13 research outputs found

    A review of the road transport of cattle

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    he transport of farm animals has been the subject of much research in recent years. This paper reviews the recent scientific literature pertinent to the road transport of cattle. The state of knowledge is summarised and recommendations for best practice based upon this are given. Areas which require further work are also identified

    Effects of Community-Based Management on Amazon River Turtles: A Case Study of Podocnemis sextuberculata

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    Podocnemis sextuberculata is cited as "vulnerable" on the International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List due to a decline in its population as a result of the intensive exploitation pressure throughout its range. Understanding the effects of environmental characteristics and human activities on turtle populations is essential to improve current conservation programs. We analyzed the abundance of Podocnemis sextuberculata in the lower Amazon, where a management experiment is under way, by comparing neighboring areas with and without community-based management (CBM) initiatives. In addition, we analyzed the influence of environmental variables on the species' abundance. Abundance was measured by captures per unit effort expressed in number of individuals (CPUEN) and biomass (CPUEB). The effects of CBM and environmental variables were tested by General Linear Model analysis. A total of 354 individuals were captured, 321 in the areas under CBM and 33 in areas without CBM. CPUEN and CPUEB were strongly correlated, and their values were about 10-fold higher in the areas carrying out CBM initiatives. The variable that best explained variation in CPUEN and CPUEB was CBM. Distance between the sampling point and the nearest nesting beach and river level also influenced capture rates. Results clearly show that local fishing restrictions can have a positive influence on turtle populations. © 2013 Chelonian Research Foundation

    Desempenho e Características da Carcaça de Vacas de Diferentes Grupos Genéticos em Pastagem Cultivada com Suplementação Energética Performance and Carcass Characteristics of Cows of Different Genetic Groups, Submitted to Energetic Supplementation Levels on Winter Cultivated Pasture

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi testar diferentes níveis de suplementação energética na forma de grão de sorgo moído, para a terminação em pastagem, de vacas de descarte de diferentes genótipos Charolês (C) x Nelore (N). Foram utilizadas trinta vacas de descarte, dos seguintes grupos genéticos: C, N, 3/4 C + 1/4 N (CN) e 3/4 N + 1/4 C (NC), terminadas em pastagem cultivada de aveia (Avena strigosa) + azevém (Lolium multiflorum), distribuídas em três níveis de suplementação (NS): 0,0; 0,4; ou 0,8% do peso vivo. No estudo do efeito de grupo genético, verificou-se que os ganhos de peso médio diário foram de 1,03; 1,06; 1,36; e 1,02 kg, respectivamente, para C, N, CN e NC. O peso final foi de 453, 412, 515 e 478 kg, citados na mesma ordem. O ganho de condição corporal (CC) durante a terminação foi maior nas vacas N (1,81 pontos) em relação as C (1,09 pontos) e CN (0,99 pontos), ficando as vacas NC com valor intermediário (1,42 pontos). Verificou-se que vacas C apresentam maior peso de carcaça, melhor conformação e área de Longissimus dorsi em relação às vacas N, enquanto estas, apresentam maior percentagem de osso. As vacas CN mostraram carne de coloração mais clara que as NC. Os ganhos de peso médio diário foram de 0,92; 1,23; e 1,20 kg, respectivamente, para os níveis 0,0; 0,4 e 0,8% de suplementação.<br>The objective of this work was to evaluate different levels of enegetic supplementation, in the form of grounded sorghum for finishing of cull cows from different genotypes of Charolais (C) x Nellore (N), kept on cultivated pasture during the last half of the vegetative cycle. Thirty C, N, 3/4 C + 1/4 N (CN) and 3/4 N + 1/4 C (NC) beef cows, kept on cultivated pasture of oats (Avena strigosa) + ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) were allotted in three supplementation levels: .0, .4 or .8% of live weight. In the study of the genetic group effect, it was observed that the average daily gain was 1.03, 1.06, 1.36 and 1.02 kg, respectively, for C, N, CN and NC. Final live weigth was 453, 412, 515 and 478kg, respectively. The gain in body condition during the finishing was higher for the N cows (1.81 points) than for the C (1.09 points) and CN ( .99 points), while the NC cows showed an intermediate value (1.42 points). Carcasses from C cows showed higher weight, better conformation and Longissimus dorsi area than from the N, while the last ones, showed higher bone percentage in the carcass. Between the crossbreds, the CN meat exhibited brighter color than the NC. With relation to the supplementation level, the average daily gain was .92, 1.23 and 1.20 kg, respectively, for .0, .4 and .8%