234 research outputs found

    La santé mentale et la loi : enjeux éthiques, scientifiques et organisationnels

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    Assessing the constraints to recycling mill scale in a South African iron and steel industry

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    Abstract : The National Environmental Management: Waste Act (NEMWA) (Act No. 59 of 2008) of South Africa regulates waste management in the country. NEMWA (Act No. 59 of 2008) focuses on the goal of zero waste to landfill, however, only 10% of the total waste generated annually is recycled (DEA, 2011). South African industries contribute to a significant percentage of the total waste volume, yet recycles only 4% of its waste (GDACE, 2007). The South African Iron and Steel industry generates high volumes of unique wastes such as mill scale which, although hazardous in nature (Zhang et al., 2016), has a high re-use potential. However, the Gauteng province alone has a backlog of 15000 tons of mill scale (GDACE, 2007). The aim of this study is to assess the constraints to recycling mill scale generated by the Iron and Steel industry in South Africa. This research begins with a case study which investigates the generation of mill scale at ABC Metals, an Iron and Steel industry in Gauteng. The composition of mill scale, volumes generated and its potential use in an alternative process provide an understanding of its recycling value. Secondly, a review of global waste legislation demonstrates how different regions regulate waste and waste recycling; the effect that waste legislation has on waste recycling in an industry and specifically how legislation influences the recycling of mill scale in South Africa. Lastly, the extent to which industry needs and practicalities are incorporated into the drafting of waste management strategies and waste legislation by the Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) (the South African custodian of the environment and legislating authority) is evaluated by reviewing the outcomes of the quarterly DEA-Industry Waste Management Forums (DEA-IWMF) which are documented in the minutes of the meetings. While alternative uses exist for mill scale, South Africa’s waste legislation has a strong focus on a controlling-type regulation which obstructs opportunities to recycle industrial waste streams, mainly due to the time and monetary constraints associated with obtaining a requisite recycling licence (Park, 2014). An industry seeking to use a waste stream in its process does not identify itself as a waste manager or waste service provider since its primary function is manufacturing. For this reason, the industry is reluctant to apply for a Waste Management Licence and may retreat to using raw materials in order to remain legally compliant. Drafting and promulgation of waste legislation should thus take into account the experience and needs of industries. A regular forum between the legislator and industrial stakeholders is an important channel for ensuring that waste management in an industry is sustainable and practical. Such forums should provide a correlation between the operational environment of industries and the lawmakers (Levänen, 2014a). However, analysis of the DEA-IWMF minutes indicates that the legislator does not adequately consider industries’ concerns on waste legal matters or provide sufficient feedback on waste management compliance issues.M.Sc. (Environmental Management

    The judicious judicial dispositions juggle: characteristics of police interventions involving people with a mental illness

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    Objective: The number of police interventions with people presenting a mental health problem has been increasing over the past 30 years and police services are becoming more aware of the human resources and skills these interventions require. Our study addresses the characteristics explaining police time used and outcomes of interventions as police officers interact with people with mental illness. Method: Using a police service administrative database from a large Canadian city, and an identification algorithm method, police interventions with people with mental illness were identified on 3 randomly selected days in the year. A content analysis of intervention logs was carried out to identify characteristics of those interventions; the call initiator, the location, and the final outcome of the intervention. Results: Interventions with people with mental illness represent a small proportion (3%; n = 272) of all police interventions (n = 8485). General linear models show that the type of outcome is the most important factor in estimating the time required by police interventions. Arrests and hospitalizations are the least time-efficient outcomes, consuming 2.0 and 3.2 times, respectively, more time than informal dispositions. A multiple correspondence analysis shows that police interventions can be depicted in 2 dimensions, representing their main roles concerning people with mental illness, namely, to ensure the public safety and to protect the most vulnerable citizens. The more these services are required, the more police time will be required. Conclusion: Education and partnerships between police services and mental health services are essential to a proper management of outcomes

