162 research outputs found

    A one-channel conductor in an ohmic environment: mapping to a TLL and full counting statistics

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    It is shown that a one-channel mesoscopic conductor in an ohmic environment can be mapped to the problem of a backscattering impurity in a Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid (TLL). This allows to determine non perturbatively the effect of the environment on I−VI-V curves, and to find an exact relationship between dynamic Coulomb blockade and shot noise. We investigate critically how this relationship compares to recent proposals in the literature. The full counting statistics is determined at zero temperature.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, shortened version for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    Transport properties of single atoms

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    We present a systematic study of the ballistic electron conductance through sp and 3d transition metal atoms attached to copper and palladium crystalline electrodes. We employ the 'ab initio' screened Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker Green's function method to calculate the electronic structure of nanocontacts while the ballistic transmission and conductance eigenchannels were obtained by means of the Kubo approach as formulated by Baranger and Stone. We demonstrate that the conductance of the systems is mainly determined by the electronic properties of the atom bridging the macroscopic leads. We classify the conducting eigenchannels according to the atomic orbitals of the contact atom and the irreducible representations of the symmetry point group of the system that leads to the microscopic understanding of the conductance. We show that if impurity resonances in the density of states of the contact atom appear at the Fermi energy, additional channels of appropriate symmetry could open. On the other hand the transmission of the existing channels could be blocked by impurity scattering.Comment: RevTEX4, 9 pages, 9 figure

    Experimental Test of the Dynamical Coulomb Blockade Theory for Short Coherent Conductors

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    We observed the recently predicted quantum suppression of dynamical Coulomb blockade on short coherent conductors by measuring the conductance of a quantum point contact embedded in a tunable on-chip circuit. Taking advantage of the circuit modularity we measured most parameters used by the theory. This allowed us to perform a reliable and quantitative experimental test of the theory. Dynamical Coulomb blockade corrections, probed up to the second conductance plateau of the quantum point contact, are found to be accurately normalized by the same Fano factor as quantum shot noise, in excellent agreement with the theoretical predictions.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    The LIVE-L1 and LIVE-L3 experiments on melt behaviour in RPV lower head

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    Die Experimente LIVE-L1 und LIVE-L3 zum Schmelzenverhalten im unteren Plenum des RDB Der Ablauf eines hypothetischen Kernschmelzunfalls in einem ReaktordruckbehĂ€lter (RDB) eines Druckwasserreaktors (DWR) beinhaltet eine große Anzahl komplexer physikalischer und chemischer PhĂ€nomene. Um das VerstĂ€ndnis ĂŒber mögliche Ablaufszenarien von KernschmelzunfĂ€llen bezĂŒglich Kernzerstörung zu verbessern, wurde im September 2002 das LACOMERA Projekt am Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe gestartet. Das Ziel des Projektes war die Untersuchung von komplexen Prozessen wĂ€hrend der Schmelzenseebildung und Verlagerung im RDB, Schmelzenausbreitung in die Reaktorgrube und Kernschmelze-Betonwechselwirkung und -KĂŒhlung. Das LACOMERA Projekt mit einer Laufzeit von 4 Jahren war Bestandteil des 5. Rahmenprogramms der EU und eröffnete Forschungseinrichtungen der EU MitgliedslĂ€nder und deren angegliederten Staaten den Zugang zu vier Großversuchsanlagen QUENCH, LIVE, DISCO und COMET am Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe. Innerhalb des LIVE Versuchsprogramms wurden zwei Versuche (LIVE-L1 und LIVE-L2) des LACOMERA Projekts durchgefĂŒhrt. Das Experiment LIVE-L1 ist Bestandteil dieses Berichts und wurde in Kooperation mit der Technischen UniversitĂ€t Sofia, Bulgarien und dem Kernkraftwerk Kozloduy NPP, Bulgarien geplant und durchgefĂŒhrt. Das Hauptziel des LIVE Programms ist es, das Verhalten der Kernschmelze wĂ€hrend der spĂ€ten Phase der Kernzerstörung und –Verlagerung im RDB sowohl experimentell in großem 3-dimensionalen Maßstab und in begleitenden Einzeleffektuntersuchungen als auch analytisch mit CFD Codes zu untersuchen. Dadurch soll eine bessere EinschĂ€tzung der Bandbreite der verbleibenden Unsicherheiten unter dem Aspekt der Sicherheitsbewertung ermöglicht werden. Die Experimente LIVE-L1 und LIVE-L3 untersuchen das Verhalten eines Schmelzensees und einer Schmelzenkruste mit Luftzirkulation an der Ă€ußeren BehĂ€lterwand des RDB mit nachfolgender Außenflutung des unteren Plenums. Die Anfangs- und Randbedingungen in beiden Versuchen waren bis auf die Eingussposition der Schmelze in den VersuchsbehĂ€lter fast identisch. In LIVE-L1 wurde die Schmelze zentral und in LIVE-L3 am Rand in den VersuchsbehĂ€lter eingegossen. Die aus den Experimenten gewonnenen Informationen beinhal-ten WĂ€rmestromverteilungen durch die Wand des RDB in transienten und stationĂ€ren Versuchsphasen, Krustenwachstumsgeschwindigkeit und die AbhĂ€ngigkeit der Krustenbildung von der WĂ€rmestromverteilung. Detaillierte Nachuntersuchungen tragen außerdem zur Charakterisierung von Erstarrungsprozessen von nicht-eutektischen Schmelzen bei. Die experimentellen Ergebnisse sollen weiterhin zur Entwicklung von mechanistischen Modellen verwendet werden, die das Schmelzenseeverhalten im Kern beschreiben sollen und dann in Systemcodes zur Analyse von schweren StörfĂ€llen wie z.B. ASTEC implementiert werden sollen. Der vorliegende Bericht fasst die Ziele des LIVE Versuchsprogramms zusammen und prĂ€sentiert die wichtigen Ergebnisse der Experimente LIVE-L1 und LIVE-L3

