1,309 research outputs found

    Tax-benefits policies jointly run by the social partners. Labour market implications of the bipartite sectoral funds.

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    This paper focuses on the employment effects of tax-benefit policies implemented by Bipartite Sectoral Funds (BSFs), institutions established by workers’ unions and employers’ organisations, and conducts a preliminary theoretical analysis of their implications for employment based on a model of wage bargaining which includes the basic elements of a tax-benefit policy and allows for the internalization of benefits. The intuition is that the peculiar institutional profile of BSFs may favour the internalization of social benefits by the unions. If this actually occurs, it can be expected that the costs of the benefits will be shared between the employers and the workers. However the exact institutional profile of the funds crucially affects the degree of internalization. It is argued that this may actually occur provided that the exchange between wage and benefits is actually feasible in the context of current industrial relations, the workers attach a sufficiently high value to the benefits, and BSFs are autonomous from government interference

    Overeducation and spatial flexibility in Italian local labour markets

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    According to a recent strand of literature this paper highlights the relevance of spatial mobility as an explanatory factor of the individual risk of being overeducated. To investigate the causal link between spatial mobility and overeducation we use individual information about daily home-to-work commuting time and choices to relocate in a different local area to get a job. In our model we also take into account relevant local labour markets features. We use a probit bivariate model to control for selective access to employment, and test the possibility of endogeneity of the decision to migrate. Separate estimations are run for upper-secondary and tertiary graduates. The results sustain the appropriateness of the estimation technique and show a significantly negative impact of the daily commuting time for the former group, as well as, negative impact of the decision to migrate and of the migration distance for the latter one.Overeducation; Spatial flexibility; Local labour markets; Sample selection bias

    Pensions reforms, workforce ageing and firm-provided welfare

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    This paper investigates the impact of an exogenous increase in the legal retirement age on the firms’ propensity to provide welfare services voluntarily to their employees. To this purpose we exploit a unique dataset derived from the Employers and Employees Survey, conducted by the National Institute for Public Policies Analysis (Inapp) in 2015 on a large and representative sample of Italian firms. By referring to the existing sociological and economic literature we make the hypothesis that a sudden increase in the share of older workers may motivate the employers to establish welfare schemes as a way to cope with an ageing workforce. The results obtained from different regression models show that firms which, as a consequence of the Law 214/2011 (the so-called “Fornero pension reform”), were forced to give up previously planned hirings increased the probability of providing welfare services at the workplace. This result also holds if propensity score matching methods are used in order to control for sample selection issues

    A context based model for sentiment analysis in twitter for the italian language

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    Studi recenti per la Sentiment Analysis in Twitter hanno tentato di creare modelli per caratterizzare la polarit´a di un tweet osservando ciascun messaggio in isolamento. In realt`a, i tweet fanno parte di conversazioni, la cui natura pu`o essere sfruttata per migliorare la qualit`a dell’analisi da parte di sistemi automatici. In (Vanzo et al., 2014) `e stato proposto un modello basato sulla classificazione di sequenze per la caratterizzazione della polarit` a dei tweet, che sfrutta il contesto in cui il messaggio `e immerso. In questo lavoro, si vuole verificare l’applicabilit`a di tale metodologia anche per la lingua Italiana.Recent works on Sentiment Analysis over Twitter leverage the idea that the sentiment depends on a single incoming tweet. However, tweets are plunged into streams of posts, thus making available a wider context. The contribution of this information has been recently investigated for the English language by modeling the polarity detection as a sequential classification task over streams of tweets (Vanzo et al., 2014). Here, we want to verify the applicability of this method even for a morphological richer language, i.e. Italian

    Analysis of Dam Behaviour After Eighty Years of Service

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    The paper reports on the behaviour of a masonry dam built in the Italian Alps in the early twenties of the last century and still in operation for electric power supply. The dam is 31 m high and its waterproofing is ensured by a multi-layered impervious facing, a concrete cut-off and a grout curtain protruding into the foundation soils. The geological location of the dam is rather complex, because its left abutment is located on a rock formation while the right one rests on a thick moraine deposit. Since its first impounding, large downstream water flows and significant movements of the dam and of its moraine abutment were observed. A comprehensive investigation has thus been conducted in order to understand the overall behaviour of the reservoir, after eighty years of service. For this purpose, historical documents have been first reviewed in order to reconstruct the design assumptions, construction operations and early observations on site. Experimental investigations of the moraine deposit have then been conducted, in order to estimate the subsoil properties. Seepage flow rates and reservoir impoundment levels, recorded for more then twenty years, have also been analysed, showing the correlation existing between these two variables. More recently, a system for monitoring the displacements of the dam and the moraine has been implemented and the recorded data have been examined. All the available observations have been evaluated and a reasonable interpretation of the coupled hydraulical-mechanical behaviour of the dam and of its moraine abutment has been inferred. Numerical calculations have finally been conducted, in order to verify such explanation

