2,018 research outputs found

    Population assessment of future trajectories in coronary heart disease mortality.

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    Background: Coronary heart disease (CHD) mortality rates have been decreasing in Iceland since the 1980s, largely reflecting improvements in cardiovascular risk factors. The purpose of this study was to predict future CHD mortality in Iceland based on potential risk factor trends. Methods and findings: The previously validated IMPACT model was used to predict changes in CHD mortality between 2010 and 2040 among the projected population of Iceland aged 25–74. Calculations were based on combining: i) data on population numbers and projections (Statistics Iceland), ii) population risk factor levels and projections (Refine Reykjavik study), and iii) effectiveness of specific risk factor reductions (published meta-analyses). Projections for three contrasting scenarios were compared: 1) If the historical risk factor trends of past 30 years were to continue, the declining death rates of past decades would level off, reflecting population ageing. 2) If recent trends in risk factors (past 5 years) continue, this would result in a death rate increasing from 49 to 70 per 100,000. This would reflect a recent plateau in previously falling cholesterol levels and recent rapid increases in obesity and diabetes prevalence. 3) Assuming that in 2040 the entire population enjoys optimal risk factor levels observed in low risk cohorts, this would prevent almost all premature CHD deaths before 2040. Conclusions: The potential increase in CHD deaths with recent trends in risk factor levels is alarming both for Iceland and probably for comparable Western populations. However, our results show considerable room for reducing CHD mortality. Achieving the best case scenario could eradicate premature CHD deaths by 2040. Public health policy interventions based on these predictions may provide a cost effective means of reducing CHD mortality in the future

    The O(N) model on a squashed S^3 and the Klebanov-Polyakov correspondence

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    We solve the O(N) vector model at large N on a squashed three-sphere with a conformal mass term. Using the Klebanov-Polyakov version of the AdS_4/CFT_3 correspondence we match various aspects of the strongly coupled theory with the physics of the bulk AdS Taub-NUT and AdS Taub-Bolt geometries. Remarkably, we find that the field theory reproduces the behaviour of the bulk free energy as a function of the squashing parameter. The O(N) model is realised in a symmetric phase for all finite values of the coupling and squashing parameter, including when the boundary scalar curvature is negative.Comment: 1+27 pages. 6 figures. LaTeX. References adde

    Analyzing Recent Coronary Heart Disease Mortality Trends in Tunisia between 1997 and 2009.

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    BACKGROUND: In Tunisia, Cardiovascular Diseases are the leading causes of death (30%), 70% of those are coronary heart disease (CHD) deaths and population studies have demonstrated that major risk factor levels are increasing. OBJECTIVE: To explain recent CHD trends in Tunisia between 1997 and 2009. METHODS: DATA SOURCES: Published and unpublished data were identified by extensive searches, complemented with specifically designed surveys. ANALYSIS: Data were integrated and analyzed using the previously validated IMPACT CHD policy model. Data items included: (i)number of CHD patients in specific groups (including acute coronary syndromes, congestive heart failure and chronic angina)(ii) uptake of specific medical and surgical treatments, and(iii) population trends in major cardiovascular risk factors (smoking, total cholesterol, systolic blood pressure (SBP), body mass index (BMI), diabetes and physical inactivity). RESULTS: CHD mortality rates increased by 11.8% for men and 23.8% for women, resulting in 680 additional CHD deaths in 2009 compared with the 1997 baseline, after adjusting for population change. Almost all (98%) of this rise was explained by risk factor increases, though men and women differed. A large rise in total cholesterol level in men (0.73 mmol/L) generated 440 additional deaths. In women, a fall (-0.43 mmol/L), apparently avoided about 95 deaths. For SBP a rise in men (4 mmHg) generated 270 additional deaths. In women, a 2 mmHg fall avoided 65 deaths. BMI and diabetes increased substantially resulting respectively in 105 and 75 additional deaths. Increased treatment uptake prevented about 450 deaths in 2009. The most important contributions came from secondary prevention following Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI) (95 fewer deaths), initial AMI treatments (90), antihypertensive medications (80) and unstable angina (75). CONCLUSIONS: Recent trends in CHD mortality mainly reflected increases in major modifiable risk factors, notably SBP and cholesterol, BMI and diabetes. Current prevention strategies are mainly focused on treatments but should become more comprehensive

    Critical Thinking Activities and the Enhancement of Ethical Awareness: An application of a ‘Rhetoric of Disruption’ to the undergraduate general education classroom

