5 research outputs found

    palaeoproductivity in the ross sea antarctica during the last 15 kyr bp and its link with ice core temperature proxies

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    AbstractA detailed study of organic carbon content obtained from two sediment cores collected in the Joides basin, western Ross Sea, Antarctica, was carried out. The variations observed during the last deglaciation and the Holocene were compared to the high-resolution climatic records (EPICA DC and Taylor Dome) preserved in the ice. The importance of the carbon content as a proxy for palaeoclimatic and palaeoenvironmental changes was investigated. A dramatic decrease in the Ross Sea palaeoproductivity was observed during the Antarctic Cold Reversal (12.5–14 kyr BP). Another decrease in total organic carbon in the second half of the Holocene (after 5–6 kyr BP) confirms the climate worsening observed in previous studies

    Eventi paleoclimatici tardo-quaternari in aree mediterranee (Mare Adriatico), antartiche (Mare di Ross) e periantartiche (Stretto di Magellano)

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    Dottorato di ricerca in scienze ambientali: scienza del mare. 12. ciclo. Tutore e coordinatore. A. BrambatiConsiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Biblioteca Centrale - P.le Aldo Moro, 7, Rome; Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale - P.za Cavalleggeri, 1, Florence / CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle RichercheSIGLEITItal

    Palaeoproductivity in the Ross Sea, Antarctica, during the last 15 kyr BP and its link with ice-core temperature proxies

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    ABSTRACT. A detailed study of organic carbon content obtained from two sediment cores collected in the Joides basin, western Ross Sea, Antarctica, was carried out. The variations observed during the last deglaciation and the Holocene were compared to the high-resolution climatic records (EPICA DC and Taylor Dome) preserved in the ice. The importance of the carbon content as a proxy for palaeoclimatic and palaeoenvironmental changes was investigated. A dramatic decrease in the Ross Sea palaeoproductivity was observed during the Antarctic Cold Reversal (12.5\u201314 kyr BP). In the second half of the Holocene (after 5\u20136 kyr BP) another decrease in total organic carbon confirms the climate worsening observed in previous studies

    Grain Size, Mineralogy and Geochemistry in Late Quaternary Sediments from the Western Ross Sea outer Slope as Proxies for Climate Changes Antarctica

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    Textural, mineralogical and geochemical investigations of three sedimentary sequences from the Ross Sea continental slope allow to give some important indications on climatic and environmental changes occurred during the Late Quaternary. The cores show cyclical changes in several proxies (grain size, mineralogical and geochemical parameters) which are in phase with glacial/interglacial changes (MIS 1\u20138). Such fluctuations are supposed to be driven by changes in transport mechanisms, reworking and provenance of the material, as well as by changes in direction and strength of marine currents induced by variations in the ice coverage


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    Nell\u2019ultimo decennio lo sviluppo delle tecnologie digitali e della rete internet ha favorito un cambiamento radicale nel costruire e veicolare i contenuti narrativi speciea carattere scientifico; le singole persone hanno cominciato a produrre narrazioni e a condividerle in rete (Petrucco & De Rossi, 2009). La costruzione di storie digitali e la loro fruizione, Cos\uec come avviene per ogni forma di narrazione, costruzione e narrazione di storie digitali favoriscono coinvolgimento e attenzione del fruitore, costituendo una modalit\ue0 efficace per evidenziare potenziali \u201celementi di conoscenza\u201d complessi. In tale ottica,la Sezione di Trieste del Museo Nazionale dell\u2019Antartide in collaborazione con ricercatori dell\u2019- International Centre for Theoretical Physics e del Dipartimento di Ingegneria e Architettura, Universit\ue0 di Trieste, ha realizzato un progetto biennale cofinanziato dalla Regione FVG e incentrato sulla figura di Darwin. Il progetto appena completato ha messo in luce il ruolo di Darwin quale studioso capace di applicare l\u2019interdisciplinariet\ue0, e soprattutto di coniugare aspetti delle scienze naturali e sociali