8 research outputs found

    The structure of phenol hydroxylase and its relation to other flavoenzymes

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    The NADPH-dependent flavin monooxygenase phenol hydroxylase catalyses the first step in the microbial degradation pathway of phenol and several phenol derivatives. It catalyses the introduction of a hydroxyl group in the ortho-position on the aromatic ring. The crystal structure of recombinant Trichosporon cutaneum phenol hydroxylase was determined at 2.4 A resolution in complex with its cofactor, FAD, and phenol using the MIR method. The molecular model presented in this thesis contains two dimers of phenol hydroxylase and in total 1189 water molecules. It has been refined to a final Rfactor of 21.7% and a free Rfactor of 27.8%, with good stereochemistry. The first two domains are involved in cofactor and substrate binding, while the last 200 residues fold in a separate domain of unknown function. The ADP moiety of FAD is bound by the classical ßaß motif, common to several classes of flavoenzymes. The size of the substrates is determined by the size of the substrate binding cavity. The subunits in the dimer show substantial conformational differences, which are discussed and explained in a functional perspective. The structure of phenol hydroxylase is consistent with the earlier proposed mechanism, including hydroxyl transfer via several oxygenated flavin intermediates. The structure has given a clear answer to how substrate discrimination is achieved, in particular with respect to the difference in specificity as compared to p hydroxybenzoate hydroxylase. The structure has also given an explanation for the stabilisation of the 4a-peroxoflavin intermediate, which is achieved by exclusion of solvent during part of the catalytic reaction. In addition, possible routes for proton transfer in and out of the active site have been identified. The existence of a large mobile segment has given some explanation as to how NADPH can bind and interact with the FAD, as well as a possible route for the substrate into and for the product to leave the active site

    Besök pÄ Science Center : PÄverkas elevers intresse för naturvetenskap av ett besök pÄ Science center?

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    I Sverige och utomlands har man pÄ senare tid sett framvÀxten av ett nÀtverk av s.k. Science Centers (SC). Dessa SC har som viktigaste syfte att öka besökarnas naturvetenskapliga intresse. NÀr det gÀller elever frÄn högstadiets senare Är kan detta ökade intresse för naturvetenskap t ex visa sig i form av en ökad benÀgenhet hos eleverna att söka sig till ett naturvetenskapligt inriktat gymnasieprogram. Vi har utvecklat och anvÀnt en enkÀt-baserad metod för att undersöka den pÄverkan pÄ elevers intresse för naturvetenskap som ett besök pÄ SC har. EnkÀten Àr lÀmplig att anvÀndas för elever frÄn grundskolans senare Ärskurser. Metoden Àr avsedd att anvÀndas för att utvÀrdera hur vÀl SC uppfyller sitt mÄl; att öka elevernas intresse för naturvetenskap. I en blygsam pilot-studie har vi visat att metoden fungerar. Vi redovisar Àven nÄgra resultat frÄn studien. Vi diskuterar ocksÄ metodens svagheter och visar pÄ möjligheter till förbÀttringar