691 research outputs found

    Deontological morality can be experimentally enhanced by increasing disgust. A transcranial direct current stimulation study

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    Previous studies empirically support the existence of a distinctive association between deontological (but not altruistic) guilt and both disgust and obsessive-compulsive (OC) symptoms. Given that the neural substrate underlying deontological guilt comprises brain regions strictly implicated in the emotion of disgust (i.e. the insula), the present study aimed to test the hypothesis that indirect stimulation of the insula via transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) would enhance disgust and morality in the deontological domain. A randomized, sham-controlled, within-subject design was used. Thirty-seven healthy individuals (25 women) underwent 15-min anodal and sham tDCS over T3 in two different days, while their heart rate (HR) was recorded to derive measures of parasympathetic nervous system activity (HR variability; HRV). After the first 10-min of sham or active tDCS stimulation, participants were asked to 1) complete a series of 6-item words that could be completed with either a disgust-related word (cleaning/dirtiness) or neutral alternatives; 2) rate how much a series of vignettes, each depicting a behavior that violated a specific moral foundation, were morally wrong. Levels of trait anxiety, depression, disgust sensitivity, scrupulosity, and altruism as well as pre- and post- stimulation momentary emotional states were assessed. Compared to the sham condition, after active stimulation of T3 a) HRV significantly increased and participants b) completed more words in terms of cleaning/dirtiness and c) reported greater subjective levels of disgust, all suggesting the elicitation of the emotion of disgust. Although the results are only marginally significant, they point to the absence of difference between the two experimental conditions for moral vignettes in the altruistic domain (i.e., animal care, emotional and physical human care), but not in the deontological domain (i.e., authority, fairness, liberty, and sacrality), where vignettes were judged as more morally wrong in the active compared to the sham condition. Moreover, scores on the OCI-R correlated with how much vignettes were evaluated as morally wrong in the deontological domain only. Results preliminarily support the association between disgust and morality in the deontological domain, with important implications for OC disorder (OCD). Future studies should explore the possibility of decreasing both disgust and morality in patients with OCD by the use of non-invasive brain stimulation techniques

    Association between attention and heart rate fluctuations in pathological worriers

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    Recent data suggests that several psychopathological conditions are associated with alterations in the variability of behavioral and physiological responses. Pathological worry, defined as the cognitive representation of a potential threat, has been associated with reduced variability of heart beat oscillations (i.e., decreased heart rate variability; HRV) and lapses of attention indexed by reaction times (RTs). Clinical populations with attention deficit show RTs oscillation around 0.05 and 0.01 Hz when performing a sustained attention task. We tested the hypothesis that people who are prone to worry do it in a predictable oscillating pattern revealed through recurrent lapses in attention and concomitant oscillating HRV. Sixty healthy young adults (50% women) were recruited: 30 exceeded the clinical cut-off on the Penn State Worry Questionnaire (PSWQ; High-Worry, HW); the remaining 30 constituted the Low-Worry (LW) group. After a diagnostic assessment, participants performed two 15-min sustained attention tasks, interspersed by a standardized worry-induction procedure. RTs, HRV and moods were assessed. The analyses of the frequency spectrum showed that the HW group presents a significant higher and constant peak of RTs oscillation around 0.01 Hz (period 100 s) after the induction of worry, in comparison with their baseline and with the LW group that was not responsive to the induction procedure. Physiologically, the induction significantly reduced high-frequency HRV and such reduction was associated with levels of self-reported worry. Results are coherent with the oscillatory nature of the default mode network (DMN) and further confirm an association between cognitive rigidity and autonomic nervous system inflexibility

    Reducing the meta-emotional problem decreases physiological fear response during exposure in phobics

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    Anxiety disorders may not only be characterized by specific symptomatology (e.g., tachycardia) in response to the fearful stimulus (primary problem or first-level emotion) but also by the tendency to negatively evaluate oneself for having those symptoms (secondary problem or negative meta-emotion). An exploratory study was conducted driven by the hypothesis that reducing the secondary or meta-emotional problem would also diminish the fear response to the phobic stimulus. Thirty-three phobic participants were exposed to the phobic target before and after undergoing a psychotherapeutic intervention addressed to reduce the meta-emotional problem or a control condition. The electrocardiogram was continuously recorded to derive heart rate (HR) and heart rate variability (HRV) and affect ratings were obtained. Addressing the meta-emotional problem had the effect of reducing the physiological but not the subjective symptoms of anxiety after phobic exposure. Preliminary findings support the role of the metaemotional problem in the maintenance of response to the fearful stimulus (primary problem)

    Dynamic Assessment of Masonry Towers Based on Terrestrial Radar Interferometer and Accelerometers

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    This paper discusses the performance of a terrestrial radar interferometer for the structural monitoring of ancient masonry towers. High-speed radar interferometry is an innovative and powerful remote sensing technique for the dynamic monitoring of large structures since it is contactless, non-destructive, and able to measure fast displacements on the order of tenths of millimeters. This methodology was tested on a masonry tower of great historical interest, the Saint Prospero bell tower (Northern Italy). To evaluate the quality of the results, data collected from the interferometer were compared and validated with those provided by two types of accelerometer-based measuring systems directly installed on the tower. Dynamic tests were conducted in operational conditions as well as during a bell concert. The first aimed at characterizing the dynamic behavior of the tower, while the second allowed to evaluate the bell swinging effects. Results showed a good agreement among the different measuring systems and demonstrated the potential of the radar interferometry for the dynamic monitoring of structures, with special focus on the need for an accurate design of the geometric aspects of the surveys

    Polarized Endocytosis of the Keratinocyte Growth Factor Receptor in Migrating Cells: Role of Src-Signaling and Cortactin