    Direct link between Coulomb blockade and shot noise in a quantum coherent structure

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    We analyze the current-voltage characteristic of a quantum conduction channel coupled to an electromagnetic environment of arbitrary frequency-dependent impedance. In the weak blockade regime the correction to the ohmic behavior is directly related to the channel current fluctuations vanishing at perfect transmission in the same way as shot noise. This relation can be generalized to describe the environmental Coulomb blockade in a generic mesoscopic conductor coupled to an external impedance, as the response of the latter to the current fluctuations in the former.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    The number of transmission channels through a single-molecule junction

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    We calculate transmission eigenvalue distributions for Pt-benzene-Pt and Pt-butadiene-Pt junctions using realistic state-of-the-art many-body techniques. An effective field theory of interacting π\pi-electrons is used to include screening and van der Waals interactions with the metal electrodes. We find that the number of dominant transmission channels in a molecular junction is equal to the degeneracy of the molecular orbital closest to the metal Fermi level.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    Cancer risk in childhood-onset systemic lupus

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    INTRODUCTION: The aim of this study was to assess cancer incidence in childhood-onset systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). METHODS: We ascertained cancers within SLE registries at 10 pediatric centers. Subjects were linked to cancer registries for the observational interval, spanning 1974 to 2009. The ratio of observed to expected cancers represents the standardized incidence ratio (SIR) or relative cancer risk in childhood-onset SLE, versus the general population. RESULTS: There were 1020 patients aged <18 at cohort entry. Most (82%) were female and Caucasian; mean age at cohort entry was 12.6 years (standard deviation (SD) = 3.6). Subjects were observed for a total of 7,986 (average 7.8) patient-years. Within this interval, only three invasive cancers were expected. However, 14 invasive cancers occurred with an SIR of 4.7, 95% confidence interval (CI) 2.6 to 7.8. Three hematologic cancers were found (two non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, one leukemia), for an SIR of 5.2 (95% CI 1.1 to 15.2). The SIRs stratified by age group and sex, were similar across these strata. There was a trend for highest cancer occurrence 10 to 19 years after SLE diagnosis. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest an increased cancer risk in pediatric onset SLE versus the general population. In absolute terms, this represents relatively few events. Of note, risk may be highest only after patients have transferred to adult care