    Le riforme parziali del mercato del lavoro e la flexicurity in Italia

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    Commissione presieduta da P. Carniti, costituita su iniziativa interistituzionale delle Presidenze di Senato, Camera dei Deputati e CNEL. Disponibile nel sito del CNEL: http://www.portalecnel.it/Portale/IndLavrapportiFinali.nsf/vwTuttiPerCodiceUnivoco/11-0/$FILE/11.%20REGOLAZIONE,%20WELFARE%20E%20POLITICHE%20ATTIVE%20DEL%20LAVORO.pd

    Employer education, agglomeration and workplace training: poaching vs knowledge spillovers

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    This paper analyzes the role of the employer in workplace training, a novelty with respect to the literature on this topic. Taking advantage of a unique dataset on Italy, we study how individual employer profile and the agglomeration of employers influence firms‟ propensity to invest in training. Our findings show that highly educated employers have a greater propensity to invest in workplace training. Moreover, we are able to capture the effect of employers‟ human capital agglomeration on the training decision. We assert that such agglomeration leads to two different alternative scenarios: 1) a poaching effect may prevail, therefore competition among employers induces less propensity to train workers; 2) a positive knowledge spillover effect may prevail leading to a greater propensity to engage in training. We test these two options discovering that in the Italian case, where small businesses are prominent, the first effect is stronger. Several econometrics issues are considered in our empirical strategy: the skewed and bounded nature of the training decision indicator, the endogeneity issues derived from the agglomeration effect as well as the cross section dependence problems affecting standard errors

    Energy consumption of electric vehicles: models' estimation using big data (FCD)

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    Abstract The paper presents a framework to estimate energy consumption of Electric Vehicles (EVs) by combining: (a) the use of models derived from traffic flow theory and from mechanics of locomotion and (b) the great amount of Floating Cara Data (FCD) from available Information and Communications Technology (ICT) devices. Existing energy consumption models may be classified into aggregate vs. disaggregate, according to the level of aggregation of variables related to driver, vehicle, and infrastructure. The proposed models have a hybrid nature: the aggregate component allows to estimating the values of vehicular speed and acceleration on a road link; the disaggregate one allows to estimating the discrete variability of EVs' energy consumption inside a spatial-temporal domain. The energy consumption models are estimated using traffic data extracted from FCD. The proposed framework is structured into four steps: FCD processing, estimation of vehicular speeds and accelerations, estimation of resistance/energy consumption. The framework is applied in a pilot study area, composed by the backward (sub-)urban area of the port of "Porto delle Grazie" of Roccella Jonica (South of Italy). The preliminary results show that the methodology allows relative inexpensive and accurate calculation of EVs' energy consumption and that it can be integrated into Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) applications

    Estimation of Travel Demand Models with Limited Information: Floating Car Data for Parameters' Calibration

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    This paper attempts to integrate data from models, traditional surveys and big data in a situation of limited information. The goal is to increase the capacity of transport planners to analyze, forecast, and plan passenger mobility. (Big) data are a precious source of information and substantial effort is necessary to filter, integrate, and convert big data into travel demand estimates. Moreover, data analytics approaches without demand models are limited because they allow: (a) the analysis of historical and/or real-time transport system configurations, and (b) the forecasting of transport system configurations in ordinary conditions. Without the support of travel demand models, the mere use of (big) data does not allow the forecasting of mobility patterns. The paper attempts to support traditional methods of transport systems engineering with new data sources from ICTs. By combining traditional data and floating car data (FCD), the proposed framework allows the estimation of travel demand models (e.g., trip generation and destination). The proposed method can be applied in a specific case of an area where FCD are available, and other sources of information are not available. The results of an application of the proposed framework in a sub-regional area (Calabria, southern Italy) are presented

    Employer-provided training and knowledge spillovers: evidence from Italian local labour markets

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    Following suggestions from theoretical and empirical literature on agglomeration and on social returns to education which emphasise the contribution of local knowledge spillovers to productivity and wage growth, this paper aims at uncovering the relationship between local human capital and training. Furthermore, we check the effects of other variables measuring distinctive features of local labour markets, like the degree of specialization, average firms’ size, intensity of job turnover, economic density, employment in R&D activities and some other control variables. Our key-results are consistent with the prediction that training should be more frequent in areas where the aggregate educational level is higher. Moreover, interaction between local and individual human capital is positive and significant for those with an upper secondary educational attainment. These results have proved to be robust since they are not altered when different definitions of local human capital are adopted or different sub-samples are considered (with the exception of female workers). We coped also with the problem of omitted variables and spatial sorting, that could bias econometric results, by means of a two-step strategy based on instrumental variables
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