203 research outputs found

    Human factors in the design of sustainable built environments

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    Scientific research provides convincing evidence that climate change is having significant impacts on many aspects of life. In the built-environment domain, regulatory requirements are pushing the challenges of environmental, economic, and social sustainability at the core of the professional agenda, although the aims of carbon reduction and energy conservation are frequently given a priority over occupants' comfort, well-being, and satisfaction. While most practitioners declare to embrace sustainability as a driver of their professional approach, a general lack of integrated creative and technical skills hinders the design of buildings centred on articulate and comprehensive sustainability goals, encompassing, other than energy criteria, also human-centred and ethical values founded on competent and informed consideration of the requirements of the site, the programme, and the occupants. Built environments are designed by humans to host a range of human activities. In response, this article aims to endorse a sustainable approach to design founded on the knowledge arising from scholarly and evidence-based research, exploring principles and criteria for the creation and operation of human habitats that can respond to energy and legislative demands, mitigate their environmental impacts, and adapt to new climate scenarios, while elevating the quality of experience and delight to those occupying them

    Developmental challenges in HIV infected children-An updated systematic review

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    Children with HIV infection are at risk of developmental and behavioural challenges. A systematic review in 2009 set out the extent of delay documented in HIV positive children. This study presents an update and re-analysis. Full searches were conducted in Medline, Cochrane Database and PsycINFO, from which reviewers selected abstracts and followed references to provide detailed studies on HIV and cognitive performance in children under 18 to cover the period 2008–2013. The search generated 21 new studies, 17 of which (81%) report some form of cognitive delay for HIV positive children compared to controls. Some domains measured seem to be more affected than others, with mixed evidence on language and executive functioning. The need for more definitive control of variables was highlighted by the environmental factors contributing to behavioural and cognitive outcomes. In conclusion this systematic review confirms the prevalence of cognitive delay in children with HIV and explores the complexity of the issue. The findings suggest the need for internationally agreed monitoring tools and studies which control for known contributing factors. Research for children is needed with a full understanding of developmental challenges, to point the way forward for effective interventions

    Workplace productivity and office type: an evaluation of office occupier differences based on age and gender

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    Purpose Open plan office environments are considered to offer workplace productivity benefits because of the opportunities that they create for interaction and knowledge exchange, but more recent research has highlighted noise, distraction and loss of privacy as significant productivity penalties with this office layout. This study aims to investigate if the purported productivity benefits of open plan outweigh the potential productivity penalties. Design/methodology/approach Previous research suggests that office environments are experienced differently according to the gender and age of the occupier across both open-plan and enclosed configurations. Empirical research undertaken with office occupiers in the Middle East (N=220) led to evaluations to establish the impact different offices had on perceived productivity. Factor analysis was used to establish five underlying components of office productivity. The five factors are subsequently used as the basis for comparison between office occupiers based on age, gender and office type. Findings This research shows that benefits and penalties to workplace productivity are experienced equally across open-plan and enclosed office environments. The greatest impact on perceived workplace productivity however was availability of a variety of physical layouts, control over interaction and the 'downtime' offered by social interaction points. Male occupiers and those from younger generations were also found to consider the office environment to have more of a negative impact on their perceived workplace productivity compared to female and older occupiers. Originality/value The originality of this paper is that it develops the concept of profiling office occupiers with the aim of better matching office provision. This paper aims to establish different occupier profiles based on age, gender and office type. Data analysis techniques such as factor analysis and t-test analysis identify the need for different spaces so that occupiers can choose the most appropriate space to best undertake a particular work task. In addition, it emphasises the value that occupiers place on ‘downtime’ leading to the need for appropriate social space