816 research outputs found
The ‘Homework Gap’ and Academic Achievement in High School Science: An Ecological Perspective for Policymakers and Practitioners
Information and communication technologies (ICTs) are increasingly required within K-12 educational settings, yet the impact of youth’s access to and use of digital resources outside of the classroom on academic achievement is only beginning to be explored in the literature. This study used data from the Fragile Families & Child Wellbeing Study to assess the relationship between grades in high school science and digital equity across the learner’s ecological environment. Digital inequities experienced by school-aged youth are referred to as the homework gap. The COVID-19 pandemic placed new urgency on resolving the homework gap as millions of students shifted to full-time online or learning at home during the pandemic. Study findings show that ICT access and use across ecological domains is a significant predictor of urban youths’ academic achievement in science
Where are the shareholders’ mansions? CEOs’ home purchases, stock sales, and subsequent company performance
We study real estate purchases by major company CEOs, compiling a database of the
principal residences of nearly every top executive in the Standard & Poor’s 500 index. When a CEO buys real estate, future company performance is inversely related to the CEO’s liquidation of company shares and options for financing the transaction. We also find that, regardless of the source of finance, future company performance deteriorates when CEOs acquire extremely large or costly mansions and estates. We therefore interpret large home acquisitions as signals of CEO
entrenchment. Our research also provides useful insights for calibrating utility based models of executive compensation and for understanding patterns of Veblenian conspicuous consumption
Magnetic substructure in the northern Fermi Bubble revealed by polarized WMAP emission
We report a correspondence between giant, polarized microwave structures
emerging north from the Galactic plane near the Galactic center and a number of
GeV gamma-ray features, including the eastern edge of the recently-discovered
northern Fermi Bubble. The polarized microwave features also correspond to
structures seen in the all-sky 408 MHz total intensity data, including the
Galactic center spur. The magnetic field structure revealed by the polarization
data at 23 GHz suggests that neither the emission coincident with the Bubble
edge nor the Galactic center spur are likely to be features of the local ISM.
On the basis of the observed morphological correspondences, similar inferred
spectra, and the similar energetics of all sources, we suggest a direct
connection between the Galactic center spur and the northern Fermi Bubble.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Letters after
minor change
Strong Evidence that the Galactic Bulge is Shining in Gamma Rays
There is growing evidence that the Galactic Center Excess identified in the
-LAT gamma-ray data arises from a population of faint
astrophysical sources. We provide compelling supporting evidence by showing
that the morphology of the excess traces the stellar over-density of the
Galactic bulge. By adopting a template of the bulge stars obtained from a
triaxial 3D fit to the diffuse near-infrared emission, we show that it is
detected at high significance. The significance deteriorates when either the
position or the orientation of the template is artificially shifted, supporting
the correlation of the gamma-ray data with the Galactic bulge. In deriving
these results, we have used more sophisticated templates at low-latitudes for
the bubbles compared to previous work and the
three-dimensional Inverse Compton (IC) maps recently released by the team. Our results provide strong constraints on Millisecond Pulsar
(MSP) formation scenarios proposed to explain the excess. We find that an
scenario, in which some of the relevant binaries
are and the rest are formed , is
preferred over a primordial-only formation scenario at confidence
level. Our detailed morphological analysis also disfavors models of the
disrupted globular clusters scenario that predict a spherically symmetric
distribution of MSPs in the Galactic bulge. For the first time, we report
evidence of a high energy tail in the nuclear bulge spectrum that could be the
result of IC emission from electrons and positrons injected by a population of
MSPs and star formation activity from the same site.Comment: 21 pages, 13 figures, V2: Minor changes to match submitted version,
V3: matches JCAP published versio
Radio Synchrotron Emission from Secondary Leptons in the Vicinity of Sgr A*
A point-like source of ~TeV gamma-rays has recently been seen towards the
Galactic center by HESS and other air Cerenkov telescopes. In recent work
(Ballantyne et al. 2007), we demonstrated that these gamma-rays can be
attributed to high-energy protons that (i) are accelerated close to the event
horizon of the central black hole, Sgr A*, (ii) diffuse out to ~pc scales, and
(iii) finally interact to produce gamma-rays. The same hadronic collision
processes will necessarily lead to the creation of electrons and positrons.
