20 research outputs found
Corpus Evidence on English Collocational Patterns in Logistics
Bakalaura darba mÄrÄ·is ir atrast vÄrdu savienojumu paraugus loÄ£istikas tekstos.
Par Å”o specifisko jomu vÄl nav veikti pÄtÄ«jumi, tÄpÄc arÄ« nav atrodami konkrÄti materiÄli un informÄcija par pÄtÄmo tÄmu.
PÄtÄ«jums par angļu valodas lietojumu loÄ£istikÄ ir balstÄ«ts uz atslÄgas vÄrdiem un to parÄdÄ«Å”anos kopÄ ar citiem vÄrdiem pÄdÄjo gadu loÄ£istikas tekstos.
PÄtÄ«juma mÄrÄ·is bija noskaidrot kÄdi loÄ£istikas vÄrdu savienojumi un to struktÅ«ra visbiežÄk tiek lietoti speciÄlajos angļu valodas loÄ£istikas korpusos. TurklÄt, pÄtÄ«juma mÄrÄ·is bija noteikt vai vÄrdu savienojumi, kas tiek lietoti izvÄlÄtajos tekstos, tiek piedÄvÄti arÄ« grÄmatÄ āAngļu valoda loÄ£istikaiā.
IzvÄlÄtÄ pÄtÄ«juma metode ir vÄrdu savienojumi-via-konkordance, kas tieka pielietota 75 000 vÄrdu lielÄ korpusÄ, kas iekļauj arÄ« nesenÄkos loÄ£istikas tekstus no 2011.gada lÄ«dz 2014.gadam. PÄtÄ«juma rezultÄti atklÄja, ka visvairÄk lietotie divu vÄrdu savienojumi izvÄlÄtajÄ korpusÄ ir loÄ£istikas pÄrskats, nozares izpÄte, dzelzceļa kravu pÄrvadÄjumi. Vienas no biežÄk lietotajÄm shÄmÄm, kas ir atrodamas korpusos ir lietvÄrds+ lietvÄrds. PÄtÄ«juma rezultÄti atklÄja kÄdi vÄrdu savienojumu Å”abloni, ir Ä«paÅ”i tiek lietoti loÄ£istikas jomÄ.
PÄtÄ«juma rezultÄti, tomÄr, tikai daļÄji teorÄtisko pieÅÄmumu, ka angļu valoda loÄ£istikai sastÄv no ievÄrojama skaita Ä«paÅ”iem vÄrdiem, kÄ arÄ« vÄrdiem, kas parÄdÄs kopÄ ar citiem vÄrdiem. Viens no iemesliem tam ir tas, ka daži vÄrdu savienojumi, kas atrodami loÄ£istikas tekstos tiek lietoti arÄ« citÄs jomÄs, piemÄram darÄ«jumÄ sfÄrÄ.
TomÄr pÄtÄ«juma rezultÄti pierÄda cik svarÄ«ga ir vÄrdu savienojumu apmÄcÄ«ba un mÄcÄ«Å”anÄs, jo tas palÄ«dz uzlabot zÄ«naÅ”anu lÄ«meni cilvÄkiem, kas darbojas loÄ£istikas nozarÄ.The purpose of the present BA thesis is to find the collocational patterns in the texts of business reports written in the field of logistics.
There have not been special researches in the current specific field. That is why there is no specific information concerning this topic of the investigation.
The research of English for logistics is aimed to the key words and these words co-occurring together with the other words in the last-year logistics reports.
The goal of the study was to reveal the logistic collocations and which structures are most regularly used in the specialised corpus of English for logistics. Additionally, the purpose of the investigation was to identify whether the collocations which are used in the reports are offered in the book English for Logistics. The applied research method is based on collocation-via-concordance analysis of the corpus of 75 000 words, which included the most recent logistics reports from the year 2011 to 2014. The findings demonstrate that three most dominant two-word collocations in the corpus are logistics report, industry survey, and rail freight. One of the most frequent patterns of collocation found in the research corpus is noun + noun collocation.
The results showed the patterns of collocations specially used in the logistic field. However, the results of the research partly support the theoretical assumption that- English for logistics consists of a considerable number of special words, which co-occur with the other words. One of the reasons is that these special words are also met in the various other fields, such as business field.
Nevertheless, the following research has proved the meaning of the collocations learning and teaching, thus to increase level of knowledge of the workers of logistics field