2,822 research outputs found

    A downward revision to the distance of the 1806-20 cluster and associated magnetar from Gemini near-Infrared spectroscopy

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    We present H- and K-band spectroscopy of OB and Wolf-Rayet (WR) members of the Milky Way cluster 1806-20 (G10.0-0.3), to obtain a revised cluster distance of relevance to the 2004 giant flare from the SGR 1806-20 magnetar. From GNIRS spectroscopy obtained with Gemini South, four candidate OB stars are confirmed as late O/early B supergiants, while we support previous mid WN and late WC classifications for two WR stars. Based upon an absolute Ks-band magnitude calibration for B supergiants and WR stars, and near-IR photometry from NIRI at Gemini North plus archival VLT/ISAAC datasets, we obtain a cluster distance modulus of 14.7+/-0.35 mag. The known stellar content of the 1806-20 cluster suggests an age of 3-5 Myr, from which theoretical isochrone fits infer a distance modulus of 14.7+/-0.7 mag. Together, our results favour a distance modulus of 14.7+/-0.4 mag (8.7^+1.8_-1.5 kpc) to the 1806-20 cluster, which is significantly lower than the nominal 15 kpc distance to the magnetar. For our preferred distance, the peak luminosity of the December 2004 giant flare is reduced by a factor of three to 7 X 10^46 erg/s, such that the contamination of BATSE short gamma ray bursts (GRB's) from giant flares of extragalactic magnetars is reduced to a few percent. We infer a magnetar progenitor mass of ~48^+20_-8 Msun, in close agreement with that obtained recently for the magnetar in Westerlund 1.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, accepted for MNRAS Letter

    Metallicity in the Galactic Center: The Arches cluster

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    We present a quantitative spectral analysis of five very massive stars in the Arches cluster, located near the Galactic center, to determine stellar parameters, stellar wind properties and, most importantly, metallicity content. The analysis uses a new technique, presented here for the first time, and uses line-blanketed NLTE wind/atmosphere models fit to high-resolution near-infrared spectra of late-type nitrogen-rich Wolf-Rayet stars and OfI+ stars in the cluster. It relies on the fact that massive stars reach a maximum nitrogen abundance that is related to initial metallicity when they are in the WNL phase. We determine the present-day nitrogen abundance of the WNL stars in the Arches cluster to be 1.6% (mass fraction) and constrain the stellar metallicity in the cluster to be solar. This result is invariant to assumptions about the mass-luminosity relationship, the mass-loss rates, and rotation speeds. In addition, from this analysis, we find the age of the Arches cluster to be 2-2.5Myr, assuming coeval formation

    SwSt 1: an O-rich planetary nebula around a C-rich central star

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    The hydrogen-deficient carbon-rich [WCL] type central star HD167362 and its oxygen-rich planetary nebula (PN) SwSt~1 are investigated. The nebular chemistry might indicate a recent origin for the carbon-rich stellar spectrum. Its stellar and nebular properties might therefore provide further understanding of the origin of the [WCL] central star class. The UV-IR stellar spectra are modelled with state of the codes and show ~40kK central star with a wind and a C/O~3, indicative of efficient third dredge-up. The synthetic stellar flux distribution is used to model the high density, compact PN, which has a solar C/O ratio, is still enshrouded by 1200K and 230K dust shells and, reported here for the first time, in molecular hydrogen. Although it appears that the change in C/O ratio has been recent, the published spectroscopy since 1895 has been re-examined and no clear spectral change is seen. If an event occurred that has turned it into a hydrogen-deficient central star, it did not happen in the last 100 years.Comment: 31 pages, 19 figures (some are gif files), MNRAS in pres

    Evolution of precipitates, in particular cruciform and cuboid particles, during simulated direct charging of thin slab cast vanadium microalloyed steels

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    A study has been undertaken of four vanadium based steels which have been processed by a simulated direct charging route using processing parameters typical of thin slab casting, where the cast product has a thickness of 50 to 80mm ( in this study 50 mm) and is fed directly to a furnace to equalise the microstructure prior to rolling. In the direct charging process, cooling rates are faster, equalisation times shorter and the amount of deformation introduced during rolling less than in conventional practice. Samples in this study were quenched after casting, after equalisation, after 4th rolling pass and after coiling, to follow the evolution of microstructure. The mechanical and toughness properties and the microstructural features might be expected to differ from equivalent steels, which have undergone conventional processing. The four low carbon steels (~0.06wt%) which were studied contained 0.1wt%V (V-N), 0.1wt%V and 0.010wt%Ti (V-Ti), 0.1wt%V and 0.03wt%Nb (V-Nb), and 0.1wt%V, 0.03wt%Nb and 0.007wt%Ti (V-Nb-Ti). Steels V-N and V-Ti contained around 0.02wt% N, while the other two contained about 0.01wt%N. The as-cast steels were heated at three equalising temperatures of 1050C, 1100C or 1200C and held for 30-60 minutes prior to rolling. Optical microscopy and analytical electron microscopy, including parallel electron energy loss spectroscopy (PEELS), were used to characterise the precipitates. In the as-cast condition, dendrites and plates were found. Cuboid particles were seen at this stage in Steel V-Ti, but they appeared only in the other steels after equalization. In addition, in the final product of all the steels, fine particles were seen, but it was only in the two titanium steels that cruciform precipitates were present. PEELS analysis showed that the dendrites, plates, cuboids, cruciforms and fine precipitates were essentially nitrides. The two Ti steels had better toughness than the other steels but inferior lower yield stress values. This was thought to be, in part, due to the formation of cruciform precipitates in austenite, thereby removing nitrogen and the microalloying elements which would have been expected to precipitate in ferrite as dispersion hardening particles

