343 research outputs found

    Don’t panic, mobile phones are still only as carcinogenic as pickles

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    The World Health Organisation’s cancer agency, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), has classed mobile phones as Group 2B or “possibly carcinogenic” in a new report. In this Q+A Rodney Croft, Professor of Health Physiology at University of Wollongong, explains why we don’t need to panic

    Improving Precautionary Communication in the EMF Field? Effects of Making Messages Consistent and Explaining the Effectiveness of Precautions

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    Many radiation health agencies communicate precautionary measures regarding the use of mobile communication devices, e.g. the use of a headset while talking on the phone. These precautionary messages have, however, been shown to unintentionally increase risk perceptions about radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMFs). The current study tested two potential ways of amending precautionary messages in order to minimise this unintentional effect. Firstly, the messages’ potential to be perceived as inconsistent and thereby raise suspicions was addressed; secondly, the effectiveness of the precautions was explained. An experimental design was applied in which a quota sample of 1717 Australian residents was randomly assigned to one of six message conditions. Three different risk perception measures served as dependent variables, two of them are conditional measures. The original effect of precautionary messages to amplify risk perceptions could not be replicated. Furthermore, amending precautionary messages in favour of more consistency had no effect, while explaining the effectiveness of the precautions increased conditional risk perception under the condition that no precautions are taken. This was contrary to our assumptions. We infer from these results that changing precautionary messages in terms of consistency and effectiveness in order to reduce risk perception is hardly possible. The use of conditional risk perception measures seems fruitful for studies looking at the effects of precautionary or protective messages, given that previous studies have only investigated effects on unconditional risk perception. However, the present results should not be over-interpreted as the measures’ validity in the EMF context still needs further investigation

    Gene Expression Profiling in Familial Adenomatous Polyposis Adenomas and Desmoid Disease

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    Gene expression profiling is a powerful method by which alterations in gene expression can be interrogated in a single experiment. The disease familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) is associated with germline mutations in the APC gene, which result in aberrant ÎČ-catenin control. The molecular mechanisms underlying colorectal cancer development in FAP are being characterised but limited information is available about other symptoms that occur in this disorder. Although extremely rare in the general population, desmoid tumours in approximately 10% of FAP patients. The aim of this study was to determine the similarities and differences in gene expression profiles in adenomas and compare them to those observed in desmoid tumours. Illumina whole genome gene expression BeadChips were used to measure gene expression in FAP adenomas and desmoid tumours. Similarities between gene expression profiles and mechanisms important in regulating formation of FAP adenomas and desmoid tumours were identified. This study furthers our understanding of the mechanisms underlying FAP and desmoid tumour formation

    Emotion perception and electrophysiological correlates in Huntington\u27s disease

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    Objective This study aimed to characterise, emotion perception deficits in symptomatic Huntington\u27s disease (HD) via the use of event-related potentials (ERPs). Methods ERP data were recorded during a computerised facial expression task in 11 HD participants and 11 matched controls. Expression (scrambled, neutral, happy, angry, disgust) classification accuracy and intensity were assessed. Relationships between ERP indices and clinical disease characteristics were also examined. Results Accuracy was significantly lower for HD relative to controls, due to reduced performance for neutral, angry and disgust (but not happy) faces. Intensity ratings did not differ between groups. HD participants displayed significantly reduced visual processing amplitudes extending across pre-face (P100) and face-specific (N170) processing periods, whereas subsequent emotion processing amplitudes (N250) were similar across groups. Face-specific and emotion-specific derivations of the N170 and N250 (\u27neutral minus scrambled\u27 and \u27each emotion minus neutral\u27, respectively) did not differ between groups. Conclusions Our data suggest that the facial emotion recognition performance deficits in HD are primarily related to neural degeneration underlying \u27generalised\u27 visual processing, rather than face or emotional specific processing. Significance ERPs are a useful tool to separate functionally discreet impairments in HD, and provide an important avenue for biomarker application that could more-selectively track disease progression

    Evidence for a differential contribution of early perceptual and late cognitive processes during encoding to episodic memory impairment in schizophrenia

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    Objectives: Schizophrenia is characterised by significant episodic memory impairment that is thought to be related to problems with encoding, however the neuro-functional mechanisms underlying these deficits are not well understood. The present study used a subsequent recognition memory paradigm and event-related potentials (ERPs) to investigate temporal aspects of episodic memory encoding deficits in schizophrenia. Methods: Electroencephalographic data was recorded in 24 patients and 19 healthy controls whilst participants categorised single words as pleasant/unpleasant. ERPs were generated to subsequently recognised versus unrecognised words on the basis of a forced-choice recognition memory task. Subsequent memory effects were examined with the late positive component (LPP). Group differences in N1, P2, N400 and LPP were examined for words correctly recognised. Results: Patients performed more poorly than controls on the recognition task. During encoding patients had significantly reduced N400 and LPP amplitudes than controls. LPP amplitude correlated with task performance however amplitudes did not differ between patients and controls as a function of subsequent memory. No significant differences in N1 or P2 amplitude or latency were observed. Conclusions: The present results indicate that early sensory processes are intact and dysfunctional higher order cognitive processes during encoding are contributing to episodic memory impairments in schizophrenia

    The profile of unusual beliefs associated with metacognitive thinking and attributional styles

