10 research outputs found

    Determination of Resistance Reference Parameters of Equine Strongyls to Anthelmintic

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    The research undertaken during November 2008 - April 2009 was aimed to find the required pharmacological reference parameters in order to diagnosis the resistance phenomenon of equine strongyls. Strongyls eggs originated from a total of 126 faecal samples collected during the 6 months of study on three different areas of the Danube Delta, where it is estimated that there are a number of over 4,000 wild untreated equine. Testing effectiveness of Mebendazole (MBZ), Fenbendazole (FBZ) and Ivermectine (IVM) was performed in vitro by larva development assay (LDA). To Fenbendazole the reference lethal concentrations were LC50 0.0089µg/ml; LC90 -0.7430µg/ml and LC100 -0.9265µg/ml with a MIC of -18.6031µg/ml. To Mebendazole the reference lethal concentrations were LC50 -0.0078µg/ml, LC90 -0.4566µg/ml and LC100 -0.5688µg/ml with a MIC of 21.4542µg/ml. To Ivermectine the reference parameters were LC50 -0.00028µg/ml, LC90 0.0011µg/ml and LC100 0.0013µg/ml with a MIC of -250.004µg/ml

    Traumatismele vasculare. Experiența Serviciului de chirurgie vasculară a Spitalului Clinic Republican

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    Cursul de chirurgie cardiovasculară, USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Spitalul Clinic Republican „Timofei Moșneaga”Background. Vascular trauma represents approximately 2% of all trauma and 15-20% require urgent intervention. The lethality in the traumas of the main vessels comprises up to 15-25%, they justify the interest that must be given to these injuries. Objective of the study. Analysis of the vascular trauma treatment algorithm, based on the experience of the CRH Vascular Surgery Department. Material and Methods. During (1977-2020) the Vascular Surgery Department provided surgical assistance to 1242 patients with vascular trauma. Basic interventions - marginal suturing of the injured vessel or prosthesis with a saphenous graft. In case of destruction of the surrounding tissues, extraanatomical bypasses, the "open wound" method, were used. 3 patients were treated endovascularly. Results. Post interventional lethality consisted 3,2%. Amputation rate (in case of arterial trauma of the limbs) consisted 4,3%. Conclusion. The vascular trauma treatment algorithm is characterized by the efficient management of peripheral vascular trauma, the organization and observance of the rules for providing medical assistance. The main vectors are early diagnosis and establishment of optimal interventional tactics.Introducere. Trauma vasculară reprezinta aproximativ 2% dintre toate traumatismele și 15-20% dintre traumatismele care necesită intervenție urgentă. Letalitatea în traumatismele vaselor magistrale cuprinde până la 15-25%, acestea justificp interesul care trebuie acordat acestor leziuni. Scopul lucrării. Analiza algoritmului de tratament al traumatismelor vasculare, bazat pe experiența secției chirurgie vasculară a SCR. Material și Metode. În perioada anilor 1977-2020 s-a acordat ajutor chirurgical la 1242 pacienți cu traumatisme vasculare. Intervențiile de bază au fost suturarea marginală a vasului lezat sau protezarea lui cu grefon safen. În caz de distrugere a țesuturilor înconjurătoare au fost folosite bypass-uri extraanatomice, metoda de „plagă deschisă”. 3 pacienți au fost tratați endovascular. Rezultate. Letalitatea postoperatorie a fost de 3,2%. Rata amputațiilor (în cazul traumatismelor arteriale ale membrelor) de 4,3 %. Concluzii. Algoritmul de tratament al traumatismelor vasculare se caracterizează prin managementul eficient al traumei vasculare periferice, organizarea şi respectarea regulilor de acordare a asistenţei medicale. Vectorii sunt diagnosticul precoce și stabilirea tacticii intervenționale optimale