    Les directives psychiatriques anticipées (DPA) et le rôle de l’autonomie

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    Bien que les directives psychiatriques anticipées (DPA) soient ancrées dans l’éthique de l’autonomie, le lien entre les deux reste imprécis. Les DPA sont des documents juridiques qui permettent aux personnes qui vivent avec un problème de santé mentale de spécifier leurs préférences de traitement advenant une incapacité future. Le rapport entre l’autonomie et les DPA a été abordé en termes tant légaux et éthiques que philosophiques, mais il n’a pas été clairement opérationnalisé sur le plan clinique. L’autonomie est une valeur éthique fondamentale qui englobe la notion d’indépendance face à des influences contrôlantes externes, ainsi que la capacité mentale de prendre ses propres décisions. Les personnes qui vivent avec un problème de santé mentale ont parfois besoin d’aide pour bien comprendre leurs droits éthiques et juridiques en matière de choix autonome, alors que les intervenants professionnels doivent être mieux formés quant à l’importance de l’autonomie dans leur pratique clinique. La capacité de consentir au traitement est le préalable d’ordre mental qui assure que les personnes ayant des troubles mentaux sont en mesure de rédiger des DPA en toute connaissance de cause, alors que l’autonomie est la valeur qui leur donne le pouvoir de contribuer à leur rétablissement.Although psychiatric advance directives (PADs) are grounded in the ethics of autonomy, the relationship between the two is unclear. PADs are legal documents that allow individuals with mental illness to record their treatment preferences should they become incompetent in the future. The relationship between autonomy and PADs has been discussed in ethical, legal, and philosophical terms, but has not been clearly operationalized for clinical purposes. Autonomy is a fundamental ethical value that includes having the independence from outside controlling influences and the mental capacity to direct one’s personal actions. Individuals with mental illness sometimes require assistance to understand their ethical and legal rights with respect to autonomous choice, and professional stakeholders need education regarding the importance of autonomy for clinical practice. Competency to consent to treatment is the mental prerequisite that ensures individuals with mental illness are able to complete PADs with insight, whereas autonomy is the value that empowers individuals to work towards their recovery.Aunque las directivas psiquiátricas anticipadas (DPA) se encuentran ancladas en la ética de la autonomía, la relación entre ambas es imprecisa. Las DPA son documentos jurídicos que permiten a las personas que viven con un problema de salud mental especificar sus preferencias de tratamiento en el caso de una incapacidad futura. La relación entre la autonomía y las DPA se aborda en términos tanto legales y éticos como filosóficos, pero no ha sido claramente puesta en operación en el plan clínico. La autonomía es un valor ético fundamental que engloba la noción de independencia frente a las influencias controladoras externas, así como la capacidad mental de tomar sus propias decisiones. Las personas que viven con un problema de salud mental en ocasiones necesitan ayuda para comprender sus derechos éticos y jurídicos en materia de elección autónoma, mientras que los interventores profesionales deben tener una mejor formación en cuanto a la importancia de la autonomía en la práctica clínica. La capacidad de consentir al tratamiento es la condición mental previa que asegura que las personas con trastornos mentales están en condiciones de redactar las DPA con todo conocimiento de causa. La autonomía les otorga el poder de contribuir a su restablecimiento.Apesar das Diretrizes Psiquiátricas Antecipadas (DPA) estarem enraizadas na ética da autonomia, o elo entre os dois ainda é vago. As DPA são documentos jurídicos que permitem às pessoas, que vivem com um problema de saúde mental, especificar suas preferências de tratamento no caso de uma inaptidão futura. A relação entre a autonomia e as DPA foi abordada em termos tanto legais e éticos quanto filosóficos, mas não foi claramente operacionalizada no plano clínico. A autonomia é um valor ético fundamental que engloba a noção de independência diante das influências controladoras externas, assim como a capacidade mental de tomar suas próprias decisões. As pessoas que vivem com um problema de saúde mental precisam, às vezes, de ajuda para compreender bem seus direitos éticos e jurídicos no que diz respeito à escolha autônoma, ao passo que os profissionais devem ser melhor formados quanto à importância da autonomia em sua prática clínica. A capacidade de consentir no tratamento é o requisito de ordem mental que garante que as pessoas que possuem transtornos mentais sejam capazes de redigir suas DPA em conhecimento de causa, já que a autonomia é o valor que lhes dá o poder de contribuir para seu próprio restabelecimento

    Police encounters involving citizens with mental illness: use of resources and outcomes

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    Objective: Few studies have addressed use of resources in police interventions involving individuals with mental illness. The time police officers spend on interventions is a straightforward measure with significant administrative weight, given that it addresses human resource allocation. This study compared the characteristics of police interventions involving individuals with mental illness and a control sample of individuals without mental illness. Methods: A total of 6,128 police interventions in Montreal, Québec, were analyzed by using a retrospective analysis of police intervention logs from three days in 2006. Interventions involving citizens with (N=272) and without (N=5,856) mental illness were compared by reason for the intervention, the use of arrest, and the use of police resources. Results: Police interventions involving individuals with mental illness were less likely than those involving individuals without mental illness to be related to more severe offenses. However, interventions for minor offenses were more likely to lead to arrest when they involved citizens with mental illness. Interventions for reasons of equal severity were twice as likely to lead to arrest if the citizen involved had a mental illness. After controlling for the use of arrest and the severity of the situation, the analysis showed that police interventions involving individuals with mental illness used 87% more resources than interventions involving individuals without mental illness. Conclusions: Future studies using administrative police data sets could investigate the use of resources and division of costs involved in new programs or partnerships to better address the interface of criminal justice and mental health care