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    Cognitive interpretations of daily events may differ in people from the general population who hold unusual beliefs. It is also important to understand whether different belief profiles exist to appreciate which patterns of beliefs are less psychologically healthy. Cluster analysis was used to form unusual belief profiles in a general population sample (n = 578; Mage = 22 years, SD = 6.98; 80% female) across paranoid, paranormal, and magical ideation beliefs, and we assessed whether they differed in attribution style and metacognitive beliefs about worry. Four clusters were formed: low on all measures (low all); high on all measures (high all); comparably higher on paranormal beliefs (paranormal group); and comparably higher on paranoid beliefs (paranoid group). For total Metacognitions Questionnaire‐30, the high all and high paranoid clusters did not differ, and both clusters scored higher than the high paranormal group, who all scored higher than the low all cluster. For attributional styles (Attributional Styles Questionnaire), lower scores on internal positive attribution were found for the high all and high paranoid clusters compared to the low all and high paranormal clusters. The high paranormal cluster had higher scores than the high paranoid cluster on self‐serving bias. Differences in attributional style appeared to be driven by mental health diagnosis. Our results suggest different profiles of unusual beliefs are detectable in the general population that differ in their metacognitive beliefs and perceived causation of events in their environment. Future studies investigating delusional proneness need to consider multiple unusual beliefs as well as assessing mood state and distress

    Thermal and cardiovascular strain imposed by motorcycle protective clothing under Australian summer conditions

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    Motorcycle protective clothing can be uncomfortably hot during summer, and this experiment was designed to evaluate the physiological significance of that burden. Twelve males participated in four, 90-min trials (cycling 30 W) across three environments (25, 30, 35 °C [all 40% relative humidity]). Clothing was modified between full and minimal injury protection. Both ensembles were tested at 25 °C, with only the more protective ensemble investigated at 30 and 35 °C. At 35 °C, auditory canal temperature rose at 0.02 °C min(-1) (SD 0.005), deviating from all other trials (p \u3c 0.05). The thresholds for moderate (\u3e38.5 °C) and profound hyperthermia (\u3e40.0 °C) were predicted to occur within 105 min (SD 20.6) and 180 min (SD 33.0), respectively. Profound hyperthermia might eventuate in ~10 h at 30 °C, but should not occur at 25 °C. These outcomes demonstrate a need to enhance the heat dissipation capabilities of motorcycle clothing designed for summer use in hot climates, but without compromising impact protection. Practitioner\u27s Summary: Motorcycle protective clothing can be uncomfortably hot during summer. This experiment was designed to evaluate the physiological significance of this burden across climatic states. In the heat, moderate (\u3e38.5 °C) and profound hyperthermia (\u3e40.0 °C) were predicted to occur within 105 and 180 min, respectively

    Thermal and cardiovascular strain imposed by motorcycle protective clothing under Australian summer conditions

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    Motorcycle protective clothing can be uncomfortably hot during summer, and this experiment was designed to evaluate the physiological significance of that burden. Twelve males participated in four, 90-min trials (cycling 30 W) across three environments (25, 30, 35 °C [all 40% relative humidity]). Clothing was modified between full and minimal injury protection. Both ensembles were tested at 25 °C, with only the more protective ensemble investigated at 30 and 35 °C. At 35 °C, auditory canal temperature rose at 0.02 °C min(-1) (SD 0.005), deviating from all other trials (p \u3c 0.05). The thresholds for moderate (\u3e38.5 °C) and profound hyperthermia (\u3e40.0 °C) were predicted to occur within 105 min (SD 20.6) and 180 min (SD 33.0), respectively. Profound hyperthermia might eventuate in ~10 h at 30 °C, but should not occur at 25 °C. These outcomes demonstrate a need to enhance the heat dissipation capabilities of motorcycle clothing designed for summer use in hot climates, but without compromising impact protection. Practitioner\u27s Summary: Motorcycle protective clothing can be uncomfortably hot during summer. This experiment was designed to evaluate the physiological significance of this burden across climatic states. In the heat, moderate (\u3e38.5 °C) and profound hyperthermia (\u3e40.0 °C) were predicted to occur within 105 and 180 min, respectively

    Motorcycle protective clothing: physiological and perceptual barriers to its summer use

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    Despite strong evidence of protective benefits, thermal discomfort is a key disincentive to motorcyclists wearing protective clothing in hot conditions. This paper presents some findings from our studies concerning the thermal management properties of motorcycle protective clothing and their physiological impact in hot conditions. The thermal and vapour permeability and abrasion resistance properties of motorcycle protective clothing were investigated in laboratory tests. The physiological and cognitive impact on humans was investigated using objective and subjective measures under controlled climate conditions and in a real-world riding trial. The aims were to determine: (i) if associations existed between thermal management and the abrasion-resistance properties of a range of commonly available, all-season motorcycle protective suits, (ii) the extent of the thermal load imposed by motorcycle clothing worn in average Australian summer conditions, and (iii) the impact of that thermal burden on psychophysical function. The results demonstrated significant physiological strain for motorcyclists wearing protective clothing in hot conditions. Wide variations in the thermal characteristics and abrasion resistance properties of the suits tested were identified. Ongoing work is investigating the impact that elevated thermal discomfort and physiological thermal strain can have on riding performance and the potential for clothing features, such as ventilation ports to reduce thermal discomfort. These results will determine thresholds for the thermal qualities of motorcycle clothing required for an acceptable compromise between user comfort and injury protection. The outcome will inform industry and consumer information programs about the performance required of motorcycle protective clothing suitable for use in hot conditions

    Normalization of Sequential Top-Down Tree-to-Word Transducers

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    International audienceWe study normalization of deterministic sequential top-down tree-to-word transducers (STWs), that capture the class of deterministic top-down nested-word to word transducers. We identify the subclass of earliest STWs (eSTWs) that yield normal forms when minimized. The main result of this paper is an effective normalization procedure for STWs. It consists of two stages: we first convert a given STW to an equivalent eSTW, and then, we minimize the eSTW. Keywords: formal language theory, tree automata, transformations, XML databases, XSLTExtended Version: A long version is available here.</p