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    Cell migration is a physiological process that requires endocytic trafficking and polarization of adhesion molecules and receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) to the leading edge. Many growth factors are able to induce motility by binding to specific RTK on target cells. Among them, keratinocyte growth factor (KGF or FGF7) and fibroblast growth factor 10 (FGF10), members of the FGF family, are motogenic for keratinocytes, and exert their action by binding to the keratinocyte growth factor receptor (KGFR), a splicing variant of FGFR2, exclusively expressed on epithelial cells. Here we analyzed the possible role of cortactin, an F-actin binding protein which is tyrosine phosphorylated by Src and is involved in KGFR-mediated cell migration, in the KGFR endocytosis and polarization to the leading edge of migrating cells upon ligand-induced stimulation. Biochemical phosphorylation study revealed that both KGF and FGF10 were able to induce tyrosine phosphorylation of Src and in turn of cortactin, as demonstrated by using the specific pharmacological Src-inhibitor SU6656, although FGF10 effect was delayed with respect to that promoted by KGF. Immunofluorescence analysis demonstrated the polarized localization of KGFR upon ligand stimulation to the leading edge of migrating keratinocytes, process that was regulated by Src. Moreover, we showed that the colocalization of cortactin with KGFR at the plasma membrane protrusions and on early endosomes after KGF and FGF10 treatment was Src-dependent. Further, by using a RNA interference approach through microinjection, we showed that cortactin is required for KGFR endocytosis and that the clathrin-dependent internalization of the receptor is a critical event for its polarization. Finally, KGFR expression and polarization enhanced cell migration in a scratch assay. Our results indicate that both Src and cortactin play a key role in the KGFR endocytosis and polarization at the leading edge of migrating keratinocytes, supporting the crucial involvement of RTK trafficking in cell motility

    In Vitro Anthelmintic Activity of Sea Buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides) Berry Juice against Gastrointestinal Nematodes of Small Ruminants

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    Simple Summary Gastrointestinal nematodes are included worldwide among the most prominent parasites of small ruminants. In past decades, the control of these nematodes mainly relied on the use of synthetic anthelmintic drugs. However, nowadays the exclusive use of anthelmintic drugs is considered an obsolete and unsustainable control strategy due to the onset of anthelmintic-resistant sheep gastrointestinal nematode strains and the issues linked with the environmental pollution and residues in food of animal origin of synthetic anthelmintic drugs. Among alternative or complementary methods, the use of plants endowed with anthelmintic properties has been identified as a valuable option. As a part of this approach, this study evaluated the in vitro anthelmintic properties of two commercial sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides) berry juices on sheep gastrointestinal nematodes. Both H. rhamnoides berry juices tested in this study showed interesting anthelmintic properties in vitro. The obtained results are promising regarding the use of sea buckthorn berry juice as a potential tool for the control of gastrointestinal nematodes in small ruminants. Gastrointestinal nematodes are one of the major threats in small ruminant breeding. Their control is difficult due to the development of anthelmintic resistance, and the search for new molecules endowed with anthelmintic activity (AH) is considered a priority. In this context, we evaluated the in vitro AH activity of two commercial sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides) berry juices, namely SBT and SBF. The in vitro evaluation was based on the egg-hatch test and larval exsheathment assay at different concentrations. Data were statistically analysed, and the EC50 was calculated. Chemical analyses were performed to evaluate the total polyphenol content of the juices and chemical profile of the most represented compounds. The role of the polyphenolic fraction in the anthelmintic activity of the juices was also assessed. At the highest concentrations, the activity of SBT was high in both tests and comparable to that observed in the thiabendazole-treated positive controls, while SBF showed a lower efficacy. Glycosylated isorhamnetin and quercetin were the most represented polyphenolic compounds in both juices. In conclusion, both H. rhamnoides berry juices tested in this study showed interesting anthelmintic properties in vitro

    3D reconstruction of an underwater archaelogical site: comparison between low cost cameras

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    The 3D reconstruction with a metric content of a submerged area, where objects and structures of archaeological interest are found, could play an important role in the research and study activities and even in the digitization of the cultural heritage. The reconstruction of 3D object, of interest for archaeologists, constitutes a starting point in the classification and description of object in digital format and for successive fruition by user after delivering through several media. The starting point is a metric evaluation of the site obtained with photogrammetric surveying and appropriate 3D restitution. The authors have been applying the underwater photogrammetric technique since several years using underwater digital cameras and, in this paper, digital low cost cameras (off-the-shelf). Results of tests made on submerged objects with three cameras are presented: (c) Canon Power Shot G12, (c) Intova Sport HD e (c) GoPro HERO 2. The experimentation had the goal to evaluate the precision in self-calibration procedures, essential for multimedia underwater photogrammetry, and to analyze the quality of 3D restitution. Precisions obtained in the calibration and orientation procedures was assessed by using three cameras, and an homogeneous set control points. Data were processed with (c) Agisoft Photoscan. Successively, 3D models were created and the comparison of the models derived from the use of different cameras was performed. Different potentialities of the used cameras are reported in the discussion section. The 3D restitution of objects and structures was integrated with sea bottom floor morphology in order to achieve a comprehensive description of the site. A possible methodology of survey and representation of submerged objects is therefore illustrated, considering an automatic and a semi-automatic approach

    Self-healing CD30- T-clonal proliferation of the tongue: report of an extremely rare case

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    The etiology of traumatic ulcerative granulomas with stromal eosinophilia (TUGSE) is not clear, traumatic irritation having advocated as the most likely cause. TUGSEs are typically self-limiting slow-healing lesions of the oral mucosa with unclear pathogenesis, commonly manifesting as a rapidly developing, long-lasting ulcer
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