3,647 research outputs found

    Evaluation of commercial pyroelectric detectors

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    A series of commercially available pyroelectric detectors made from PVF2, LTO, SBN, and TGS were evaluated in terms of responsivity and detectivity as a function of frequency. The performance of the detectors evaluated was very different, depending upon the manufacturer of the detector, and this dependency was primarily related to the thickness of the various detectors. The best detectors of each material were comparable in performance at frequencies around 10 Hz but differed radically at frequencies above 100 Hz

    Improved test methods for determining lightning-induced voltages in aircraft

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    A lumped parameter transmission line with a surge impedance matching that of the aircraft and its return lines was evaluated as a replacement for earlier current generators. Various test circuit parameters were evaluated using a 1/10 scale relative geometric model. Induced voltage response was evaluated by taking measurements on the NASA-Dryden Digital Fly by Wire F-8 aircraft. Return conductor arrangements as well as other circuit changes were also evaluated, with all induced voltage measurements being made on the same circuit for comparison purposes. The lumped parameter transmission line generates a concave front current wave with the peak di/dt near the peak of the current wave which is more representative of lightning. However, the induced voltage measurements when scaled by appropriate scale factors (peak current or di/dt) resulting from both techniques yield comparable results

    Exploratory investigation of the effect of nylon grain size on ablation of phenolic nylon

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    Exploratory investigation of nylon grain size effect on ablation of phenolic nylo

    Reusable thermal cycling clamp

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    A reusable metal clamp for retaining a fused quartz ampoule during temperature cycling in the range of 20 deg C to 1000 deg C is described. A compressible graphite foil having a high radial coefficient of thermal expansion is interposed between the fused quartz ampoule and metal clamp to maintain a snug fit between these components at all temperature levels in the cycle

    Age-related deterioration of rod vision in mice

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    Even in healthy individuals, aging leads to deterioration in visual acuity, contrast sensitivity, visual field, and dark adaptation. Little is known about the neural mechanisms that drive the age-related changes of the retina and, more specifically, photoreceptors. According to one hypothesis, the age-related deterioration in rod function is due to the limited availability of 11-cis-retinal for rod pigment formation. To determine how aging affects rod photoreceptors and to test the retinoid-deficiency hypothesis, we compared the morphological and functional properties of rods of adult and aged B6D2F1/J mice. We found that the number of rods and the length of their outer segments were significantly reduced in 2.5-year-old mice compared with 4-month-old animals. Aging also resulted in a twofold reduction in the total level of opsin in the retina. Behavioral tests revealed that scotopic visual acuity and contrast sensitivity were decreased by twofold in aged mice, and rod ERG recordings demonstrated reduced amplitudes of both a- and b-waves. Sensitivity of aged rods determined from single-cell recordings was also decreased by 1.5-fold, corresponding to not more than 1% free opsin in these photoreceptors, and kinetic parameters of dim flash response were not altered. Notably, the rate of rod dark adaptation was unaffected by age. Thus, our results argue against age-related deficiency of 11-cis-retinal in the B6D2F1/J mouse rod visual cycle. Surprisingly, the level of cellular dark noise was increased in aged rods, providing an alternative mechanism for their desensitization

    LED instrument approach instruction display

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    A display employing light emitting diodes (LED's) was developed to demonstrate the feasibility of such displays for presenting landing and navigation information to reduce the workload of general aviation pilots during IFR flight. The display consists of a paper tape reader, digital memory, control electronics, digital latches, and LED alphanumeric displays. A presentable digital countdown clock-timer is included as part of the system to provide a convenient means of monitoring time intervals for precise flight navigation. The system is a limited capability prototype assembled to test pilot reaction to such a device under simulated IFR operation. Pilot opinion indicates that the display is helpful in reducing the IFR pilots workload when used with a runway approach plate. However, the development of a compact, low power second generation display was recommended which could present several instructions simultaneously and provide information update capability. A microprocessor-based display could fulfill these requirements

    Aircraft lightning-induced voltage test technique developments

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    High voltage safety, fuels safety, simulation, and response/measurement techniques are discussed. Travelling wave transit times, return circuit conductor configurations, LC ladder network generators, and repetitive pulse techniques are also discussed. Differential conductive coaxial cable, analog fiber optic link, repetitive pulse sampled data instrumentation system, flash A/D optic link system, and an FM telemetry system are considered

    Calibration tests on magnetic tape lightning current detectors

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    The low cost, passive, peak lightning current detector (LCD) invented at the NASA/Kennedy Space Center, uses magnetic audio recording tape to sense the magnitude of the peak magnetic field around a conductor carrying lightning currents. Test results show that the length of audio tape erased was linearly related to the peak simulated lightning currents in a round conductor. Accuracies of + or - 10% were shown for measurements made using a stopwatch readout technique to determine the amount of tape erased by the lightning current. The stopwatch technique is a simple, low cost means of obtaining LCD readouts and can be used in the field to obtain immediate results. Where more accurate data are desired, the tape is played and the output recorded on a strip chart, oscilloscope, or some other means so that measurements can be made on that recording. Conductor dimensions, tape holder dimensions, and tape formulation must also be considered to obtain a more accurate result. If the shape of the conductor is other than circular (i.e., angle, channel, H-beam), an analysis of the magnetic field is required to use an LCD, especially at low current levels

    A study of beryllium and beryllium-lithium complexes in single crystal silicon

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    When beryllium is thermally diffused into silicon, it gives rise to acceptor levels 191 MeV and 145 meV above the valence band. Quenching and annealing studies indicate that the 145-MeV level is due to a more complex beryllium configuration than the 191-MeV level. When lithium is thermally diffused into a beryllium-doped silicon sample, it produces two acceptor levels at 106 MeV and 81 MeV. Quenching and annealing studies indicate that these levels are due to lithium forming a complex with the defects responsible for the 191-MeV and 145-MeV beryllium levels, respectively. Electrical measurements imply that the lithium impurity ions are physically close to the beryllium impurity atoms. The ground state of the 106-MeV beryllium level is split into two levels, presumably by internal strains. Tentative models are proposed

    Validating Forward Modeling and Inversions of Helioseismic Holography Measurements

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    Here we use synthetic data to explore the performance of forward models and inverse methods for helioseismic holography. Specifically, this work presents the first comprehensive test of inverse modeling for flows using lateral-vantage (deep-focus) holography. We derive sensitivity functions in the Born approximation. We then use these sensitivity functions in a series of forward models and inversions of flows from a publicly available magnetohydrodynamic quiet-Sun simulation. The forward travel times computed using the kernels generally compare favorably with measurements obtained by applying holography, in a lateral-vantage configuration, on a 15-hour time series of artificial Dopplergrams extracted from the simulation. Inversions for the horizontal flow components are able to reproduce the flows in the upper 3Mm of the domain, but are compromised by noise at greater depths.Comment: accepted for publication by the Astrophysical