14 research outputs found

    Marine Investigations of Greece\u27s Santorini Volcanic Field

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    The most recent major explosive eruption of the Santorini volcano in Greece—around 3600 years before present (B.P.), often referred to as the Minoan eruption—is one of the largest volcanic events known in historical time and has been the subject of intense volcanological and archeological studies [Druitt et al., 1999]. The submarine volcano Kolumbo, located seven kilometers northeast of Santorini and associated with Santorini\u27s tectonic system, erupted explosively in 1650 A.D., resulting in fatalities on the island of Thera [Fouqué, 1879]. A large fraction of the erupted products from the Minoan eruption has been deposited in the sea but, up to now, only has been studied in distal marine sediments. As part of a collaborative project between the University of Rhode Island (Narragansett), the Hellenic Centre of Marine Research (Athens, Greece), and the Institute of Geology and Mineral Exploration (Athens), a marine geological survey was conducted around Santorini from April to June 2006. he new work now shows that the volume of the Minoan eruption may be comparable to that of the largest known historical eruption, the 1815 eruption of Tambora in Indonesia [Sigurdsson and Carey, 1989]; provides insights into the depositional processes and size of the Minoan eruption; and led to the discovery of important submarine hydrothermal vents with active mineralization

    New insights into hydrothermal vent processes in the unique shallow-submarine arc-volcano, Kolumbo (Santorini), Greece

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    We report on integrated geomorphological, mineralogical, geochemical and biological investigations of the hydrothermal vent field located on the floor of the density-stratified acidic (pH , 5) crater of the Kolumbo shallow-submarine arc-volcano, near Santorini. Kolumbo features rare geodynamic setting at convergent boundaries, where arc-volcanism and seafloor hydrothermal activity are occurring in thinned continental crust. Special focus is given to unique enrichments of polymetallic spires in Sb and Tl (6Hg, As, Au, Ag, Zn) indicating a new hybrid seafloor analogue of epithermal-to-volcanic-hosted-massive-sulphide deposits. Iron microbial-mat analyses reveal dominating ferrihydrite-type phases, and high-proportion of microbial sequences akin to "Nitrosopumilus maritimus", a mesophilic Thaumarchaeota strain capable of chemoautotrophic growth on hydrothermal ammonia and CO2. Our findings highlight that acidic shallow-submarine hydrothermal vents nourish marine ecosystems in which nitrifying Archaea are important and suggest ferrihydrite-type Fe31-(hydrated)-oxyhydroxides in associated low-temperature iron mats are formed by anaerobic Fe21-oxidation, dependent on microbially produced nitrate

    Submarine evidence of a debris avalanche deposit on the eastern slope of Santorini volcano, Greece

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    Hummocky seafloor features were discovered on the eastern flank of Santorini volcano, Greece. Multibeam bathymetric mapping, airgun seismic profiling, side scan sonar survey, and remotely operated vehicle (ROV) dives have been carried out to characterize the nature of the hummocks. These hummocks appear to be composed of several tens of blocks that are up to several hundredmeters in diameter, and are the surface expression of amuch larger deposit than is observed in the bathymetry. The sidescan and airgun data show that the deposit covers an area of approximately 6 km wide by 20 km long, and is up to 75 mthick.We estimate the total volume of the deposit to be approximately 4.4×109 m3. Sampling of these blocks show they are composed of pyroclastic flowdeposits produced during theMinoan eruption of Santorini (ca. 3600 BP).Wepropose that the deposit is the result of a multi-stage landslide event that was caused by one of the several large earthquakes or volcanic eruptions that have occurred in the vicinity of Santorini since theMinoan eruption. One ormore of these events likely triggered the destabilization of a part of the eastern flank of Santorini,which led to a debris avalanche, depositing blocks and forming a hummocky terrain at the base of the island\u27s slope. Themassmovement later evolved into a turbulent suspension flow that traveled 20 km or more from the presumed initial failure. Given the size of the landslide deposit, it might have a tsunami potentially affecting the islands across the southern Aegean Sea. The understanding of earthquake-landslide dynamics has important implications for hazard assessment in this seismically active, historical, and highly populated region of the world. © 2012 Elsevier B.V

