for infrared astronomy, was launched 2003 August 25 and is returning excellent scientific data from its Earth-trailing solar orbit. Spitzer combines the intrinsic sensitivity achievable with a cryogenic telescope in space with the great imaging and spectroscopic power of modern detector arrays to provide the user community with huge gains in capability for exploration of the cosmos in the infrared. The observatory systems are largely performing as expected and the projected cryogenic lifetime is in excess of 5 years. This paper summarizes the on-orbit scientific, technical and operational performance of Spitzer. Subsequent papers in this special issue describe the Spitzer instruments in detail and highlight many of the exciting scientific results obtained during the first six months of the Spitzer mission.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophyscial Journal Supplement Spitzer Special Issue, 22 pages, 3 figures. Higher resolution versions of the figures are available at http://ssc.spitzer.caltech.edu/pubs/journal2004.htm

    The orbit, mass, size, albedo, and density of (65489) Ceto/Phorcys: A tidally-evolved binary Centaur

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    Hubble Space Telescope observations of Uranus- and Neptune-crossing object (65489) Ceto/Phorcys (provisionally designated 2003 FX128) reveal it to be a close binary system. The mutual orbit has a period of 9.554 +/- 0.011 days and a semimajor axis of 1840 +/- 48 km. These values enable computation of a system mass of (5.41 +/- 0.42) 10^18 kg. Spitzer Space Telescope observations of thermal emission at 24 and 70 microns are combined with visible photometry to constrain the system's effective radius (109 +10/-11 km) and geometric albedo (0.084 +0.021/-0.014). We estimate the average bulk density to be 1.37 +0.66/-0.32 g cm^-3, consistent with ice plus rocky and/or carbonaceous materials. This density contrasts with lower densities recently measured with the same technique for three other comparably-sized outer Solar System binaries (617) Patroclus, (26308) 1998 SM165, and (47171) 1999 TC36, and is closer to the density of the saturnian irregular satellite Phoebe. The mutual orbit of Ceto and Phorcys is nearly circular, with an eccentricity <= 0.015. This observation is consistent with calculations suggesting that the system should tidally evolve on a timescale shorter than the age of the solar system

    Pluto's global surface composition through pixel-by-pixel Hapke modeling of New Horizons Ralph/LEISA data

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    On July 14th 2015, NASA's New Horizons mission gave us an unprecedented detailed view of the Pluto system. The complex compositional diversity of Pluto's encounter hemisphere was revealed by the Ralph/LEISA infrared spectrometer on board of New Horizons. We present compositional maps of Pluto defining the spatial distribution of the abundance and textural properties of the volatiles methane and nitrogen ices and non-volatiles water ice and tholin. These results are obtained by applying a pixel-by-pixel Hapke radiative transfer model to the LEISA scans. Our analysis focuses mainly on the large scale latitudinal variations of methane and nitrogen ices and aims at setting observational constraints to volatile transport models. Specifically, we find three latitudinal bands: the first, enriched in methane, extends from the pole to 55deg N, the second dominated by nitrogen, continues south to 35deg N, and the third, composed again mainly of methane, reaches 20deg N. We demonstrate that the distribution of volatiles across these surface units can be explained by differences in insolation over the past few decades. The latitudinal pattern is broken by Sputnik Planitia, a large reservoir of volatiles, with nitrogen playing the most important role. The physical properties of methane and nitrogen in this region are suggestive of the presence of a cold trap or possible volatile stratification. Furthermore our modeling results point to a possible sublimation transport of nitrogen from the northwest edge of Sputnik Planitia toward the south.Comment: 43 pages, 7 figures; accepted for publication in Icaru

    Hemispherical Pluto and Charon Color Composition From New Horizons

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    New Horizons flew by Pluto and its moons on July 14, 2015 [1]. In the days prior to the closest approach (C/A), panchromatic and color observations of Pluto and Charon were made covering a fully complete range of longitudes. Although only a fraction of this "late-approach" data series has been transmitted to the ground, the results indicate Pluto's latitudinal coloring trends seen on the encounter hemisphere continues on the far side. Charon's red pole is visible from a multitude of longitudes and its colors are uniform with longitude at lower latitudes