    Метаболический синдром и стеатоз печени

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    USMF N. Testemițanu, Laboratorul Gastroenterologie, USMF N. Testemiţanu, Departamentul Medicină Internă, Conferința naţională de gastroenterologie şi hepatologie cu participare internaţională ”Actualităţi în gastroenterologie şi hepatologie” 16 iunie 2016 Chișinău, Republica MoldovaMetabolic syndrome (MS) is a complex of risk factors that occur as a result of the combination of insulin resistance, depositing excess of body fat (visceral abdominal, blood vessels, internal organs including liver and pancreas), with a major impact on cardio-vascular system, frequently accompanied by liver involvement. The aim of this study was to detect the frequency of liver alteration associated with MS, in patients that addressed the consultation of a gastroenterologist. Of 263 patients who were seen by a gastroenterologist, in 85 (32,7%) were diagnosed MS. The average age was 50,95 years, the ratio males: females – 1: 1.02. In 80 (94,12%) patients of the studied group with MS was established hepatic involvement: non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, (NAFLD) – 27 (33,75%) cases, chronic viral infection (B, C, D) in 10 (12,5%) cases, the association of chronic viral infection and liver steatosis – 43 (53,75%) cases. In 5 (5,88%) cases were diagnosed other pathologies of gastrointestinal tract: chronic pancreatitis, chronic cholecystitis, gastroesophageal reflux disease. MS is meeting frequently in patients with hepatic pathology of different etiology. Non-alcoholic liver steatosis is a risk factor commonly associated with MS, therefore the clinician has to be ready in diagnosing this pathology on outpatients level in order to stop the chronic hepatic disease unfavorable evolution and progression.Метаболический синдром (МС) представляет собой комплекс факторов риска, которые возникают как результат резистентности тканей к инсулину, избыточного жироотложения (увеличение массы висцерального жира, отложения на передней брюшной стенке, в сосудах, во внутренних органах, включая печень и поджелудочную железу), с негативным воздействием на сердечно-сосудистую систему, что зачастую сопровождается вовлечением печени в патологический процесс. Целью данного исследования было выявление частоты ассоциированного с МС поражения печени среди пациентов, обратившихся за консультацией к врачу-гастроэнтерологу. Среди 263 пациентов, осмотренных гастроэнтерологом, у 85 (32,7%) был констатирован диагноз МС. Средний возраст составил 50,95 лет. Соотношение по полам мужчин и женщин составило 1:1,02. У 80 (94,12%) пациентов в исследуемой группе с МС было выявлено поражение печени: неалкогольная жировая болезнь печени – 27 (33,75%) случаев, хронические вирусные инфекции (B, C, D) – в 10 (12,5%) случаях, комбинация хронической вирусной инфекции и стеатоза печени – в 43 (53,75%) случаях. В 5 (5,88%) случаях были диагностированы другие патологии желудочнокишечного тракта: хронический панкреатит, хронический холецистит, гастроэзофагеальный рефлюкс. МС встречается часто среди пациентов с печеночной патологией различной этиологии. Неалкогольная жировая болезнь печени это фактор риска, достаточно часто встречающийся совместно с МС. Таким образом, клиницисты должны быть готовы диагностировать данную патологию при амбулаторном обследовании, чтобы своевременно предотвратить возможную неблагоприятную эволюцию

    Scientists support Medical University "Nicolae Testemițanu" in the development of the Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology in Republic of Moldova

