882 research outputs found

    Providing Spaces on College Campuses and through Social Media for Men of Color to Offer Counterstories

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    Counterstorytelling and history can be useful to understand the historical and political context of power, privilege and the oppression of historically marginalized communities in the United States (Zinn, 1994). Similar to counterstorytelling and history, social media has become an important source of news that influences the examination of society and culture, and its interaction of race, law, power and privilege. If one was born yesterday, with no knowledge of the past, one might simply accept anything and everything that social media tells us. “Knowing a bit of history—while it would not absolutely prove the government [and media] were lying in a given instance—might make you skeptical, lead you to ask questions, make it more likely that you would find out the truth” (Zinn, 1994, p. 1 4). This truth is very much rooted in the lived experiences of our daily lives

    Transient perturbation growth in time-dependent mixing layers

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    International audienceWe investigate numerically the transient linear growth of three-dimensional (3D) perturbations in a homogeneous time-evolving mixing layer in order to identify which perturbations are optimal in terms of their kinetic energy gain over a finite, predetermined time interval. We model the mixing layer with an initial parallel velocity distribution U (y) = U-0 tanh(y/d)e(x) with Reynolds number Re = U(0)d/v = 1000, where v is the kinematic viscosity of the fluid. We consider a range of time intervals on both a constant 'frozen' base flow and a time-dependent two-dimensional (2D) flow associated with the growth and nonlinear saturation of two wavelengths of the most-unstable eigenmode of linear theory of the initial parallel velocity distribution, which rolls up into two classical Rayleigh instabilities commonly referred to as Kelvin-Helmholtz (KH) billows, which eventually pair to form a larger vortex. For short times, the most-amplified perturbations on the frozen tanh profile are inherently 3D, and are most appropriately described as oblique wave 'OL' perturbations which grow through a combination of the Orr and lift-up mechanisms, while for longer times, the optimal perturbations are 2D and similar to the KH normal mode, with a slight enhancement of gain. For the time-evolving KH base flow, OL perturbations continue to dominate over sufficiently short time intervals. However, for longer time intervals which involve substantial evolution of the primary KH billows, two broad classes of inherently 3D linear optimal perturbation arise, associated at low wavenumbers with the well-known core-centred elliptical translative instability, and at higher wavenumbers with the braid-centred hyperbolic instability. The hyperbolic perturbation is relatively inefficient in exploiting the gain of the OL perturbations, and so only dominates the smaller wavenumber (ultimately) core-centred perturbations when the time evolution of the base flow or the start time of the optimization interval does not allow the OL perturbations much opportunity to grow. When the OL perturbations can grow, they initially grow in the braid, and then trigger an elliptical core-centred perturbation by a strong coupling with the primary KH billow. If the optimization time interval includes pairing of the primary billows, the secondary elliptical perturbations are strongly suppressed during the pairing event, due to the significant disruption of the primary billow cores during pairing

    Aircraft systems architecting: a functional-logical domain perspective

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    Presented is a novel framework for early systems architecture design. The framework defines data structures and algorithms that enable the systems architect to operate interactively and simultaneously in both the functional and logical domains. A prototype software tool, called AirCADia Architect, was implemented, which allowed the framework to be evaluated by practicing aircraft systems architects. The evaluation confirmed that, on the whole, the approach enables the architects to effectively express their creative ideas when synthesizing new architectures while still retaining control over the process

    Use of Hemoglobin A1C to Detect Haitian-Americans with Undiagnosed Type 2 Diabetes

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the validity of hemoglobin A1C (A1C) as a diagnostic tool for type 2 diabetes and to determine the most appropriate A1C cutoff point for diagnosis in a sample of Haitian-Americans. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Subjects (n = 128) were recruited from Miami-Dade and Broward counties, FL. Receiver operating characteristics (ROC) analysis was run in order to measure sensitivity and specificity of A1C for detecting diabetes at different cutoff points. RESULTS: The area under the ROC curve was 0.86 using fasting plasma glucose ≥ 7.0 mmol/L as the gold standard. An A1C cutoff point of 6.26% had sensitivity of 80% and specificity of 74%, whereas an A1C cutoff point of 6.50% (recommended by the American Diabetes Association – ADA) had sensitivity of 73% and specificity of 89%. CONCLUSIONS: A1C is a reliable alternative to fasting plasma glucose in detecting diabetes in this sample of Haitian-Americans. A cutoff point of 6.26% was the optimum value to detect type 2 diabetes

    Resonant hyper-Raman scattering in spherical quantum dots

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    A theoretical model of resonant hyper-Raman scattering by an ensemble of spherical semiconductor quantum dots has been developed. The electronic intermediate states are described as Wannier-Mott excitons in the framework of the envelope function approximation. The optical polar vibrational modes of the nanocrystallites (vibrons) and their interaction with the electronic system are analized with the help of a continuum model satisfying both the mechanical and electrostatic matching conditions at the interface. An explicit expression for the hyper-Raman scattering efficiency is derived, which is valid for incident two-photon energy close to the exciton resonances. The dipole selection rules for optical transitions and Fr\"ohlich-like exciton-lattice interaction are derived: It is shown that only exciton states with total angular momentum L=0,1L=0,1 and vibrational modes with angular momentum lp=1l_p=1 contribute to the hyper-Raman scattering process. The associated exciton energies, wavefunctions, and vibron frequencies have been obtained for spherical CdSe zincblende-type nanocrystals, and the corresponding hyper-Raman scattering spectrum and resonance profile are calculated. Their dependence on the dot radius and the influence of the size distribution on them are also discussed.Comment: 12 pages REVTeX (two columns), 2 tables, 8 figure

    Design of eco-friendly fabric softeners: structure, rheology and interaction with cellulose nanocrystals

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    Concentrated fabric softeners are water-based formulations containing around 10 - 15 wt. % of double tailed esterquat surfactants primarily synthesized from palm oil. In recent patents, it was shown that a significant part of the surfactant contained in today formulations can be reduced by circa 50 % and replaced by natural guar polymers without detrimental effects on the deposition and softening performances. We presently study the structure and rheology of these softener formulations and identify the mechanisms at the origin of these effects. The polymer additives used are guar gum polysaccharides, one cationic and one modified through addition of hydroxypropyl groups. Formulations with and without guar polymers are investigated using optical and cryo-transmission electron microscopy, small-angle light and Xray scattering and finally rheology. Similar techniques are applied to study the phase behavior of softener and cellulose nanocrystals considered here as a model for cotton. The esterquat surfactants are shown to assemble into micron-sized vesicles in the dilute and concentrated regimes. In the former, guar addition in small amounts does not impair the vesicular structure and stability. In the concentrated regime, cationic guars induce a local crowding associated to depletion interactions and leads to the formation of a local lamellar order. In rheology, adjusting the polymer concentration at one tenth that of the surfactant is sufficient to offset the decrease of the elastic property associated with the surfactant reduction. In conclusion, we have shown that through an appropriate choice of natural additives it is possible to lower the concentration of surfactants in fabric conditioners by about half, a result that could represent a significant breakthrough in current home care formulations.Comment: 10 pages 8 figure
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