    Les Tribunaux de santé mentale : déjudiciarisation et jurisprudence thérapeutique

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    Au Québec comme ailleurs en Amérique, la désinstitutionalisation, le manque de ressources et de services communautaires de santé mentale de même que les changements législatifs ont contribué à une augmentation des probabilités que des personnes atteintes de troubles de santé mentale aient des démêlés avec la justice. Les Tribunaux de santé mentale constituent une forme de déjudiciarisation, basée sur des principes de jurisprudence thérapeutique, qui prend forme au coeur des activités de la Cour. Cet article présente une synthèse critique de la littérature scientifique sur le sujet. Les auteurs exposent d’abord le contexte psycho-légal dans lequel ont émergé les Tribunaux de santé mentale puis décrivent le fonctionnement et les objectifs de ces entités judiciaires. L’article décrit ensuite le Plan d’Accompagnement Justice et Santé Mentale (PAJ-SM), le premier projet pilote de tribunal de santé mentale à Montréal, et le premier en son genre au Québec. On examine ensuite les études d’efficacité de ces institutions et les enjeux des programmes de déjudiciarisation. Les défis et les limites inhérents aux tribunaux spécialisés et la recherche qui les concerne sont discutés, ainsi que certaines alternatives tant au niveau de l’intervention que des méthodes de recherche. Les auteurs concluent que si les Tribunaux de santé mentale offrent des pistes prometteuses, ils ne constituent pas une panacée aux problèmes complexes situés à l’interface de la santé mentale et de la justice. Ces initiatives ne devraient pas occulter les autres mesures de déjudiciarisation en amont, ni la question centrale de l’accès aux services de santé mentale et de leur adéquation aux besoins des diverses clientèles.In Québec, as elsewhere in North America, psychiatric deinstitutionalization, lack of community mental health resources as well as legislative changes to civil and criminal codes have led to an increased probability that individuals with a mental illness come into contact with the criminal justice system. Based on the principle of therapeutic jurisprudence, mental health courts constitute emerging diversion programs, taking place within the court, implemented to offer an alternative to incarceration for individuals with a mental illness. This article offers a critical synthesis of the scientific literature on the topic. The authors first present the context in which mental health courts were developed ; describe their objectives and functioning ; and introduce the Montreal Mental Health Court pilot project, renamed PAJ-SM (Plan d’Accompagnement Justice et Santé) the first of its kind in Québec. The paper examines the research on mental health courts and tackles some of the stakes of diversion programs. The challenges and limits inherent to specialized courts are discussed as well as methodological obstacles related to the study of these complex intervention programs. The authors conclude that mental health courts offer promising intervention venues, but that they do not constitute a panacea to resolving all issues related to the contact of mentally ill individuals with the justice system. Mental health courts must be accompanied by other intervention strategies for persons with mental health problems at all stages of the criminal justice process.En Quebec, como en otras partes de América, la desinstitucionalización, la falta de recursos y de servicios comunitarios de salud mental así como los cambios legislativos han contribuido al aumento en las probabilidades de que las personas con trastornos mentales tengan altercados con la justicia. Basados en los principios de jurisprudencia terapéutica, los tribunales de salud mental constituyen un tipo de programa de desjudicialización emergente puesto en marcha con el propósito de ofrecer alternativas al encarcelamiento de estas personas. Este artículo presenta una síntesis crítica de la literatura científica sobre el tema. Los autores exponen primero el contexto psicolegal en el que han surgido estas entidades judiciales, describen su funcionamiento y sus objetivos y esbozan el cuadro del proyecto piloto del Tribunal de Salud Mental de Montreal, el primero en su género en Quebec. El artículo examina los estudios de eficacia de estas instituciones y aborda las cuestiones de los programas de desjudicialización. Se discuten los retos y los límites inherentes a los tribunales especializados y las investigaciones que les conciernen, así como ciertas alternativas tanto a nivel de la intervención como de los métodos de investigación. Los autores concluyen que si bien los Tribunales de salud mental ofrecen pistas prometedoras, no constituyen la panacea de los problemas complejos situados en la interfaz de la salud mental y la justicia; deben estar acompañados de otras medidas paralelas al proceso judicial para responder a las necesidades de las personas con problemas de salud mental.No Quebec, como em outras regiões na América, a desinstitucionalização, a falta de recursos e de serviços comunitários de saúde mental, além das mudanças legislativas contribuíram para um aumento das probabilidades que as pessoas que sofrem transtornos mentais tenham problemas com a justiça. Baseado em princípios de jurisprudência terapêutica, os tribunais de saúde mental constituem um tipo de programa de desjudiciarização emergente criado com o objetivo de oferecer alternativas ao encarceramento destas pessoas. Este artigo apresenta uma síntese crítica da literatura científica sobre o assunto. Os autores expõem primeiramente o contexto psico-jurídico no qual surgiram estas entidades judiciárias, descrevem seu funcionamento e seus objetivos e mostram um quadro do projeto-piloto do Tribunal da Saúde Mental de Montreal, primeiro no gênero no Quebec. O artigo examina os estudos de eficácia destas instituições e tratam dos desafios dos programas de desjudiciarização. Os desafios e os limites inerentes aos tribunais especializados e a pesquisa que os interessa são discutidos, assim como algumas alternativas tanto ao nível da intervenção quanto aos métodos de pesquisa. Os autores concluem que se os tribunais de saúde mental oferecem pistas promissoras, eles não constituem uma panacéia aos problemas complexos situados na interface da saúde mental e da justiça; eles devem ser acompanhados por outras medidas paralelamente ao processo judiciário para responder às necessidades das pessoas que sofrem problemas de saúde mental

