4,876 research outputs found

    Systematic effects from an ambient-temperature, continuously-rotating half-wave plate

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    We present an evaluation of systematic effects associated with a continuously-rotating, ambient-temperature half-wave plate (HWP) based on two seasons of data from the Atacama B-Mode Search (ABS) experiment located in the Atacama Desert of Chile. The ABS experiment is a microwave telescope sensitive at 145 GHz. Here we present our in-field evaluation of celestial (CMB plus galactic foreground) temperature-to-polarization leakage. We decompose the leakage into scalar, dipole, and quadrupole leakage terms. We report a scalar leakage of ~0.01%, consistent with model expectations and an order of magnitude smaller than other CMB experiments have reported. No significant dipole or quadrupole terms are detected; we constrain each to be <0.07% (95% confidence), limited by statistical uncertainty in our measurement. Dipole and quadrupole leakage at this level lead to systematic error on r<0.01 before any mitigation due to scan cross-linking or boresight rotation. The measured scalar leakage and the theoretical level of dipole and quadrupole leakage produce systematic error of r<0.001 for the ABS survey and focal-plane layout before any data correction such as so-called deprojection. This demonstrates that ABS achieves significant beam systematic error mitigation from its HWP and shows the promise of continuously-rotating HWPs for future experiments.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures; revision to submitted version, Fig. 5 and Eqs. (14) and (15) corrected; added Fig. 9 and description, text revisions for clarification, Fig. 5 revised for better calibration, corrected labeling errors and plotting bugs in Fig. 3, 4, and Eq. (14) and (15

    A molecular-MNIST dataset for machine learning study on diffraction imaging and microscopy

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    An image dataset of 10 different size molecules, where each molecule has 2,000 structural variants, is generated from the 2D cross-sectional projection of Molecular Dynamics trajectories. The purpose of this dataset is to provide a benchmark dataset for the increasing need of machine learning, deep learning and image processing on the study of scattering, imaging and microscopy

    Proceedings of the inaugural International Summit for Medical Nutrition Education and Research

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    © 2016 The Royal Society for Public Health Medical Nutrition Education (MNE) has been identified as an area with potential public health impact. Despite countries having distinctive education systems, barriers and facilitators to effective MNE are consistent across borders, demanding a common platform to initiate global programmes. A shared approach to supporting greater MNE is ideal to support countries to work together. In an effort to initiate this process, the Need for Nutrition Education/Innovation Programme group, in association with their strategic partners, hosted the inaugural International Summit on Medical Nutrition Education and Research on August 8, 2015 in Cambridge, UK. Speakers from the UK, the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Italy, and India provided insights into their respective countries including their education systems, inherent challenges, and potential solutions across two main themes: (1) Medical Nutrition Education, focused on best practice examples in competencies and assessment; and (2) Medical Nutrition Research, discussing how to translate nutrition research into education opportunities. The Summit identified shared needs across regions, showcased examples of transferrable strategies and identified opportunities for collaboration in nutrition education for healthcare (including medical) professionals. These proceedings highlight the key messages presented at the Summit and showcase opportunities for working together towards a common goal of improvement in MNE to improve public health at large

    Characterizing Atacama B-mode Search Detectors with a Half-Wave Plate

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    The Atacama B-Mode Search (ABS) instrument is a cryogenic (∌\sim10 K) crossed-Dragone telescope located at an elevation of 5190 m in the Atacama Desert in Chile that observed for three seasons between February 2012 and October 2014. ABS observed the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) at large angular scales (40<ℓ<50040<\ell<500) to limit the B-mode polarization spectrum around the primordial B-mode peak from inflationary gravity waves at ℓ∌100\ell \sim100. The ABS focal plane consists of 480 transition-edge sensor (TES) bolometers. They are coupled to orthogonal polarizations from a planar ortho-mode transducer (OMT) and observe at 145 GHz. ABS employs an ambient-temperature, rapidly rotating half-wave plate (HWP) to mitigate systematic effects and move the signal band away from atmospheric 1/f1/f noise, allowing for the recovery of large angular scales. We discuss how the signal at the second harmonic of the HWP rotation frequency can be used for data selection and for monitoring the detector responsivities.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, conference proceedings submitted to the Journal of Low Temperature Detector