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    This article explores how critical thinking activities and assignments can function to enhance students’ ethical awareness and sense of civic responsibility. Employing Levinas’s Othercentered theory of ethics, Burke’s notion of ‘the paradox of substance’, and Murray’s concept of ‘a rhetoric of disruption’, this article explores the nature of critical thinking activities designed to have students question their (often taken-for-granted) moral assumptions and interrogate their (often unexamined) moral identities. This article argues that such critical thinking activities can trigger a metacognitive destabilization of subjectivity, understood as a dialectical prerequisite (along with exposure to otherness) for increased ethical awareness. This theoretical model is illustrated through a discussion of three sample classroom activities designed to destabilize moral assumptions and identity, thereby clearing the way for a heightened acknowledgment of otherness. In so doing, this article provides an alternative (and dialectically inverted) strategy for addressing one of the central goals of many General Education curricula: the development of ethical awareness and civic responsibility. Rather than introducing students to alternative perspectives and divergent cultures with the expectation that heightened moral awareness will follow, this article suggests classroom activities and course assignments aimed at disrupting moral subjectivity and creating an opening in which otherness can be more fully acknowledged and the diversity of our world more fully appreciated

    Análise comparativa dos ficocolóides produzidos por algas carragenófitas usadas industrialmente e algas carragenófitas portuguesas

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    As Carragenanas (E-407) constituem um dos principais aditivos usados pela indústria alimentar, como agentes gelificantes, emulsionantes, estabilizantes e espessantes. São ingredientes naturais, usados há várias décadas na área alimentar e são considerados como seguros, tendo obtido a classificação GRAS (Generally Recognised As Safe). Neste trabalho foram analisadas a percentagem de peso seco e a composição química (por FTIR e FT-Raman) das carragenanas produzidas pelas carragenófitas (Gigartinales, Rhodophyta) oriundas de diversos países: Kappaphycus alvarezzi (Tanzânia, Indonésia, Filipinas); Kappaphycus striatum (Madagáscar); Eucheuma denticulatum (Tanzânia, Filipinas e Madagáscar); Betaphycus gelatinum (Filipinas); e Sarcothalia crispata (Chile). Para comparação foram também analisadas algas carragenófitas da costa portuguesa (Gigartinales, Rhodophyta): Chondrus crispus, Mastocarpus stellatus; Gigartina pistillata; Chondracanthus teedei var. lusitanicus; Chondracanthus acicularis; Calliblepharis jubata; Gymnogongrus crenulatus; e Ahnfeltiopsis devoniensis. Os principais resultados a reter são: a maior percentagem de peso seco em carragenanas foi obtida a partir das algas carragenófitas Kappaphycus alvarezzi (Filipinas), com 84.4% e Gigartina pistillata (Praia do Norte, Viana do Castelo), com 65.4%. Relativamente à natureza dos ficocolóides produzidos pelas carragenófitas estudadas, as nossas análises espectroscópicas permitiram determinar a presença de um leque diversificado de carragenanas: carragenana iota pura; carragenana kappa quase pura; uma série de carragenanas híbridas kappa-iota, com diferentes rácios iota/kappa; carragenanas kappa-beta, xi-tetha e xi-lambda

    Screening and characterisation of CdTe/CdS quantum dot-binding peptides for material surface functionalisation

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    Quantum dots (QDs) are promising nanomaterials due to their unique photophysical properties. For them to be useful in biological applications, the particle surface generally needs to be conjugated to biological molecules, such as antibodies. In this study, we screened CdTe/CdS QD-binding peptides from a phage display library as linkers for simple and bio-friendly QD modification. Among five QD-binding peptide candidates, a series of truncated peptides designed from two high-affinity peptides were subjected to an array-based binding assay with QDs to assess their functional core sequences and characteristics. Linking these isolated, shortened peptides (PWSLNR and SGVYK) with an antibody-binding peptide (NKFRGKYK) created dual-functional peptides that are capable of QD surface functionalisation by antibodies. Consequently, the dual-functional peptides could mediate anti-CD9 antibody functionalisation onto CdTe/CdS QD surface; CD9 protein imaging of cancer cells was also demonstrated. Our proposed peptides offer an effective vehicle for QD surface functionalisation in biological applications

    Quantum effects in a rotating spacetime

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    The behavior of a arbitrary coupled quantum scalar field is studied in the background of the G\"odel spacetime. Closed forms are derived for the effective action and the vacuum expectation value of quadratic field fluctuations by using ζ\zeta-function regularization. Based on these results, we argue that causality violation presented in this spacetime can not be removed by quantum effects.Comment: 17 pages, LaTe

    The Obliteration of Truth by Management: Badiou, St. Paul and the Question of Economic Managerialism in Education

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    This paper considers the questions that Badiou’s theory of the subject poses to cultures of economic managerialism within education. His argument that radical change is possible, for people and the situations they inhabit, provides a stark challenge to the stifling nature of much current educational climate. In 'Saint Paul: The Foundation of Universalism', Badiou describes the current universalism of capitalism, monetary homogeneity and the rule of the count. Badiou argues that the politics of identity are all too easily subsumed by the prerogatives of the marketplace and unable to present, therefore, a critique of the status quo. These processes are, he argues, without the potential for truth. What are the implications of Badiou’s claim that education is the arranging of ‘the forms of knowledge in such a way that truth may come to pierce a hole in them’ (Badiou, 2005, p. 9)? In this paper, I argue that Badiou’s theory opens up space for a kind of thinking about education that resists its colonisation by cultures of management and marketisation and leads educationalists to consider the emancipatory potential of education in a new light