11,103 research outputs found

    The Carbon Footprint of Tourist Transportation in Gettysburg National Military Park

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    National Parks have a contradictory mandate to preserve the environment while providing resources for recreation. We studied the emissions of Gettysburg National Military Park (GNMP), specifically: What are the annual and per capita emissions caused by the various forms of transportation within the park? How does the annual and per capita emissions of GNMP compare with other national parks? To study this we compiled visitor statistics from the National Parks Service of vehicle and visitor count. We then observed 165 vehicles at Pickett’s Charge to find a breakdown of tourist vehicle types. These proportions were then used to find the amount of a specific vehicle type GNMP sees annually. Gas mileage was found using national averages for each vehicle type, and an average 13.4 mile tour distance. Using an EPA table, total gallons consumed was converted to kilograms of CO2. This study found cars emit the most CO2 annually and EVs emit the least annually with motorcycles being the second to lowest. Trucks/SUVs emit the most per capita, and EV’s emit the least per capita with buses emitting the second to lowest. GNMP is 5th to smallest in mobile combustion, and 9th to smallest in per capita emissions when compared to 18 other parks from Steuer (2010). GNMP’s mid-level CO2 output as a smaller sized park shows potential environmental benefits from a more widespread bus tour system, bus capacity minimums, carpooling emphasis, and an increase in EV infrastructure to reduce CO2 output from tourist transportation

    Inefficiency of classically simulating linear optical quantum computing with Fock-state inputs

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    Aaronson and Arkhipov recently used computational complexity theory to argue that classical computers very likely cannot efficiently simulate linear, multimode, quantum-optical interferometers with arbitrary Fock-state inputs [Aaronson and Arkhipov, Theory Comput. 9, 143 (2013)]. Here we present an elementary argument that utilizes only techniques from quantum optics. We explicitly construct the Hilbert space for such an interferometer and show that its dimension scales exponentially with all the physical resources. We also show in a simple example just how the Schr\"odinger and Heisenberg pictures of quantum theory, while mathematically equivalent, are not in general computationally equivalent. Finally, we conclude our argument by comparing the symmetry requirements of multiparticle bosonic to fermionic interferometers and, using simple physical reasoning, connect the nonsimulatability of the bosonic device to the complexity of computing the permanent of a large matrix.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure Published in PRA Phys. Rev. A 89, 022328 (2014

    Dynamics and Steady States in excitable mobile agent systems

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    We study the spreading of excitations in 2D systems of mobile agents where the excitation is transmitted when a quiescent agent keeps contact with an excited one during a non-vanishing time. We show that the steady states strongly depend on the spatial agent dynamics. Moreover, the coupling between exposition time (ω\omega) and agent-agent contact rate (CR) becomes crucial to understand the excitation dynamics, which exhibits three regimes with CR: no excitation for low CR, an excited regime in which the number of quiescent agents (S) is inversely proportional to CR, and for high CR, a novel third regime, model dependent, here S scales with an exponent ξ−1\xi -1, with ξ\xi being the scaling exponent of ω\omega with CR

    Half-Quantum Vortices in Thin Film of Superfluid 3^3He

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    Stability of a half-quantum vortex (HQV) in superfluid 3^3He has been discussed recently by Kawakami, Tsutsumi and Machida in Phys. Rev. B {\bf 79}, 092506 (2009). We further extend this work here and consider the A2_2 phase of superfluid 3^3He confined in thin slab geometry and analyze the HQV realized in this setting. Solutions of HQV and singly quantized singular vortex are evaluated numerically by solving the Ginzburg-Landau (GL) equation and respective first critical angular velocities are obtained by employing these solutions. We show that the HQV in the A2_2 phase is stable near the boundary between the A2_2 and A1_1 phases. It is found that temperature and magnetic field must be fixed first in the stable region and subsequently the angular velocity of the system should be increased from zero to a sufficiently large value to create a HQV with sufficiently large probability. A HQV does not form if the system starts with a fixed angular velocity and subsequently the temperature is lowered down to the A2_2 phase. It is estimated that the external magnetic field with strength on the order of 1 T is required to have a sufficiently large domain in the temperature-magnetic field phase diagram to have a stable HQV.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    The local electronic structure of alpha-Li3N

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    New theoretical and experimental investigation of the occupied and unoccupied local electronic density of states (DOS) are reported for alpha-Li3N. Band structure and density functional theory calculations confirm the absence of covalent bonding character. However, real-space full-multiple-scattering (RSFMS) calculations of the occupied local DOS finds less extreme nominal valences than have previously been proposed. Nonresonant inelastic x-ray scattering (NRIXS), RSFMS calculations, and calculations based on the Bethe-Salpeter equation are used to characterize the unoccupied electronic final states local to both the Li and N sites. There is good agreement between experiment and theory. Throughout the Li 1s near-edge region, both experiment and theory find strong similarities in the s- and p-type components of the unoccupied local final density of states projected onto an orbital angular momentum basis (l-DOS). An unexpected, significant correspondence exists between the near-edge spectra for the Li 1s and N 1s initial states. We argue that both spectra are sampling essentially the same final density of states due to the combination of long core-hole lifetimes, long photoelectron lifetimes, and the fact that orbital angular momentum is the same for all relevant initial states. Such considerations may be generically applicable for low atomic number compounds.Comment: 34 pages, 7 figures, 1 tabl