    Coulomb plus power-law potentials in quantum mechanics

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    We study the discrete spectrum of the Hamiltonian H = -Delta + V(r) for the Coulomb plus power-law potential V(r)=-1/r+ beta sgn(q)r^q, where beta > 0, q > -2 and q \ne 0. We show by envelope theory that the discrete eigenvalues E_{n\ell} of H may be approximated by the semiclassical expression E_{n\ell}(q) \approx min_{r>0}\{1/r^2-1/(mu r)+ sgn(q) beta(nu r)^q}. Values of mu and nu are prescribed which yield upper and lower bounds. Accurate upper bounds are also obtained by use of a trial function of the form, psi(r)= r^{\ell+1}e^{-(xr)^{q}}. We give detailed results for V(r) = -1/r + beta r^q, q = 0.5, 1, 2 for n=1, \ell=0,1,2, along with comparison eigenvalues found by direct numerical methods.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    Vision Self-Mmanagement For Older Adults: a Randomised Controlled Trial

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    Background/aims Ageing of the population will result in unprecedented numbers of older adults living with age-related vision loss (ARVL). Self-management models improve health outcomes and reduce healthcare costs; however, the principles have rarely been applied in low vision services. Methods A two-armed randomised controlled trial of older adults (n=77) with ARVL compared ‘usual care’ provided by a not-for-profit community agency with an extended model of care (usual care+self-management group intervention). The primary outcome variable (participation in life situations) was measured using the Activity Card Sort. Secondary outcome measures examined general health and vision-specific domains. Results The intention-to-treat analysis demonstrated that the extended model produced significantly better participation in life situations at post-test when compared with the usual care only group. Gains were made regardless of whether participants were, or were not, depressed at baseline. The addition of the self-management group was also successful in significantly reducing depression, increasing physical and mental health, generalised and domain-specific self-efficacy, and adjustment to ARVL. With the exception of adjustment and mental health, differences were still apparent at 12 weeks\u27 follow-up. Conclusion Addition of self-management significantly improved general health and vision-specific rehabilitation outcomes for older adults with ARVL

    The influence of temperature on filtration performance and fouling during cold microfiltration of skim milk

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    Changes in the physicochemical properties and distribution of constituents in skim milk during microfiltration (MF) at low temperature influence filtration performance and product composition. In this study, the influence of processing temperature within the cold MF range (4, 8 and 12 °C) on filtration performance, fouling and partitioning of proteins was investigated. MF at 4 °C required the greatest energy input due to the significantly higher (p &lt; 0.05) viscosity of feed and retentate streams, compared to processing at 8 and 12 °C. The greatest and lowest extents of reversible and irreversible fouling during MF were observed on filtration at 12 and 4 °C, respectively. Chemical analysis of the cleaning solutions post-processing demonstrated that protein was the major foulant; the lowest protein content in the recovered cleaning solutions (50 °C water and 55 °C alkali) was measured after MF at 4 °C. The concentration of ÎČ-casein, ÎČ-lactoglobulin and α-lactalbumin in the permeate all decreased throughout MF, due to fouling of the membrane. The greatest decrease in concentration of ÎČ-casein in the permeate during MF was observed at 12 °C (18.1%) followed by 8 °C (17.1%) and 4 °C (13.6%). The results of this study provide valuable information on processing efficiency (i.e., energy consumption and protein yield) and membrane fouling during the processing of skim milk in the cold MF range

    Middle Permian U-Pb Zircon Ages of the Glacial Deposits of the Atkan Formation, Ayan-Yuryakh Anticlinorium, Magadan Province, NE Russia: Their Significance for Global Climatic Interpretations

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    The Atkan Formation in the Ayan-Yuryakh anticlinorium, Magadan province, northeastern Russia, is of great interest because of the occurrence of deposits of apparent “dropstones” and “ice rafted debris” that have been previously interpreted as glacial. Two high-precision U-Pb zircon ages, one for an intercalated volcanic tuff (262.5 ± 0.2 Ma) and the other for a boulder clast (269.8 ± 0.1 Ma) within a diamictite of the Atkan Formation, constrain the age of the Atkan Formation as Guadalupian (middle Permian). Sedimentologic study of the Atkan Formation casts doubt on the glacial nature of the diamictites. Deposition of rocks of the Atkan Formation temporally correlates with the Capitanian interglacial event in the southern hemisphere that recently was calibrated with high precision CA-TIMS. The previously proposed climate proxy record based upon warm-water foraminifera, which corresponds closely to global climate fluctuations, is compared with the glacial record of eastern Australia and indicates that the Capitanian was a time of globally warm climate. The sedimentology of Atkan Formation, the record of diversification of both fusulinids and rugosa corals, global sea-water temperature, and sea-level fluctuations agree well with high latitude paleoclimate records in northeastern Russia and eastern Australia. Major components of the Atkan Formation, the volcanic rocks, are syngenetic with the sedimentation process. The volcanic activity in the nearby regions during middle-late Permian was quite extensive