Here we calculate the synchrotron emissivity of these secondary leptons in the
same magnetic field configuration through which the initiating protons have
been propagated in our model. We compare this emission with the observed ~GHz
radio spectrum of the inner few pc region which we have assembled from archival
data and new measurements we have made with the Australia Telescope Compact
Array. We find that our model predicts secondary synchrotron emission with a
steep slope consistent with the observations but with an overall normalization
that is too large by a factor of ~ 2. If we further constrain our theoretical
gamma-ray curve to obey the implicit EGRET upper limit on emission from this
region we predict radio emission that is consistent with observations, i.e.,
the hadronic model of gamma ray emission can, simultaneously and without
fine-tuning, also explain essentially all the diffuse radio emission detected
from the inner few pc of the Galaxy.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures. Two references missing from published version
added and acknowledgements extende
Where Are the Shareholders’ Mansions? CEOs’ Home Purchases, Stock Sales, and Subsequent Company Performance
We study real estate purchases by major company CEOs, compiling a database of the principal residences of nearly every top executive in the Standard & Poor’s 500 index. When a CEO buys real estate, future company performance is inversely related to the CEO’s liquidation of company shares and options for financing the transaction. We also find that, regardless of the source of finance, future company performance deteriorates when CEOs acquire extremely large or costly mansions and estates. We therefore interpret large home acquisitions as signals of CEO entrenchment. Our research also provides useful insights for calibrating utility based models of executive compensation and for understanding patterns of Veblenian conspicuous consumption
Wild at Heart:-The Particle Astrophysics of the Galactic Centre
We treat of the high-energy astrophysics of the inner ~200 pc of the Galaxy.
Our modelling of this region shows that the supernovae exploding here every few
thousand years inject enough power to i) sustain the steady-state, in situ
population of cosmic rays (CRs) required to generate the region's non-thermal
radio and TeV {\gamma}-ray emis-sion; ii) drive a powerful wind that advects
non-thermal particles out of the inner GC; iii) supply the low-energy CRs whose
Coulombic collisions sustain the temperature and ionization rate of the
anomalously warm, envelope H2 detected throughout the Cen-tral Molecular Zone;
iv) accelerate the primary electrons which provide the extended, non-thermal
radio emission seen over ~150 pc scales above and below the plane (the Galactic
centre lobe); and v) accelerate the primary protons and heavier ions which,
advected to very large scales (up to ~10 kpc), generate the recently-identified
WMAP haze and corresponding Fermi haze/bubbles. Our modelling bounds the
average magnetic field amplitude in the inner few degrees of the Galaxy to the
range 60 < B/microG < 400 (at 2 sigma confidence) and shows that even TeV CRs
likely do not have time to penetrate into the cores of the region's dense
molecular clouds before the wind removes them from the region. This latter
finding apparently disfavours scenarios in which CRs - in this star-burst-like
environment - act to substantially modify the conditions of star-formation. We
speculate that the wind we identify plays a crucial role in advecting
low-energy positrons from the Galactic nucleus into the bulge, thereby
explaining the extended morphology of the 511 keV line emission. (abridged)Comment: One figure corrected. Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 29 pages, 14
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Application of Carbon Dioxide Waveguide Lasers to Infrared Saturation Spectroscopy
The development of tunable lasers has made possible spectroscopy at a
resolution previously unattainable. Although continuous-wave broadly
tunable sources in the 10 pm region do not yet exist , waveguide carbon
dioxide lase r s offer a useful tunability about a large number of emission
lines in this part of the spectrum.
The first part of this thesis contains a review ·or waveguide Co2 laser
theory and previous wo r k on these devices. A design intended for high
resolution spectroscopy is then described. Two of these lasers have been
used in a spectrometer , using a saturated fluorescence to provide a stable
and calibrated reference and a microprocessor- based system for control
and monitoring of the tunable source. The general principles are
resolution limits of sub- Doppler saturation spectroscopy are also covered.
The second part is a compendium of measurements taken and insights
gained using the completed spectrometer. Collisional transitions between
the hype fine components of a methyl iodide absorption have been observed .
Precise measurements of phosphine absorption frequencies indicate that
far - infrared lase r s may be pumped much further from resonance than has
been assumed hitherto. Measurements on the allene molecule have provide::
improved constants for the v g= 1 state; the split ting of states by K- or 1-
doubling has also been observed, confirming theoretical predictions.
Finally, a· postulated Coriolis interaction between two modes of formic
acid has been verified and quantified, and improved constants obtained for,
both modes in a study bringing together measurements taken using the
waveguide laser spectrometer and the microwave and submillimetre
measurements of others
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