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    Laboratorul de Gastroenterologie, USMF "Nicolae Testemițanu", Chișinău, Republica Moldova, Departamentul Medicină Internă, Disciplina de Gastroenterologie, USMF "Nicolae Testemițanu", Chișinău, Republica, Conferința Națională de Gastroenterologie și Hepatologie cu participare internațională „Actualități în gastroenterologie și hepatologie” MoldovaAfter the end of the Second World War, for the homeland defense, the entire staff of the Leningrad Institute of Medicine was transferred to Chișinău together with students and the entire teaching staff and was named the State Institute of Medicine from Chișinău. The Institute began his work on 20 October 1945 with a single faculty – that of General Medicine. The first rector was appointed Sorocean Evpatii Christoforovici. Teachers within the USSR (Russia) had a great influence on the evolution of Moldova's medicine, including in the area of gastroenterology and hepatology. The modern development of Gastroenterology and hepatology in our country had a permanent success because of the support of university rectors. A big contribution had and still have health care ministers from Moldova. The gastroenterology work progress in clinical and scientific field is determined by a permanent contact with chiefs of the university clinical bases and with colleagues from other specialties. The progress of medical science, both of gastroenterology and hepatology is due to a correct and proper management. The enormouswork, both in the past as well as currently, of the entire team of scientists and illustrious physicians contributed and still contributes to the development of national medicine, including gastroenterology and hepatology.После окончания Второй Мировой Войны, весь коллектив Ленинградского Медицинского Института был переведен в Кишинев вместе с студентами и всеми проффесорами под названием Медицинский Государственный Институт Кишинева. Институт начал свою деятельность 20 октября 1945 года, имея всего один факультет – Общая Медицина. Первым ректором был назван Сорочан Евпатий Кристофорович. Профессоры СССР (Россия) имели особенное влияние на развитие медицины в Молдове, включая гастроэнтерологию и гепатологию. Развитие современной гастроэнтерологии и гепатологии в нашей стране имеет успех благодаря постоянной поддержки ректоров университета. Большой вклад внесли и вносят по сей день министры Здрaвоохранения Молдовы. Процветание клинической и научной деятельности осуществляется при постоянном сотрудничестве с глав-врачами клинической базы университета и при помощи коллег других специальностей. Прогресс медицинских наук, гастроэгтерологии, а также гапатологии, обусловлен правильным и подходящим менеджментом. Огромную работу, как в прошлом, так и в настоящим проделал весь коллектив прославленных ученных и врачей, которые способствовали и способствуют в дальнейшем развитию медицины, включая национальную гастроэнтерологию и гепатологию

    Data concerning the epidemiological characteristics in the helminth infestations of the Danube Delta’s cormorant populations

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    This study is focused on the elucidation of some aspects regarding the endo- and ecoparasite fauna specific for the Danube Delta’s cormorants. The researches on the two species of cormorants (Phalacrocorax carbo and Phalacrocorax pygmaeus) had as main purpose the specification of the helmitofauna’s etiology, epidemiology and micro- ecology present to the 2 studied species

    The first seroepidemiological survey for Angiostrongylus vasorum in domestic dogs from Romania

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    Abstract Background Angiostrongylus vasorum is a metastrongyloid nematode localized in the right heart and the pulmonary arteries of domestic dogs. The number of reports in Europe has recently increased, presumably as a consequence of a growing awareness among clinicians, animal owners and researchers, but also due to a growing incidence and territorial spread. So far, no studies have been conducted to assess the prevalence and distribution of A. vasorum in domestic dogs in Romania, and the awareness among veterinarians is limited or absent. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the countrywide seroprevalence of circulating antigens of A. vasorum and specific antibodies against A. vasorum in domestic dogs from Romania. Methods Between November 2016 and July 2017, blood was sampled from a total of 1545 domestic dogs from 23 counties of Romania. Details about their gender, age, breed, housing, use and origin were collected. All serum samples were tested for the presence of A. vasorum circulating antigens (AG) using monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies in a sandwich ELISA. Additionally, a sandwich ELISA using A. vasorum adult somatic antigen purified by monoclonal antibodies was used for specific antibody (AB) detection. Results A total of 33 dogs (2.14%, 95% CI: 1.82–3.56%) were seropositive for A. vasorum antigen or antibodies against the parasite. Three dogs were positive for antigen only (0.19%, 95% CI: 0.07–0.57%) and 30 dogs (1.94%, 95% CI: 1.36–2.76%) were positive for antibodies only. No dog was positive for both tests. The overall prevalence (AB or AG) and the AB prevalence were significantly higher in pure breed dogs compared to mixed breeds and mongrel dogs (P < 0.05) and in shepherd dogs compared to other groups (P < 0.05). There was no significant difference between males and females, between urban and rural dogs, between dogs with unrestricted access and with restricted access to the environment, and between dogs living outdoors and indoors. Conclusions Our data suggest that the disease is present in Romania in dogs, as it was previously demonstrated in foxes. However, so far, no clinical case has been reported in the country and this may be related to a low awareness among vets