757 research outputs found

    Role of coronal mass ejections in the heliospheric Hale cycle

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    [1] The 11-year solar cycle variation in the heliospheric magnetic field strength can be explained by the temporary buildup of closed flux released by coronal mass ejections (CMEs). If this explanation is correct, and the total open magnetic flux is conserved, then the interplanetary-CME closed flux must eventually open via reconnection with open flux close to the Sun. In this case each CME will move the reconnected open flux by at least the CME footpoint separation distance. Since the polarity of CME footpoints tends to follow a pattern similar to the Hale cycle of sunspot polarity, repeated CME eruption and subsequent reconnection will naturally result in latitudinal transport of open solar flux. We demonstrate how this process can reverse the coronal and heliospheric fields, and we calculate that the amount of flux involved is sufficient to accomplish the reversal within the 11 years of the solar cycle

    Low temperature terahertz spectroscopy of n-InSb through a magnetic field driven metal-insulator transition

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    We use fiber-coupled photoconductive emitters and detectors to perform terahertz (THz) spectroscopy of lightly-doped n-InSb directly in the cryogenic (1.5 K) bore of a high-field superconducting magnet. We measure transmission spectra from 0.1-1.1 THz as the sample is driven through a metal-insulator transition (MIT) by applied magnetic field. In the low-field metallic state, the data directly reveal the plasma edge and magneto-plasmon modes. With increasing field, a surprisingly broad band (0.3-0.8 THz) of low transmission appears at the onset of the MIT. This band subsequently collapses and evolves into the sharp 1s -> 2p- transition of electrons `frozen' onto isolated donors in the insulating state.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Impact of coronal mass ejections, interchange reconnection, and disconnection on heliospheric magnetic field strength

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    An update of Owens et al. (2008) shows that the relationship between the coronal mass ejection (CME) rate and the heliospheric magnetic field strength predicts a field floor of less than 4 nT at 1 AU. This implies that the record low values measured during this solar minimum do not necessarily contradict the idea that open flux is conserved. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that CMEs add flux to the heliosphere and interchange reconnection between open flux and closed CME loops subtracts flux. An existing model embracing this hypothesis, however, overestimates flux during the current minimum, even though the CME rate has been low. The discrepancy calls for reasonable changes in model assumptions

    Revealing the Exciton Fine Structure in PbSe Nanocrystal Quantum Dots

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    We measure the photoluminescence (PL) lifetime, τ\tau, of excitons in colloidal PbSe nanocrystals (NCs) at low temperatures to 270~mK and in high magnetic fields to 15~T. For all NCs (1.3-2.3~nm radii), τ\tau increases sharply below 10~K but saturates by 500~mK. In contrast to the usual picture of well-separated ``bright" and ``dark" exciton states (found, e.g., in CdSe NCs), these dynamics fit remarkably well to a system having two exciton states with comparable - but small - oscillator strengths that are separated by only 300-900 μ\mueV. Importantly, magnetic fields reduce τ\tau below 10~K, consistent with field-induced mixing between the two states. Magnetic circular dichroism studies reveal exciton g-factors from 2-5, and magneto-PL shows >>10\% circularly polarized emission.Comment: To appear in Physical Review Letter

    Electrical Detection of Spin Accumulation at a Ferromagnet-Semiconductor Interface

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    We show that the accumulation of spin-polarized electrons at a forward-biased Schottky tunnel barrier between Fe and n-GaAs can be detected electrically. The spin accumulation leads to an additional voltage drop across the barrier that is suppressed by a small transverse magnetic field, which depolarizes the spins in the semiconductor. The dependence of the electrical accumulation signal on magnetic field, bias current, and temperature is in good agreement with the predictions of a drift-diffusion model for spin-polarized transport.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev. Let