    Exploring the Avyssos-Yali-Strogyli submarine volcanic complex at the the Avyssos-Yali-Strogyli submarine volcanic complex at the eastern edge of the Aegean Volcanic Arc edge of the Aegean Volcanic Arc

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    The volcanic centers of Kos, Yali and Nisyros lie at the eastern edge of the Hellenic Volcanic Arc. Recent swath bathymetric surveys and seismic profiling, conducted by HCMR, led to the discovery of several submarine volcanic centers and massive underwater volcaniclastic deposits. Further research aboard the E/V “Nautilus” was conducted at the area in October 2010. Avyssos crater, located northeast of Strongyli islet, is believed to have been the original location of the massive eruption of Kos ignimbrite 160,000 years ago. Exploration of Avyssos showed that it the seafloor is mostly covered with fine-grained sediment full with traces of bioturbation. Hydrothermal activity was not evident at any point. Yali and Strongyli represent Late Pleistocene to Holocene volcanic islands that have developed between the islands of Kos and Tilos. ROV exploration of the eastern flank of Yali revealed wave-type sediment structures, as well as linear fractures at various depths. Several smaller craters were also discovered on the northwest slopes of Strongyli, aligned with ENE-WSW trending fractures with no signs of hydrothermal activity. Heavy biogenic encrustations cover the volcanic rock outcrops on the flanks of both Yali and Strongyli. Analysis of recovered samples will provide information about their relationship to the geology of the nearby islands

    Exploration of the 1891 Foerstner submarine vent site (Pantelleria, Italy): Insights into the formation of basaltic balloons

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    On October 17, 1891, a submarine eruption started at Foerstner volcano located within the Pantelleria Rift of the Strait of Sicily (Italy). Activity occurred for a period of 1 week from an eruptive vent located 4 km northwest of the island of Pantelleria at a water depth of 250 m. The eruption produced lava balloons that discharged gas at the surface and eventually sank to the seafloor. Remotely operated vehicle (ROV) video footage and high-resolution multi-beam mapping of the Foerstner vent site were used to create a geologic map of the AD 1891 deposits and conduct the first detailed study of the source area associated with this unusual type of submarine volcanism. The main Foerstner vent consists of two overlapping circular mounds with a total volume of 6.3 × 105 m3 and relief of 60 m. It is dominantly constructed of clastic scoriaceous deposits with some interbedded pillow lavas. Petrographic and geochemical analyses of Foerstner samples by X-ray fluorescence and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry reveal that the majority of the deposits are vesicular, hypocrystalline basanite scoria that display porphyritic, hyaloophitic, and vitrophyric textures. An intact lava balloon recovered from the seafloor consists of a large interior gas cavity surrounded by a thin lava shell comprising two distinct layers: a thin, oxidized, quenched crust surrounding the exterior of the balloon and a dark gray, tachylite layer lying beneath it. Ostwald ripening is proposed to be the dominant bubble growth mechanism of four representative Foerstner scoria samples as inferred by vesicle size distributions. Characterization of the diversity of deposit facies observed at Foerstner in conjunction with quantitative rock texture analysis indicates that submarine Strombolian-like activity is the most likely mechanism for the formation of lava balloons. The deposit facies observed at the main Foerstner vent are very similar to those produced by other known submarine Strombolian eruptions (short pillow flow lobes, large scoriaceous clasts, spatter-like vent facies). Balloons were likely formed from the rapid cooling of extremely vesicular magma fragments as a result of a gas-rich frothy magma source. The exterior of these fragments hyperquenched forming a vesicular glassy shell that acted as an insulating layer preventing magmatic gas in its interior from escaping and thus allowing flotation as densities reached less than 1,000 kg/m3. We believe that lava balloons are a common eruptive product, as the conditions required to generate these products are likely to be present in a variety of submarine volcanic environments. Additionally, the facies relationships observed at Foerstner may be used as a paleoenvironmental indicator for modern and ancient basaltic shallow submarine eruptions because of the relatively narrow depth range over which they likely occur (200-400 m). © 2014 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg

    Experiences of sexual stigma by MSM in rural Oklahoma

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    Concurrent socioeconomic factors, geography, and cultural context are coalescing for sexual minorities living in rural communities resulting in individuals at risk for HIV infection. By the end of the session, participants will be able to assess sexual stigma in rural communities, its manifestations at the individual or societal level, and its correlates with HIV risk