    A Spectroscopic Study of a Large Sample of Wolf-Rayet Galaxies

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    We analyze long-slit spectral observations of 39 Wolf-Rayet (WR) galaxies with heavy element mass fraction ranging over 2 orders of magnitude, from Zsun/50 to 2Zsun. Nearly all galaxies in our sample show broad WR emission in the blue region of the spectrum (the blue bump) consisting of an unresolved blend of N III 4640, C III 4650, C IV 4658 and He II 4686 emission lines. Broad C IV 5808 emission (the red bump) is detected in 30 galaxies. Additionally, weaker WR emission lines are identified, most often the N III 4512 and Si III 4565 lines, which have very rarely or never been seen and discussed before in WR galaxies. These emission features are characteristic of WN7-WN8 and WN9-WN11 stars respectively. We derive the numbers of early WC (WCE) and late WN (WNL) stars from the luminosities of the red and blue bumps, and the number of O stars from the luminosity of the Hbeta emission line. Additionally, we propose a new technique for deriving the numbers of WNL stars from the N III 4512 and Si III 4565 emission lines. This technique is potentially more precise than the blue bump method because it does not suffer from contamination of WCE and early WN (WNE) stars and nebular gaseous emission. The N(WR)/N(O+WR) ratio decreases with decreasing metallicity, in agreement with predictions of evolutionary synthesis models. The N(WC)/N(WN) ratios and the equivalent widths of the blue bump EW(4650) and of the red bump EW(5808) derived from observations are also in satisfactory agreement with theoretical predictions.Comment: 49 pages, 9 figures, to appear in Astrophys.

    Discovery and quantitative spectral analysis of an Ofpe/WN9 (WN11) star in the Sculptor spiral galaxy NGC 300

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    We have discovered an Ofpe/WN9 (WN11 following Smith et al.) star in the Sculptor spiral galaxy NGC 300, the first object of this class found outside the Local Group, during a recent spectroscopic survey of blue supergiant stars obtained at the ESO VLT. The light curve over a five-month period in late 1999 displays a variability at the 0.1 mag level. The intermediate resolution spectra (3800-7200 A) show a very close resemblance to the Galactic LBV AG Car during minimum. We have performed a detailed non-LTE analysis of the stellar spectrum, and have derived a chemical abundance pattern which includes H, He, C, N, O, Al, Si and Fe, in addition to the stellar and wind parameters. The derived stellar properties and the He and N surface enrichments are consistent with those of other Local Group WN11 stars in the literature, suggesting a similar quiescent or post-LBV evolutionary status.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Letter

    WR bubbles and HeII emission

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    We present the very first high quality images of the HeII 4686 emission in three high excitation nebulae of the Magellanic Clouds. A fourth high excitation nebula, situated around the WR star BAT99-2, was analysed in a previous letter. Using VLT FORS data, we investigate the morphology of the ring nebulae around the early-type WN stars BAT99-49 & AB7. We derive the total HeII fluxes for each object and compare them with the most recent theoretical WR models. Using Halpha, [OIII] and HeI 5876 images along with long-slit spectroscopy, we investigate the physical properties of these ring nebulae and find only moderate chemical enrichment. We also surveyed seven other LMC WR stars but we failed to detect any HeII emission but note that the nebula around BAT99-11 shows a N/O ratio and an oxygen abundance slightly lower than the LMC values, while the nebula around BAT99-134 presents moderate chemical enrichment similar to the one seen near BAT99-2, 49 and AB7. The third high excitation nebula presented in this paper, N44C, does not harbor stars hotter than mid-O main sequence stars. It was suggested to be a fossil X-ray nebula ionized but our observations of N44C reveal no substantial changes in the excitation compared to previous results reported in the literature.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures (7 in jpg), accepted by A&A, also available from http://vela.astro.ulg.ac.be/Preprints/P81/index.htm