    Ecological implications of bovine tuberculosis in African buffalo herds

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    Following the recent invasion of bovine tuberculosis (BTB) into the Kruger National Park, South Africa, we conducted a study on the maintenance host, African buffalo, to investigate associations between BTB prevalence and calf:cow ratio, age structure, body condition, and endoparasite load. Statistical analyses compared herds of zero, medium (1–40%), and high (\u3e40%) BTB prevalence. To control for ecological variation across the park we collected data in northern, central, and southern regions and restricted some analyses to particular regions of the park. Body condition declined over the course of the 2001 dry season, and buffaloes in the southern region of the park, with the highest BTB prevalence, were in worse condition than buffaloes in the northern region (which receives less annual rainfall but is still virtually BTB-free). Herd-level analyses of the entire park, the south and central regions, and just the southern region all indicated that herds of higher BTB prevalence were in worse condition and lost condition faster through the dry season than herds of lower BTB prevalence. Fecal endoparasite egg counts increased during the dry season and were associated with both decreased body condition and increased BTB prevalence. Although we did not detect any obvious effect of BTB on the age structure of the buffalo population, our findings indicate early symptoms of wider scale BTB-related ecological disturbances: buffalo herds with high BTB prevalence appear more vulnerable to drought (because of a decrease in body condition and an increase in endoparasite load), and because lions selectively kill weak buffaloes their prey base is accumulating a disproportionately high prevalence of BTB, to which lions are susceptible

    Dynamics of charge-density waves in the presence of free carriers

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    The response of an unpinned, incommensurate charge-density wave (CDW) to external perturbations in the presence of free quasiparticles is studied. The CDW can act as a charged lattice but the proportion of the total charge density assigned to the CDW and to quasiparticles depends on the external conditions. If the collisions between quasiparticles can be ignored, the effective charge of the CDW is different in the static and dynamic limits. In the static limit the quasiparticles relax to screen spatial variations and the form is analogous to that used for superfluids. In the dynamic limit the quasiparticles do not renormalize the effective charge. In the presence of collisions the effective charge depends on the distribution of quasiparticles which in turn depends on the relative importance of various scattering rates. In general, a simple two-fluid model is not applicable

    Enhanced tracer transport by the spiral defect chaos state of a convecting fluid

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    To understand how spatiotemporal chaos may modify material transport, we use direct numerical simulations of the three-dimensional Boussinesq equations and of an advection-diffusion equation to study the transport of a passive tracer by the spiral defect chaos state of a convecting fluid. The simulations show that the transport is diffusive and is enhanced by the spatiotemporal chaos. The enhancement in tracer diffusivity follows two regimes. For large Peclet numbers (that is, small molecular diffusivities of the tracer), we find that the enhancement is proportional to the Peclet number. For small Peclet numbers, the enhancement is proportional to the square root of the Peclet number. We explain the presence of these two regimes in terms of how the local transport depends on the local wave numbers of the convection rolls. For large Peclet numbers, we further find that defects cause the tracer diffusivity to be enhanced locally in the direction orthogonal to the local wave vector but suppressed in the direction of the local wave vector.Comment: 11 pages, 12 figure

    The VISTA Science Archive

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    We describe the VISTA Science Archive (VSA) and its first public release of data from five of the six VISTA Public Surveys. The VSA exists to support the VISTA Surveys through their lifecycle: the VISTA Public Survey consortia can use it during their quality control assessment of survey data products before submission to the ESO Science Archive Facility (ESO SAF); it supports their exploitation of survey data prior to its publication through the ESO SAF; and, subsequently, it provides the wider community with survey science exploitation tools that complement the data product repository functionality of the ESO SAF. This paper has been written in conjunction with the first public release of public survey data through the VSA and is designed to help its users understand the data products available and how the functionality of the VSA supports their varied science goals. We describe the design of the database and outline the database-driven curation processes that take data from nightly pipeline-processed and calibrated FITS files to create science-ready survey datasets. Much of this design, and the codebase implementing it, derives from our earlier WFCAM Science Archive (WSA), so this paper concentrates on the VISTA-specific aspects and on improvements made to the system in the light of experience gained in operating the WSA.Comment: 22 pages, 16 figures. Minor edits to fonts and typos after sub-editting. Published in A&

    Laboratory Tests of Gravitational Physics Using a Cryogenic Torsion Pendulum

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    Progress and plans are reported for a program of gravitational physics experiments using cryogenic torsion pendula undergoing large amplitude torsional oscillation. The program includes a UC Irvine project to measure the gravitational constant G and joint UC Irvine - U. Washington projects to test the gravitational inverse square law at a range of about 10 cm and to test the weak equivalence principle.Comment: 17 pages, 11 figures, contribution to the 10th Marcel Grossman Conference Proceedings (Rio de Janeiro, July 20 - 26, 2003) - changed wording in first paragraph of section
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