    The predictive validity of clinical ratings of the Short-Term Assessment of Risk and Treatability (START)

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    With the increased need to assess and manage risk in inpatient settings, the Short-Term Assessment of Risk and Treatability (START) was implemented on a civil psychiatric unit. The goal of the present study was to examine the tool’s predictive validity when completed by clinical teams as part of routine practice. Data were collected for 34 patients hospitalized for a minimum of 30 days prior to and after a START evaluation. Several challenging behaviors, such as aggression towards others, self-harm, and substance abuse were assessed using the START Outcomes Scale (Nicholls et al., 2007). Results from multilevel logistic regression and Receiver Operating Characteristics analyses lend partial support for the predictive validity of the START. A limited set of START items combined was significantly better at predicting the challenging behaviors than the original total Strength and Vulnerability scales. Results are discussed in terms of the clinical use of risk assessment

    Towards an integrated understanding of aggression in the general population : findings from an epidemiological catchment area study

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    The goal of this study is to identify patterns of various forms of aggression in the general population and their psychosocial and environmental correlates. Data from the Montreal Epidemiological Catchment Area study (N = 1855) were analyzed using latent class analysis and multinomial logistic regression. Four classes were identified: a ‘Low Aggression’ profile (91.4%) – individuals were older, more likely to be women, and had greater quality of life – and three profiles with individuals displaying aggression. The ‘Acting out’ profile (4.3%) reported property and mild verbal aggression, and profile membership was associated with impulsivity. The ‘Violent’ profile (2.0%) reported severe verbal aggression and physical aggression, and membership was associated with posttraumatic stress disorder and substance use disorders. Finally, the ‘Self-injuring’ profile (2.2%) reported self-harming behaviors along with mild verbal aggression and property destruction and were psychologically distressed. Findings are consistent with the risk factors in violence risk assessment instruments. They also shed light on how different types of aggression are interrelated and may help in the development of a psychological formulation of individuals for whom different types of aggression co-occur so that integrated prevention strategies may be put in place

    The impact of Housing First on criminal justice outcomes among homeless people with mental illness : a systematic review.

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    Objective: Housing First is increasingly put forward as an important component of a pragmatic plan to end homelessness. The literature evaluating the impact of Housing First on criminal justice involvement has not yet been systematically examined. The objective of this systematic review is to examine the impact of Housing First on criminal justice outcomes among homeless people with mental illness. Method: Five electronic databases (PsycINFO, MEDLINE, Embase, CINAHL, Web of Science) were searched up until July 2018 for randomised and nonrandomised studies of Housing First among homeless people with a serious mental disorder. Results: Five studies were included for a total of 7128 participants. Two studies from a randomised controlled trial found no effect of Housing First on arrests compared to treatment as usual. Other studies compared Housing First to other programs or compared configurations of HF and found reductions in criminal justice involvement among Housing First participants. Conclusions: This systematic review suggests that Housing First, on average, has little impact on criminal justice involvement. Community services such as Housing First are potentially an important setting to put in place strategies to reduce criminal justice involvement. However, forensic mental health approaches such as risk assessment and management strategies and interventions may need to be integrated into existing services to better address potential underlying individual criminogenic risk factors. Further outcome assessment studies would be necessary
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